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The Koran Vs. The bible? Which is Accurate account of God?

Do you think there are human errors here!

Please submit proof (O stupid answers or you will be reported thanks)

2006-10-11 06:22:35 · 29 answers · asked by Marina 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Just saw something similar:

The Quran is 100% accurated, where as the bible has had books added taken out re-ordered, translated, etc..... (want source I cangive you all sorts and the Quran is 100% perfect, without mistakes) The QQuran came from God all mighty!!!

First and foremost, a Muslim must agree with at least a number of your statements, due to the very message of the Quran itself. Consider that you said that the Bible came directly from God. Where else could it have come from? The very first words in the Quran confirm that the Bible was "sent down" before the Quran and it is from Allah. Also, Muslims cannot be considered as believers unless they do confirm that the Bible was originally from Almighty God. So this is no longer a point of discussion, in that we both agree.

Was the Bible sent down in English? - No. That would be most facetious to consider when we take into consideration that English is only a 940 year old language.

Does the Bible still exist in the original form in which it was revealed and in the original languages? - No.

Can any scholar of the Bible say with absolute certainty which of the verses of the Bible came to Abraham, or Moses, or David, or Solomon or Jesus? - No.

Do you accept that the English version of the Bible is the same thing that was held in hands of the Great and Noble prophets of Almighty God? - No.

Of course you don't. After all, only the most inept and uneducated from the most backward of civilizations would dare make such a claim.

Does the book that Christians call the "Bible" today represent the Great and Noble Bible of Moses, David and Jesus? - No.

Does this English version contain mistakes? - Too many. (Refer to the links I have provided)

Bible? Did it come from God? - Yes. Absolutely. No doubt.

Quran? Did it come from the same God? - It claims to and it confirms the same about the real Bible.

Quran? Was it sent down in Arabic? - Yes. It says so as one of the verses in it; "A reading sent down in the clear Arabic language..."

Does the Quran still exist in the original form? - Yes. It is still available all over the world in the Arabic language.

Can any scholar of the Quran sate with absolute certainty that the Quran today is the same one that was sent down to Muhammad? - Yes. And they do.

Do we accept that the Arabic version of the Quran is the same thing that was held in the hearts and memories of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him? - Yes. Ask any Muslim scholar.

Does the book that the Muslims call the Quran today represent the Great and Noble Quran of Muhammad, peace be upon him? - Yes. No doubt.

Does the Arabic Quran contain mistakes? - No. Not even one.

Quran? Does anyone know what it sounded like? - Yes. All Muslims recite it in Arabic in their prayers five times a day.

Bible? - Anyone know what it sounded like? - Only a few experts claim to know how some words might have sounded but they are not one hundred percent sure about most of it.

Bible? - Are there different versions with omissions, deletions, changes, missing books? (Compare Catholic Bible [73 books] to Protestant Bible [66 books])? - Yes. Many.

Quran? - Are there different versions with omissions, deletions, changes, missing books? - No.

Bible? - Do people still memorize it today as they once did thousands of years ago, in the original language? - No.

Quran? - - Yes. All Muslims have memorized at least some books of the Quran and over 9,000,000 (nine million) have memorized the entire Quran, living today.

In fact, a young man came to me about 7 years ago and asked to know more about Islam. He liked the idea of God being the Only God and He is Almighty and does not accept people to set up rival gods with Him in worship. He became a "Muslim" (one who submits their will to the Will of God on earth as it is in Heaven). And today he has memorized the entire Quran from cover to cover in the Arabic language.

Do you think that this is something small? Do you consider all of the above comparisons and then just keep on blindly making statements without evidences? - No, of course you don't.

I feel certain that you are smarter than that and in fact, you are probably somewhat like myself in that you are a seeker of truth, rather than an ignorant promoter of evil, ignorance and hatred. Right? - Of course you are. And as a seeker of truth, you want evidence and plenty of it.

You came to the right place. And you are most welcome.

But before we begin a deep discussion regarding these wonderful revelations that the Almighty sent down to us, I would like to offer some reference materials for you to read and contemplate prior to our anticipated lengthy correspondence. Agreed?

Good. Here are the links to some of the basics to help you get to the first levels of basic knowledge of textual understanding:



After you have completed your fundamentals for preparing for a dialog with me on these issues, I will be waiting for you with open arms and caring heart. Please do as I did many years ago. Clean out the prejudices and bias from your mind and heart and open up to the message of Jesus, peace be upon him. He came as the Christ, the Messiah, the Immaculate Conception and he will return in the Last Days to lead his true followers to victory over the Antichrist by the Will of the Almighty.

Wouldn't you like to join him, peace be upon him? So, would we.

I am waiting . . .

I do appreciate hearing from so many people from all around the world. I regret that I am unable to give each and every email the total time and energy that they deserve. However, I do receive literally hundreds of emails on a daily basis and due to my constant traveling, I seldom have the time or the connection to the Internet to properly handle all of the email traffic.

I hope that you will be able to find answers from our many webpages and domains on our INTERNET web system.

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Write to us for more -- If God wills.

Peace be unto all who follow right guidance,

2006-10-11 06:25:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

The koran is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.I am not being mean when I say this.Read the koran,you will find holes throughout the book.It's almost like something is missing everywhere you look.The original text has been previously destroyed thousands of years ago.Much of the original text was lost forever.The rulers at the time,did their very best to put it back together correctly,but failed in their attempt.The koran might have at one time talked about peace toward your fellow man,but it's just not there.The Holy Bible is infallible.Why?Historical evidence.What am I talking about?Israel becoming a state in1948,just as foretold in the bible.Israel became a state without firing a single shot,but they did fight several hours after announcing it to the world.The original scrolls,the dead sea scrolls,the copper scrolls.King Solomons Gate that was uncovered in 2003.The list goes on and on.What's going to be said if the arc of the covenent is found.Will that be enough proof?It's on the internet.Look it up for yourselves.Scholars and archeologists and scientists for years have tried to research the koran,but have not been allowed to.The more archeologists dig,the more they find out the holy bible was indeed true.It's as real as it gets.They are putting together time frames that are matching descriptions in the bible.Jesus wants us to test him.He wants to show you he is there.I would imagine this is the final stand of the Islamist factions of our day trying to discredit christianity.Noone in most religious(other than christians) circles deny Jesus walked the earth,but they do deny he rose from the grave.Most muslims will never hear of the salvation Jesus offers,simply because missionaries can't get to them,plus fear of persecution.Islam is a peacefull religion,right?I guess that's why apostacy from Islam is illegal in Saudi Arabia.Punishable by death or life imprisonment.Christians right now as we type along are being persecuted for christianity.Stories were actually copied from the holy bible to try to give it credibility.The holy bible was completed,the same version as the 1611 edition king james version,long before muhammad was even born.If an angel did visit muhammad,it wasn't Gabriel.Believe me when I say this.Allah offers muslims nothing but hell.He offers no salvation.No redemption for your sins.The way the koran reads,you will never get to see him when you die.Allah was a meccan moon god.An idol.A carved out piece of stone in the center of mecca.There were other idols right along side Allah.The pagen religion has been perverted over time,and there is no reprieve.Nothing more.If you went to muhammad's grave right now,you would find nothing but bone and dust.If you go to Jesus's tomb right now,it will be cold and empty because he rose from the grave in the flesh.Bare in mind there were over 500 witnesses that saw Jesus on the third day.The apostle Peter put his finger through the holes in his hands.People that follow the rules that Jesus put forth,donot and should not hate muslims,but rather hate the sin that has deceived them.That would be Islam.Islam is the devil's answer to christianity.The muslim community is being deceived and they don't even know it,because they are taught to hate from an early age.
Beware believers in Allah,I cannot stress enough the dangerous chance you are taking worshipping a rock.Jesus is the true messiah.The true son of the living god.

2006-10-11 15:35:59 · answer #2 · answered by Derek B 4 · 1 1

There are errors in both.

What's important here is, as you ask, an accurate account of God. Accurate is not the same as perfect. I am not one of those that tell you that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, because the word ierrant doesn't belong here. INSPIRED is the word to use.

But you can approach the believability of scriptures in several ways. I like to look at the prophecies of the Messiah, and the fulfillment of that in Jesus.

The Koran isn't accurate, and I can prove it, in it's addressing on the issue of Jesus Christ. They say that He was not the Son of God, because God cannot have a son. But that is another story. Also, the Muslims believe in the Torah, I've asked that question here. But if they believe in the Torah, then it's the first 5 books in the Old Testament! Those books tell of what happened in a very pivotal point in history, as the sons of Ishmael were not the children of promise that the sons of Isaac were. So there are contradicting themselves right there.

2006-10-11 13:30:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The Bible is inspired by God. God did not write the Koran so it has no authority.

God used human beings to physically pen the biblical text. But remember God is the author, they are His words. The Bible is inspired by God. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew. The New Testament was originally written in Greek (with a few portions in aramaic). Learn those languages so you can read it for yourself in it's original. Check out some good commentaries (NIV Application commentary, Anchor Bible Commentary, New International Commentary on the New Testament (also one on OT), New International Greek Testament Commentary).

The Bible is inerrant and infallible. Inerrant means it is incapable of having errors, and infallible means incapable of being false. So this means that God protected the Bible while it was being translated to other languages and other translations.

When scribes were copying the biblical text they would count how many words were in each book, in each page, and in each sentence. They knew which word would be exactly the middle of the book/page/sentence. If their text did not match up they threw it away and started over. So they were extremely careful and meticulous in their work.

I recommend The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. He was an athiest until he did research about Christ and the atheniticity of the Bible.

2006-10-11 13:38:55 · answer #4 · answered by cnm 4 · 3 2

Now obviously muslims would say Quran Christians would say Bible,the jews would say neight the Torah.But Technically speaking Historians all around wht towlr dagree that Quran is the oldest scripture on earth in its orignal form...there are no Versions of it just one and the first hand written one is in a museam in egypt Compleatly Preserved.So well even if the other books were the word they been changed so many times the authenticity is questionable.

2006-10-11 19:42:17 · answer #5 · answered by cha0s 3 · 1 1

look this is easy the lord our God of Israel,is the God of the bible,and we know that the God of the bible is the true and living God,because the greatest command that the God of the holy bible gave to us,is to love the lord our God with all of our heart,soul,mind,and strength,and to also love our neighbors,as we would love our own selves Matthew 22-37,and also we know that the God of the bible teaches us all that the greatest gift of all is love 1Corinthians 13,and also the bible tells us let the God of Israel be true and every man a liar Romans 3-4,so you see the biblical account of God is the accurate one,because the Koran only teaches hate,violence,taking it by the sword and terrorism,and also the Koran say their god Allah says to kill innocent people in his name,so you see the bible is the accurate account of God,because as I said before God is love.

2006-10-11 14:01:59 · answer #6 · answered by donangelo 2 · 0 1

I think the answer is in how u interpret the account of God not that one can prove or disprove it because of errors
if someone says becuase of the Koran you have to kill then that's inaccurate. If someone because of it only does good then that's accurate
otherwise you'd have to throw all holy texts out the window

2006-10-11 13:31:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Neither are accurate, both the Koran and Bible are mythology and fiction.

2006-10-12 13:40:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"Is the King James Version the Actual Bible?"

"Are There Contradictions in the Bible?"

"Who is the God of the Bible?"

"Does the Bible Say 'Jesus is God'?"

"What Does it all Mean?"


2006-10-11 19:08:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The Quran actually supports the bible. It says that it holds to the bible. Look this up and you will see. Therefore, my take on it is that the Quran is some sort of "supplement" to the bible that should be taken very very lightly BECAUSE the bible says in proverbs 30:6 "Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar." Same thing goes for the other foo foo books that add & take away from the bible.

2006-10-11 13:29:50 · answer #10 · answered by Light 3 · 0 3

The Bible is the true Word of God

The Bible tells the story of Gods redemption for mankind through Jesus Who "Never" sinned and has the power to raise from the dead. His bones are absent from the grave!

The Quran is a compilation of excuses and rationalizations made up by Muhammed to justify his narcissistic sinful nature.

Think about it;

A loving God that does not sin would "Not" tell a 54 year old man,(Muhammed), to have a sexual relationship with a 9 year old "Child".

That is called "Child Molesting"!!



Also, the "Real" God would not condone anyone, like Muhammed did, to rob caravans and murder people for a living!


In a civilized society, Child Molesters, Murderers, and Robbers, (like Muhammed was), are put in prision, not looked up to as an example for how to live one's life!

2006-10-11 13:26:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

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