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I seem to be in identity limbo. I don't seem to "fit" where I am and I'm wondering if it's the way I have choosen to live my life.

1.How old are you?
2.Are you more comfrotable with people 10 yrs older or 10 yrs younger than you?
3.Age when you had your 1st child?
4.What is your career, how and when did you choose it?
5. Where would you most like to be, and what would you be doing?

2006-10-19 15:39:19 · 10 answers · asked by hazydaze 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

1: 20
2: I am most comfortable with people 10 years older.
3:I have no children yet, but my husband and I are ready to start a family soon.
4:I own 4 businesses with my husband. He had them before we got married, but I am going to go to school to be a counselor.
5: I want to be in my house with my husband just watching a funny movie and laughing.

2006-10-19 15:53:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Intresting question. Well, I'm feeling good about some areas of my life right now, and bad about others. But I'm young, and I can't always have my way. Let's see:
1.) I'm 21
2.) As far as dating, I prefer to go 10 years older ;-) But just in general, 10 years older, there too.
3.) No kids.
4.) I'm in the military and I choose to do that when I was 18
5.) I'd like to be living in an asian country (like Japan) and doing some super important for the U.S. Govn't. or a major ad-executive that every one wants. (Teehee... I have big dreams).

2006-10-19 22:47:49 · answer #2 · answered by Tericka 4 · 0 0

If your the one who has choosen it, then you are also the one that can change it, when your young you should hang out with older wiser people and when you get old hang out with younger people to stay young and not worry about dying and what medicine to take etc!

2006-10-19 22:43:57 · answer #3 · answered by Michael 5 · 0 0

I am 27
I havent had one yet
I am in school now to be a nuclear med. tech
I just chose it 2 years ago when I was at my local community college
I would love to have a family started by 31 and a small house on alot of land and get married
I would be hopefuly working at a hospital

2006-10-19 22:44:09 · answer #4 · answered by fancy 5 · 0 0

1. i'm 21
2.i feel more comfortable with people older than me.
3.no kids yet, thank God
4.i'm going to school to be a nurse. chose this 5 years ago
5.i would like to go to ALASKA see a killer whale in person.

2006-10-19 22:42:51 · answer #5 · answered by rowbee 3 · 0 0

I am a stupid old man.
The details you want to know are not important to me. I am enjoying warmest friendship with many people throughout the world who are much cleverer than me.
I wish that other clever people realize their complete ignorance, and start seeking for the love and the knowledge of the One True God.

2006-10-19 22:50:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

1. 53
2. either, both
3. 30
4. Insurance sales, 12years ago by default.
5. Right where I am, my bedroom. However I should be cleaning the basement.

2006-10-19 22:42:30 · answer #7 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 0 0

1. mid 40's
2. older
3. 23
4. nursing. it just happened and it's a hellava ride.
5. with my husband, making up lost time.

2006-10-19 22:43:30 · answer #8 · answered by Nurcee 4 · 0 0

no children
LPN, it was just something i wanted to do since i was in junior high. I get to help people and make money at the same time.
don't know

2006-10-19 22:46:17 · answer #9 · answered by Znai 2 · 0 0

10 years older
13. sike never had sex
medical student
coney island ny, eating at hot dog eating contest.

2006-10-19 22:42:50 · answer #10 · answered by losangelesmoons 2 · 1 0

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