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Sociology - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Sociology


2006-08-18 21:48:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

isn't that a good way to start a fight with someone you truly despise? i know it sounds juvenile but i just needed to get his attention.

2006-08-18 21:33:28 · 13 answers · asked by punchface 3

Hypothetically speaking what would happen to the earth if for one full 24 hour day nobody on earth could lie about ANYTHING even the smallest detail like in the movie Liar Liar with Jim Carrey?

2006-08-18 20:38:37 · 17 answers · asked by n8boi02 3

I use to go to the gay bar all the time but now I have tired of the whole experience. The people there seem to pride themselves of promiscuity. Everyone seems so superficial and lacking intellectual depth. Does anyone else feel this way?

2006-08-18 20:07:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When answering this.. don't base your answer on rather or not you are a Christian, base it on if you think I should trade a personal conviction for friendship and connection with more of my peers

2006-08-18 19:02:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would you ask him/her/them

2006-08-18 17:46:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

in class i dont like to raise my hand to answer questions even if i do know the answer. i dont like talking to anybody except my 3 friends and when i do talk to other people it's usually just to answer a question like "did u dye your hair again?" and it's usually just a one word answer. i dont like smiling unless im around my (3) friends or somebody has to say something really funny to get me to smile. and i walk alone to classes except to pe cuz that the only class that i have one of my friends in. what do i do? whats wrong. last year i was so social but now im not.

2006-08-18 17:46:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-18 17:31:38 · 47 answers · asked by sudumon 1

2006-08-18 16:16:47 · 21 answers · asked by Samantha S 1

I have been married for 10 years come January. Most of it has been wonderful, but lately I can't seem to take it any longer. I love my wife with all my heart, and I don't want to get divorced. Every time I try and say something, though, she tells me I am yelling. I try and tell her that I am just talking and she tells me I am defensive. I try to talk about the children, and she cuts me off and gets upset with me. After trying to tell her what I am thinking and getting cut off and yelled at, I get upset and start yelling back. Then she says I am getting out of control and tells me she is going to spend the night at her mother's house.

I don't know what to do. Sometimes it seems like I can't please her for anything, and other times I am getting frustrated over her. I can't get her to communicate in a positive way, and most the time she doesn't want to touch me or kiss me. My marriage is on the shambles. How can I get her to realize she is the most important thing to me?!

2006-08-18 16:15:01 · 21 answers · asked by Thunder 3

My sis and her husband have a roommate that is evil. They're working on legally eviting her, but I would like some ideas to get back at her that really can't get them arrested.

I know it isn't nice. Feel free to be mean to this reposnse if you feel like it.

This roommate put sugar in the OIL tank of their minivan
Has been smoking crack
Smoked cigarettes in my nieces room
Stole money
Has been shoplifting
Having an affair with the neighbor next door
Stole family heirlooms to pay for drugs
Stole cell phone
Burned things with her cigarettes

Thanks in advance...for helping with my evil plan.

2006-08-18 16:02:59 · 21 answers · asked by empress_pam 4

I am about to go to college and I still very dependent on my parents, and feel that is going to take a very long time until I can "grow up".
Can you please give me an overview of how old you were and maybe how you and when you accomplished certain things like getting a car or moved out, and how long and what degree type you got in college? I feel a little lost and confined right now. I'd like to know what your situations were, Thank you.

2006-08-18 15:55:58 · 21 answers · asked by genuine♥ 3

sick of em all......plz somebody, make these dipsh*ts go away.

2006-08-18 15:14:03 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

And why do people have such hatred towards issues that don't directly affect them? (Such as minorities moving into "white" communities, women having the right to choose, women and minorities getting good jobs, etc.)

And why are the people who are speaking up about controversial issues the uneducated and ignorant ones?

2006-08-18 15:11:32 · 8 answers · asked by maisie24 3

This is a serious question, as i heavily suspect that americans, particularly the young, are the sad results of an increasingly warped nation with an imperialistic war mongering government, a school system that teaches kids to bully and exclude, a deep love of a grotesquely shallow trash culture, generally a nation and a people that have become so used to being "the best" (and believe me i use the term as loosely as possible) that they have completely forgotten the rules of common decency, manners, respect and humanity. Look at how many serial killers America has produced........ I mean, lets be fair, if you guys had treated them a little better in school then they probably wouldnt have turned out the way they did. You could call this a sociological question or a racist rant ( im british, and i thank my lucky stars i wasnt born on the scummy side of the pond). I dont particularly care how you see it cos i wont be coming to this site again. Too many yanks.

2006-08-18 14:27:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to visit my grandmother who lives up north. My uncle and I drove up there and I have never met her in my life. Well for dinner we all went to Applebees and she was paying, and she said that you all can have anything you want, so I ordered this steak and shrimp dinner that looked delicious. It was a small steak, but still a steak. My uncle ordered a hamburger and my great uncle ordered chicken finger basket. My uncle said that I disrespected her by ordering the steak dinner. Do you think that I was wrong for ordering or do you think I was ok since I really liked it?

2006-08-18 14:25:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-18 13:26:22 · 19 answers · asked by Jaded 7

No 10 points for replying with Edison....C'mon!

2006-08-18 13:19:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think that if undeveloped cultures had been allowed to evolve naturally, without interference from industrialized nations and religious missionaries, that some tribe or culture out there might have figured out a better lifestyle for the whole human race by now?

2006-08-18 13:17:29 · 3 answers · asked by sueflower 6

Does any body have an ebook version of The Phenomenon of Man book, I'm in egypt, we neither english or arabic editiond of this book?

2006-08-18 13:15:59 · 1 answers · asked by rgeorgy 1

^_^ Do they not believe you when you say you are not going to have sex with them? And then when I tell them I'm waiting until marriage, which is true, thinking they're going to lay off a little bit they try harder, they don't think I notice but I do. I mean do these guys think I am easy? ha, they just never quit.

2006-08-18 13:10:42 · 8 answers · asked by uglyvanity 3

Same with the father. I'm not a parent, so do parents point to themselves to the child and say "mommy" or what? .

2006-08-18 13:00:09 · 5 answers · asked by uglyvanity 3

2006-08-18 12:28:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i do many things to be a successful human,but in the last step i can't continue,i feel tired,everything will be desrtoyed? whai i shall do?

2006-08-18 10:54:31 · 6 answers · asked by mlaak 1

2006-08-18 09:58:21 · 5 answers · asked by Iloveitwhenyoucallmebigpoppa 2

we all go thru this..U'll be the leader of the pack at once n suddenly u'll feel that deviation from ur mood...u'll try to wrap around on to u..U'll feel so sad n other time u'd be the happiest one
..y does it happens??

2006-08-18 09:21:21 · 7 answers · asked by saxon79_99 1

2006-08-18 09:00:49 · 13 answers · asked by Chris M 2

Ok so I just went to go pee at work and ran into this senerio and couldn't quite figure out the ettiqette. I didn't want to intrude on his call by flushing. I did however wash my hands. but tried to be as quiet as possible.

2006-08-18 08:39:21 · 17 answers · asked by Wil G 1

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