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Psychology - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

When her boyfriend was a drug dealing troublemaker, she became a troublemaker. When her boyfriend was an unintellectual simpleton, she became one too. When her boyfriend was mean, so was she. Her own personality always seem to come out again when her relationships get in trouble and she retreats into the family. How and why does she keep sublimating herself into these relationships? Her friends and interests, and opinions always seem to be tied to her boyfriends. I don't have this problem (I never have a boyfriend anyway) and neither does our youngest sister. My sister is 17.

2007-10-26 05:14:19 · 11 answers · asked by Cybele 1

2007-10-26 04:46:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been asked twice if im hit by my dad. Once i had run out cryin becaus i coudnt handel the people and i was having a realy bad day..

and yesterday. when i appoligised for snaping at a girl on swim team and said my dad was drinking last night.

Isnt it amazing what a couple of innosent comments can inply?

and, btw...no, i havnt been hit since i was 8.

2007-10-26 04:43:46 · 7 answers · asked by Crazygirl ♥ aka GT 6

Our actions , reactions and words, affect others.

2007-10-26 04:16:28 · 9 answers · asked by Bemo 5

emotional abuse get stab in the back or slap in the face?which do you choose no different answer.

2007-10-26 04:11:51 · 7 answers · asked by @NGEL B@BY 7


i am so bored... what should i do during school while im bored??

2007-10-26 03:39:19 · 19 answers · asked by Lilgrnbubl m 2

What would you think of an old friend who showed up after 20 years, introduced him to all your friends, welcomed him into your sports team only to find out he is plotting to discredit you and bring you down? Might this have something to do with the fact that i continuously beat him and his son at sport?

2007-10-26 03:16:43 · 6 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

Yes, why? if they owed you money.... don’t you feel embarrass to ask for it (after you already did like 5 times)? When you deserved a rise, and they know it... you don’t fell embarrass to ask for it??? WHY SOME PEOPLE THEY ARE SO CHEAP THAT CAN NOT EVEN PAY YOU WHAT THEY OWED YOU? Why people are so cheap knowing that they are saving a bunch of money with your job but they still wont make it up to you??? why people prefer to loose a friendship over $5.00? tell me why?

2007-10-26 03:02:29 · 6 answers · asked by :) 3

2007-10-26 02:55:51 · 32 answers · asked by murft66 3

I met this girl a yr ago and even though we moved to different cities we keep in touch now and then by chat. It was obvious there was an attraction from the start and sure enough when we met up a few wks ago..we kissed and it was good but never talked about our feelings..as I had to rush off home. She contacted me since & I invited her to visit. She said she will but it's hard to find me there (I'm thinking of heading off travelling). Few days later I told her to visit and she said she'd love to as soon as she gets time off (she's a heavy study load). Last time we chatted she asked how long I'd be around & I said a few mths. She said she has vacn coming up but is thinking of visiting her parents (they're overseas) and then said 'we'll see'. Do I have a chance? It's preoccupying me..I feel strongly for her but don't want to frighten her by telling her how I feel. We go back a long time & once she said she was falling for me (but after a drink).

2007-10-26 02:09:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-26 00:41:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i don't lie and am against backstabbing altogether; i never gossip, EVER. yet it seems that everyone trusts this other guy who i've caught lieing several times, and i see him gossiping very, very often, yet everyone trusts him and not me :(

2007-10-25 23:34:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

In my opinion, one of the biggest stresses occurs on Yahoo Answers all the time, having your question or answer deleted.

2007-10-25 20:20:41 · 12 answers · asked by ♫ Bubastes, Cat Goddess♥ 7

I'm currently in year 12 from today and I feel rather depressed, anxious about the hsc approaching in 11 months time. Looking back at year 11, I have done quite horribly in my subjects except for english, I have a habit of comparing my test marks with my other friends and they usually get higher marks them me, this leads to not being able to study and my head being filled with worry. And what hurts me is that most of my friends don't understand my situation, they make fun of mark instead of encouraging me to do better and soon after they would celebrate and brag about their marks amonst other friends. Don't get me wrong, they're still my friends but it seems that socials aspects of school are going badly for me...

So this is what i thought, I am going to avoid my social life and start studying for the upcoming HSC to show them that my hard work has payed off?? WIll it all be worth it at the end when i put my effort into studying in exchange for friends & social aspects of HS?

2007-10-25 20:19:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please tell me a ghost story and how did u feel?

2007-10-25 20:18:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-25 20:12:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

And are you happy in you're job
i work with people with mental health problems and i love what i do .

2007-10-25 19:03:14 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Worrying does not empty TOMORROW of its trouble, but it empties TODAY of its spirit!!!

2007-10-25 18:54:02 · 10 answers · asked by foxy123magenta 3

I have noticed a disturbing amount of people that believe strongly in "that which has not yet or cannot be proven" (i.e. Fairies, Aliens, Ghosts, The Big G) and yet swear up and down that such disorders as panic, depression, or phobias are not real. Are we going backwards in understanding mental health in this country?

2007-10-25 18:53:38 · 4 answers · asked by bobble242 3

what it was?how you felt?when it happened?

2007-10-25 18:32:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

im a bpd and ptsd sufferer, im 30 years old. my plight now is to recover from these illnesses.....accomplish a happy life....attain things ive never had.... a loving woman....friends....move away from the uk to a nice hot place

but the problem is, ive prematurley aged quite bad, im an ' old ' 30, not a young looking 30.
im bald, i have physical imperfections, damaged nerves in my right knuckle...two missing teeth...at the front, bottom row.

i have torn ankle tendons in my right ankle..

i have a crooked little finger due to mallet finger, where i injured it.
my face has aged....dark lines under my eyes..
im trying to save up for dental implants.
but im worrying because its not like i will be able to attract an attractive partner once ive worked on my problems..

who will want me?
its all about looks now, and looking young, having a full head of hair, young skin. full set of teeth etc..

does anyone else have an opinion about this or is aged & has imperfections?

2007-10-25 18:06:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot stand being around too much cement and the thought of living in a high-rise, stacked up like boxed animals is repulsive. How can you live that way? And take elevators just to get outside? Seriously, I wouldn't pay a dollar to buy a place like that...how do you feel human and live that way? I'm serious...

2007-10-25 18:03:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can swear it gets worse. Whenever I get the spotlight in any way (such as public speaking) I've always had anxiety worse than other people. Lately, it's gotten so much worse. Whenever it becomes my turn to talk in smaller social situations, like as a student in class or even in a group I feel the fear, and it strikes me hard. I can't think at that point, and sometimes I start to stutter and can't finish what I was saying.

I don't know what I need but whatever it is I need it quick, as this condition of mine seems to be getting worse. Is this a mental disorder? It took me a long while to realize that it is anxiety.

If you know anything at all that would help (i.e. types of vitamins or exercise) please let me know. Or if you can point me in the right track (websites, medical). All legit. answers are greatly appreciated.

2007-10-25 17:32:05 · 9 answers · asked by Jean-Francois 5

Have you ever thought about this? Every human have goals and dreams is our motivation, some come ture some doesn't
What's your case?

2007-10-25 17:10:00 · 9 answers · asked by Calypsso 3

sometimes your home, your office can be like hell. it can comefrom people arround you

2007-10-25 16:46:18 · 4 answers · asked by mj 1

Do u agree?I am a freshman mentor ar my school.I supposed to help the first years high school students, get to know the school better and talk to them about the classes and stuff during that hour. I usually do all my reponsibilities execpt for the talking part. I always have appointments with my teachers that I never get time to talk to them. Even if i did have time, I usually didn't. i guess its because a lot of them seemed really wierd to me and i guess i thought i was too mature for a lot of them since i was an upperclassmen.
But Last day I talked to them during the hour. I never knew that they repected me soo much. they told me I am smart and stuff and made me laugh. I was actually feeling kinda down, but the conversations made me feel so much better.

I guess i always failed to see how they viewed me. I always thought being older than made me soo much better.
I guess now I realize that, sometimes we just forget to see people 4 who they really r, because of our ego.

2007-10-25 16:42:37 · 11 answers · asked by Brilliant Queen (BQ)_forever !!! 5

2007-10-25 16:30:18 · 7 answers · asked by emily.pompili 1

a suicidal person or the people trying to prevent the suicide so they won't have to experience pain of loss?

2007-10-25 16:23:34 · 8 answers · asked by Subconsciousless 7

now i working at airport international nicolau lobato east timor i get smoll sallery, I need get more mony what do I do...........!
please your give me some characters...........?

2007-10-25 16:16:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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