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Our actions , reactions and words, affect others.

2007-10-26 04:16:28 · 9 answers · asked by Bemo 5 in Social Science Psychology

9 answers

Everyone has a spiritual base, something that comes from within and that is formed and reinforced by an internal belief system. But everyone else affects that base: most often adding to it, but occasionally taking away from it.

I work in one of the most highly regulated businesses in the world, where the negative is accentuated and the positive (what people do right, which is 99% of what we do) is completely overlooked as routine and expected. Zero positive reinforcement, zero kudos for doing a very difficult job well. And it gets to you after a while. The constant negativity leaves you drained (thank God for a long commute to recharge!). I wonder what the long term effects are on people like myself that hold jobs like these, not only in terms of spiritual well being, but also in terms of life expectancies.

If there is a moral for young people: If you're not happy doing what you do to make a living, Quit! Quit while you can. Do something that you enjoy. You will spend more hours at your job than you do with your family; try to enjoy them, and what you do at work should make you a better person AWAY from work.

2007-10-27 01:13:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Depends on whom you pose that question to. For example to a Humanist they would say of course not, evereyone has the right to pursue whatever they wish.

I can only answer from my belief system. One that says the Universe and everything in it was designed by God [ not just anyones idea of what they feel god is either] The One true God- the God of the Bible. If this is true, nd I know that I know that it is because there is just way too much evidence for it {The Bible is proven Archaeologically - Historically - Prophetically}, as I was saying if this is true - then we have some rules to follow - those rules are found in Scripture..
As a human being I am responsible to forgive - to be openhanded - openhearted - respectful of authority - to show pity, grace, love when appropriate. That was the long answer

-- The short answer to your question is Absolutely yes - we are responsible for our actions, deeds, reactions because they WILL affect those who come in contact with us, whether they be family, aquantinces or just the guy we are in a cross walk with, or the cashier at the local store. The world shows signs of its people imploding right now, because we are all wrapped up in OUR stuff, OUR beliefs, OUR feelings - etc
Just look at the statistics!! If we would all do what Scripture says and put everyone else before ourselves, wow, what a place this would be

2007-10-26 11:38:35 · answer #2 · answered by L 3 · 1 0

Hi Bemo:
Only towards our off-spring do we have a certain responsibility to lay a foundation of spirituality. Once they attain adulthood, they must make up their own minds. Towards the rest: we dare not force our beliefs upon anyone! We can, by setting an example, influence some of them, perhaps, but that is pure divine intervention if it happens. We should, however, shy away from answering questions when asked, for such is the way of the educator. Yet, never should education be enforced unwillingly! That is ALWAYS counterproductive in any case!

2007-10-26 14:16:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We are responsible for being open and curious in their beliefs if it is something we know little about. We are responsible for being accepting and understanding that people are all not just like us and we need to respect their rights to be different. We need to treat people as we want to be treated and be aware of the fact that we are all people, regardless of our specific beliefs and that makes us common in three main ways...we were all born, we will all die, and we all want to find meaning and purpose while we are on Earth. That alone can create the links in spirituality between all people. We are only solely responsible for ourselves, but need to keep in mind that it is impossible for us to not affect others by our actions, words, and beliefs. Make them positive interactions and good things happen.

2007-10-26 11:29:17 · answer #4 · answered by Jules, E, and Liam :) 7 · 2 0

I believe that everyone is responsible for their own personal spiritual well being if in fact they believe in a spiritual well being. We all have the ability to negatively affect people physiologically/emotionally and physically. I think that if everyone treats everyone else how they want to be treated, then it works out ok. I just have to believe in myself and realize that I can’t do anything about it other people. I try to live a good life, and make a positive difference.

2007-10-26 11:25:06 · answer #5 · answered by PseudogodJ 3 · 2 0

In regards to children, we are responsible for their spiritual well being. Example, If we don't go to church every Sunday or set aside a time for our family to pray everyday, how will they know that this is what they should do? They can't know right from wrong if we don't teach them and set the examples. With adults all you can do is live in a way that Christ would want us to and pray that they choose to follow. After all they do have a free will. Can't force people to love God, or to live a christian life.

2007-10-26 14:33:56 · answer #6 · answered by Brenda M 4 · 1 0

A detailed answer is found in LIFT YOURSELF UP - A Guide and Companion for the Seeker of Personal Growth (Amazon). Good luck! This book has all the answers in different way to the above question.

2007-10-26 11:29:09 · answer #7 · answered by Ah All This! 2 · 0 0

we need not be responsible, it happens naturally that we lift up the spirits of loved ones and people around us if we r good at heart and mind our own business.
we need not do it conciously with effort it happens in our natural actions.
that is why peopl flock to catch a glimpse of famous people as it gives us a lift.
we get a glimpse of their conciousness, we absorb their energy and they our pain and make it disappear and grow. both r benefited by the process.
it happened when i went to ramanashram also in shirdi and sholingar and also when i met saints.

2007-10-26 11:56:04 · answer #8 · answered by friendly 2 · 0 0

i think like attracts like...

so if we project a positive attitude then we will get a positive attitude back.

if you smile at someone, they will smile back

being nice to someone causes someone to be nice to someone else....

2007-10-26 14:06:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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