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Psychology - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

people helped so much yesterday, but the other thought I have seems really silly I know but for peace of mind i would apreciate your opinions, after the accident I attended apart from feelings of not doing enough, i also felt that what my husband and I did was incredibly stupid, the speed of the car going up scared me and in hind sight i felt that it was really stupid to put our lives at risk, we could have left our two children orphaned, i know we didn't and I am in no doubt what I would do it again but I was just wondering if this was a normal feeling, or am I just being a silly mum, it could just be that my worst fears were so close that day but I need honest answers to lay this ghost to rest once and for all. for those that have no idea what I am on about please refer to my last question.

2007-09-05 23:55:50 · 7 answers · asked by fruitcake 7

A guy gets the attention of the girl by gazing at her. But when she smiles , he does not smile but continues to gaze with a blank stare. I do not understand what this gesture means?

2007-09-05 20:50:45 · 6 answers · asked by keeth304 1

while reading the newspaper, a book, magazine, or even surfing the net, etc. I frequently come across certain words, phrases, sentences etc. which 4 no apparent reason evoke sudden, emotional, convulsive laughter. Is this behaviour common or am I wacko ? Please help !!

2007-09-05 20:50:28 · 4 answers · asked by jadu 1

I dreamt, I worked, and I got. This was the way of life. Now, no dream. why? I don't know. When I have no dream, it's pointless to live. So, why can't I dream now like I did in the past? Not that I achieved everything... it's not that. So strange....

2007-09-05 20:19:54 · 2 answers · asked by Ziyoda 1

I have heard many stories where people have been shot by a gun but they only thought they had only been punched. Is there any evidence of the human body producing chemicals that would make the process of death less traumatic?

2007-09-05 20:05:09 · 4 answers · asked by bloody maria 1

Some think computers will eventually with androids and robots enslave people till they out grow their usefullness but will the computers believe they evolved through self design or were created by the rumored long forgotten human. this not meant as an analogy to the supernatural but only a curious thought in the natural world thousands of years from now.

2007-09-05 19:18:00 · 4 answers · asked by dogpatch USA 7

ok so i'm 13 and had my 1st kiss today but it was with a girl....i'm bi and we both like each other @ first i was happy & then i started thinking about it...i kissed her it was so sudden and random i just closed my eyes it was about 5sec and just touching lips then after she just smiled so did i but i didn't want my first kiss to b made by me i wanted some1 2 kiss me...&if thats not enough drama i have a b/f hes 15 (i'm 13) and the sweetest guy i've ever meet incase u were wondering hes a virgin and wants 2 wait till he finds some1 and gets to know them really well b4 he goes all the way) he trusted me enough 2 tell me about the horrible things that have happened 2 him and i trusted him to tell him about horrible things that people have done 2 me he said he really like me but after i kissed caitlin he called and said he has alot of drama & he promised it wasn't a line he really liked me but w/ all the stuff about hes mom he can't deal with more drama and he said he really really wants

2007-09-05 19:00:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-05 17:47:15 · 4 answers · asked by luis d 1


What are your first thoughts. Be honest.

2007-09-05 17:44:50 · 14 answers · asked by friend 2

I noticed most of my friends who slept with many guys and were promiscuous got married younger and had a couple of kids, while the girls that were good and would make better wives because they would be loyal and dedicated never got married and had kids. What gives? Society?
Speaking of women in their 30s....

2007-09-05 16:36:31 · 9 answers · asked by Born Valentine's Day 5

I've battled depression my entire life but I didn't realize it until lately. I am now on a prescription and I see a therapist monthly. I feel wonderful and much better, but I've also noticed that I don't feel as close with my husband anymore. Has "getting better" ever caused problems with your relationship?

2007-09-05 16:10:40 · 2 answers · asked by Suse 4

It seems that school is a breeze to me, but I don't feel all that focused. Sometimes I feel like I can't pay attention, and then I end up forgetting things that I need to know the next time I have the class. And I am very addicted to skateboarding and music by Incubus, and it's really hard for me to not listen to music, and it's really hard for me to concentrate when I'm playing their songs through my head. I am a procrastinator usually, and even though I've been getting by with my procrastination problems, I have harder classes this year, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to do my home work. How can I stay focused?

2007-09-05 16:05:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I grew up with a very abusive & controlling father. My whole life I've always tried to do the right thing and suffered my own happiness at the sake of everyone elses. Everything I do in life has to be perfect and if its not then I worry over the most unnecessary things. I'm trying to figure out where does this need for perfection stem from and how in the world can I get rid of it????

2007-09-05 15:50:21 · 4 answers · asked by ooolala 2

For example: When I learn the way to a store (how to get there and back) I stick to it. I fail to notice the shorter more logical paths. It takes time for me to familiarize myself with an area where it takes my friends one or two times. And it makes me mad when people who drive with me do not know how hard it is for me. They constantly ask me...."where are you going?!"

2007-09-05 15:25:56 · 6 answers · asked by Indgrid 1

just wondering...are you answering my question right now because you expect that i will choose your answer as the best? be honest please...

2007-09-05 15:07:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was just wondering because im doing a detailed research on this, so just to get myself a foot ahead..
Do bulimics, if they have thrown up a lot, i mean like maybe like twice a day daily, would they be so used to throwing up that it will become involuntary? and if they want to stop they cant??
or am i getting the wrong idea?
thank you

2007-09-05 15:04:23 · 1 answers · asked by saila 1

2007-09-05 14:58:04 · 13 answers · asked by aslofhome 2

like i thought i saw this girl that hates me and the person that i thought was her was so pretty and were surrounded by friends. i got so jealous, mad, depressed, and sad. i felt like fainting and dying. i felt like killing myself. i have no friends and i'm not so pretty and she was. i had lots of friends and i was pretty until she took my friends and ruined my confidence. so i was like this isn't fair i felt like fainting right there. then i found out it wasn't her. yeah. haha. what can i do? why am i letting how she is effect how i am?

2007-09-05 14:51:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay im 18 and went out with this guy like 3 yrs ago but we never remained friends cause he was in trouble alot and stupid psycho. well i saw him a few times in between and now im in college. he just emailed me and says he feels bad we never stayed friends, and stuff. he also wants to go inot the same thing im studying in college supposedly. i dont know if i should ignore him or be nice and write back. i just dont want him to start calling me and stuff. my parents would get mad if they found out i was talking to him again too. what should i do cause i dont really like him. but dont wanna be mean

2007-09-05 14:49:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just want to know how you would define the phrase.

2007-09-05 14:46:44 · 2 answers · asked by sierra8152001 2

who can write the best observation

A man walked 3 steps to the left and 1 step to the right.

2007-09-05 14:46:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-05 14:40:03 · 3 answers · asked by doves 4. diamonds@yahoo.com 1

i am gifted, and i know the actual definition, but what will that ever get me in life? does it actually help? can i use it in any way? why is the gifetd mind different other than the fact that it developes quicker...

2007-09-05 14:34:02 · 8 answers · asked by Julia 1

OK. I used to be the nice, friendly, sweet, innocent girl...that was in elementary school. I made friends easily, and if life wasn't fun I made it fun. Then I went to middle school, I got exposed to cussing, everyday school fights, and just plain old mean, rude, and disrespectful people who I didn't know. I just SHUT DOWN! like i didn't really talk to anyone 6-9th grade and when people tried to reach out and be nice to me, I basically turned them down like some evil troll or something (i can see that now but i couldn't see it then). I think it was my way of rebelling against being like them, but unfortunately i failed to see that everyone wasn't the same and that i actually hurt some people. Now (junior year),nice people who knew me since 6th grade still treat me like im still the same silent troll even though Im trying to change. I feel like I missed out on the best parts of my life...or at least the all important awkard stage. I wanna start over being that person but I don't know...

2007-09-05 14:25:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to know how to psychologically crush a person, using only words. think like the psychopaths in the movies...

2007-09-05 14:20:05 · 4 answers · asked by yep 2

I'm 13 years old, and extremely self-conscious. PLEASE help me! I'm really not fat, but sometimes I feel like I am, I don't think I'm pretty, and I sweat through just about everything from nervousness. Anybody who doesn't know me just thinks I'm shy and very boring. I really have a great personality, I'm just afraid to show it for fear that people will like me even less. I get nervous and quiet around boys and popular girls, and when I do say something, it's usually stupid. PLEASE HELP ME GET MYSELF BACK!

2007-09-05 13:38:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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