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Society & Culture - 11 October 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Okay,calm down,before you start screaming "EVILNESS!" and "ETERNAL DAMNATION!" Listen what I have to say would ya? And for the devout religious people, you might as well leave now before spewing out verses for an exorcism. With THAT out of the way now...let me start off by saying, yes, I believe in God. I love God. But no, I do not believe in EVERYTHING the bible says. Religion is corrupt. And the Bible contradicts itself. I could go ON and ON about religious mumbo jumbo but this question is about the Ouija board. I take it seriously, respect it, and will ask for protection from God. I am not seeking to contact a lost loved one, I am seeking an answer to my biggest fear- Dying. I suffer insomnia from this fear, take therapy, but feel compelled to ask "them." I mean, they're THERE, maybe they will talk. What happens? Really, a friggin light shines down on you and beams you up to Heaven? If someone can relate to this, are there other forms of "communication" other than the Ouija?

2006-10-11 06:42:11 · 12 answers · asked by chickingirl19 2 in Religion & Spirituality

...why is shells and clams found all over the world, petrefied and in the closed posision. A petrified clam in the close position? Remember that when clams die, they open, and doesnt it take millions of years for something to petrify? Or could a wordwide flood have caused this?

Please go check out www.evolutionfairytale.com

2006-10-11 06:42:00 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Would anybody like one?

2006-10-11 06:41:41 · 3 answers · asked by ANGUS 4 in Etiquette

Considering all the suffering: torture, rape, famine, murder, etc.

2006-10-11 06:41:25 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My opinion on this is God created humans in his image knowing just like we have kids and if they do not live by our morals do we have a right to kill them like God did in Sodom and Gomorah or the flood. If God did not want us to eat the forbiden fruit then why give us curiosity. If we ahve free will how free is it if we are given ulitimatums either live how god says or go to hell what kind of chioce is that its like asking would you like fries with that or do you want us to throw you in the boiling oil. hmmmm. Thats sounds like despotism not a loving God.

2006-10-11 06:39:39 · 25 answers · asked by ernestmisyuk 1 in Religion & Spirituality

It's time to order checks again. What theme should I use? Movies, TV, Music, Cartoons, Sports. What is available? I am up for suggestions.

2006-10-11 06:39:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Why is it that people are brought up and told to beleive in something because thats the way its always been.
People of one country or religious faith are told to beleive that these other people are their enemy and that they should be hated or killed?
But yet they cannot explain why the people should be hated or killed, beyond the normal excuse of thats the way it has always been.

2006-10-11 06:38:49 · 18 answers · asked by creskin 4 in Religion & Spirituality

This made a very real and powerful point to me just now.


"[F]or many of the people I interviewed, witnessing is an essential part of their Christian faith. In order to understand that faith. I had to be willing persist in listening even when my salvation, beliefs, and life became the uncomfortable object of the conversation. I am using the word object here deliberately because, in many ways, I found witnessing to be an objectifying experience. No matter in what way I articulated or failed to articulate a reasonable position for myself, my lack of belief turned me into an object. In Martin Buber’s language, I often felt at these moments that I turned from a “Thou” in the conversation into an “It.”

If you evangelize, do you try to prevent that, and if so, how?

If you aren't Christian, do you feel objectified by evangelism? Why or why not?

2006-10-11 06:37:18 · 8 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-11 06:37:16 · 3 answers · asked by Wise Fool 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Why is religon important?
What historical facts do you use to prove that things really occurred or that people really existed?
I am not interested in taking your word for it.
I want historical facts and figures that can be proven to back up everything that someone has said.

2006-10-11 06:35:38 · 19 answers · asked by creskin 4 in Religion & Spirituality

"I pledge allegiance to the Earth
and all the life which it supports
one planet, in our care, irreplacable,
with sustenance and respect for all."

(seen on Earth poster)

Imagine if all our kids began their school day saying that pledge.

A little girl, upon seeing an image of the Earth taken from outer space for the first time, said; "Look Mommy, there are no lines!"

2006-10-11 06:35:11 · 2 answers · asked by Joy_Brigade 3 in Earth Day

How is it that most of us work 9-5 most of our life and feel it's okay/normal? I think it's the craziest thing on earth. So many people are obsessed w/their jobs. Their lives revolve around them. You can't do what you want when you want b/c of a job. You can't always fly home for the holidays or attend to someone that's sick, etc. We do not live lives of freedom. Pls don't get the wrong idea & think I'm against WORKING-I'm NOT, I'm against 9-5 type jobs that have you chained to a desk day after day. This world is so big and there's so much to do/see. We should have free time for the things we love to do. The sad part is, when most of us retire (if we even can) we'll be worried about money for housing and medical bills, etc. How is it that most people spend their entire lives as robots? Personally, I'm trying to think of creative ways to work/make a living that won't control every aspect of my life. I don't want my life to be in the hand's of another (boss, etc).

2006-10-11 06:33:16 · 12 answers · asked by Tara 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Which one of them is most likely to be named Mean Butch Dyke of the Year?

2006-10-11 06:32:27 · 15 answers · asked by CDEFGHIJ^ 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

How many unwanted children have you taken into your home and provided for and loved?
It's easy to think of passing a law saying let's not kill any more unborn babies, but come on, there are so many kids in foster homes.
Please be conscious of the big picture.

2006-10-11 06:32:06 · 14 answers · asked by Joy_Brigade 3 in Other - Society & Culture

TY thank you-what has Jesus ever done against you-"Jesus saith the evil one cometh to decieve, destroy and kill, and is the father of lies." whom will you believe?

I believed our Jewish prophets that predicted Jesus-the Messiah-Micah 5 verses 1&2 says "Thou thou Bethlehem be small among Israel, yet out of thee will come forth one from eternity."

Isaiah said he would be born a sign a miracle to a virgin-and he would be God with us." Isaiah 7vs14

do you know the love of God? its a song too-do u know that one-Jesus has never let me down-ive let him down lots-his name is most precious to me-and when i sin and confess and forsake it-He is there to help me back to His peace and joy-what a wonderful savior is he!!

thanks and best day ever to thee!

2006-10-11 06:29:41 · 11 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

How do you quit breaking a sin pattern. I know that my cursing is a sin. But, I cannot stop my self from doing it! I am a practicing Christian(goes to church regular, volunteers, spends daily time with God). But, I cant shake this !! Any suggestions ?

2006-10-11 06:29:30 · 19 answers · asked by lwagner1998 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Why the hell do fereigners come to England and moan non stop?? If they arnt moaning about people being rascist towards them they moaning about how bad our country is or something eles. They get bigger houses than us, they have more rights than us and get all the jobs.
Im training to be a police officer and i hate the fact that its going to be easier for me to get in the police force becasue im half black. Why do they get treated better than people born and bred in this country???

2006-10-11 06:28:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Every Halloween we have an office wide competition.Best Team and best indvidual costume wins great prizes. Last year we were a pack of skittles and the year before that we did the Wizard of Oz. Please help!

2006-10-11 06:28:00 · 10 answers · asked by rab 1 in Halloween

2006-10-11 06:27:47 · 26 answers · asked by Spadesboffin 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Is it hypocritical if someone consistently insults other participants, whether explicitly or implicitly, and spams the question board with numerous mindless questions that may or may not be related to the category...and then that person reports someone else for insulting other participants, spam, and wrong category?

I wasn't sure...so I thought I'd get others' thoughts on it...

Please let me know how your religious beliefs (or lack thereof) led you to the conclusion regarding the hypocrisy of the above hypothetical example. Thanks!

2006-10-11 06:25:28 · 23 answers · asked by Open Heart Searchery 7 in Religion & Spirituality

If Ragnarok has not happened why do some books discuss it as having happened or is that just Odin's ability to see the future that is written down? Also, if only 2 humans survive then couldn't we be the decendants of those 2 humans?

2006-10-11 06:23:36 · 3 answers · asked by d1jensen 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The Koran Vs. The bible? Which is Accurate account of God?

Do you think there are human errors here!

Please submit proof (O stupid answers or you will be reported thanks)

2006-10-11 06:22:35 · 29 answers · asked by Marina 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Are you guys cannabis friendly ? I think its hysterical when these people come on my questions and rant on and on about how wrong I am, They dont believe in ANYTHING..not even the toothfairy...and then say.. BTW " Im not an atheist ".........as if to say they are among the ranks of the believers and are revolting and reviling from within the faith... Is this another dark and super intelligent ploy to deceive me and others ? It was sooooooooo mysterious I almost missed it....BUT thank you Jesus I somehow caught it....I can just see you at your computer... " dang..we will get Annie with this one..lets act like we are believers and all those stupid atheists will think we are not atheists too "... I think they are smarter than that guys.... ( at least I hope they are ) LOL...dang ...you guys... put down the drugs.... its affecting your memory... BTW Did you guys know that smoking pot is still illegal ?

2006-10-11 06:22:27 · 25 answers · asked by ? 2 in Religion & Spirituality

SO I set two friends up on a date. They had known each other through me for a few years and I knew the girl was interested in the guy. Turns out they slept together the first night. Now he is saying that he can't really respect her because she slept with him. To me that is stupid, she never said she doesn't respect him, AND he was the one who made the 'move'. The guy is my neighbor and best friends with my husband. But now I am ticked at him for acting this way. He normally eats at our house 3-4 times a week but really I just want to distance myself from this selfish jerk.

Do most straight men think this way?

Do ANY gay men think this way?

When I was single and scored on the first date that just meant there would be a second date for sure!

2006-10-11 06:22:11 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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