I was recently bitten by a snark(snake/shark hybrid) and I thought I had died. Everywhere I went people ignored me, so I assumed I was ghost and that they couldn't see or hear me. I discovered today that I'm still in the land of the living when I tried walking through a wall. But I just smacked into it. Hard. So then I just thouhgt that maybe that ghosts' ability to walk through walls was just myth,until some guy yelled at me "hey jackass, there's a wall there!" And then I said to him "so you CAN see me!" and then he just gave me a perplexed look, called me a jackass again and walked away. Well, since I'm here, I better ask a question. Here's my question: How come on t.v. and movies ghosts can pass through solid objects like walls and even people, but whenever they're like indoors, they can walk across the floor instead of falling through it?
5 answers
asked by
Jimmy H
Other - Society & Culture