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Psychology - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

2007-08-07 01:57:29 · 3 answers · asked by jo n jo 5

How do we recall those memories?

2007-08-07 01:55:00 · 5 answers · asked by Moose 6

2007-08-07 01:53:15 · 7 answers · asked by ♥M♥ 4

Love can be so addictive.

We all search and long to be loved by someone specail.
The jounery towards love can be amazing, and the ride your on while in love out of this world.
However the flip side to love is the dark bottom less pit you must climb out of when you loose some one whom you've loved so dearly.

Isn't love the most addictive drug in the world, which can also turn into a diease ?

2007-08-07 01:41:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

yo shouldnt depend on anyone else?

2007-08-07 01:21:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i went to the beach yesterday and i got my kids a 4man boat but the sea was to ruff..how can i find out how ruff the sea will be before going to the beach ??

2007-08-07 01:13:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

how what when can u have self confidence

2007-08-07 00:20:59 · 8 answers · asked by jordan 1

2007-08-07 00:14:48 · 23 answers · asked by lala 1

its for my biological psychology subject...tnx!!!!

2007-08-06 23:34:51 · 4 answers · asked by mica j 1

I really havn't had much luck in my life for the last 3years. I have been quite sick and have had a few operations and a major car crash which I should be dead from (I have permenant injuries). I've had depression and been hurt a lot.

But I feel things are about to change. I've had a pretty good week (except possibly having pneumonia). I got offered a promotion at work (after being there just over a month), I'm not sports prefect at school, I'll be seeing my best friend in the whole world in less than 20days and I've been getting heaps of compliments lately and I've had top grades in 5 out 6 of my subjects at school!

I'm just scared though that I'm going to screw things up. Is it normal to feel like this? I want to be happy but I'm really scared! Please help!

2007-08-06 23:34:09 · 9 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7

2007-08-06 23:04:21 · 29 answers · asked by thuppakki 3

Am I liar?
I was talking to a gay guy who is out about someone's lie. I personaly hate lies and liars so much and he said what's the difference between liar and me if I don't come out? It offended me so much. Am I liar because I can't come out? I'm nothing different from liars which I hate?

2007-08-06 22:53:05 · 15 answers · asked by Chris 2

i was abused badly by someone i looked up to and they never payed for what they did yet. I wake up from nightmares and i feel an overwhelming anger inside for payback. I go in the basement and bring large knives and hammers and smash things pretending its their head. I have fantasies of killing them and since this issue has been ignored i feel like i want to take it into my own hands for payback, what do i do?

2007-08-06 22:37:44 · 5 answers · asked by glfd 1

When I was young, starting at six, I was put in numerous foster homes, treatment centers and group homes by my mother who was convinced that I was mentally ill. After years of rejection by her, hurt was replaced with anger and rage and I began to prove her right. I would blow up for no apparent reason and get so mad and frustrated that I would become a danger to myself and others. Medication just seemed to make it worse and trust me, I been on the best of them.
Over the years after stoping the medication I learned to control my rage. I became an active member of society, had a child and graduated college. I even told my mother I forgive her, although that is not true. I just knew it was what was expected of me, to forgive and move on. But inside I am still so angry. I find myself envious of those who had a normal childhood, I can't maintain stable relationships, and I find myself getting angry at my daughter alot.
I want to move on, be happy with my life, but don't know how. Help!!!

2007-08-06 20:57:34 · 19 answers · asked by MoMo s 1

It is not funny! I suffer with Anxiety and Depression because of people like that. It has ruined my life. It is the reason why I cut myself off from socialising and having friends. The only kind of socialising I do is on Yahoo! Answers, which is becoming difficult due to the troll problems on here, which has made me leave on several occasions. But, I have decided to stay this time. I need to socialise with people, and as Yahoo! Answers is the only place where I can do that, I’ve decided to say to myself, stuff the trolls on here, they’re not worth me getting stressed, or worked up.

2007-08-06 20:37:34 · 37 answers · asked by ? 1

Very often I hear people who are low down with sadness. They have live hard lives, been hurt, feel unwanted, and want to give up. They complain, or dwell on bad things. Sometimes they do not do so intentionally. They just do it as conversation: "Well, my mom died, and my debt keeps growing, etc" and these people arent alone. When they reach out in sadness, many answer. For so many of us feel the same way!
What would happen instead if everyone who feels this way (depressed, ashamed, lonely) what if instead we came together to complain, we came together to celebrate?
Celebrate that we are not alone! That we all feel the same at times. Celebrate that we're alive! Celebrate that we have the ability to change our futures, starting now. Gow beautiful would it be if we made the decision to come together and change? To forgive our past for hurting us, to forgive ourselves for choices we have made. To be grateful for what we have learned, and move on to bigger, more beautiful things?

2007-08-06 20:03:37 · 7 answers · asked by beautiful disaster <3 2

I'm a scizophrenic by the way and sometimes I sing to the voices just as a fun way of telling them to get f****. I already am on medication have been for a year and still hear these voices telling me to get a band and become a singer. So do you think that I should or just go about life living normally working with all these stupid voices in my head?

2007-08-06 19:37:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My question is a bit vague, but I'll explain. Since I was about 5 y/o my mom tried to "program" me to be a feature twirler in high school. My adolescent childhood was filled with twirling lessons, ballet and gymnastics to prepare me for marching band. (I never followed through with it in college.. too much drama)

I am now almost 23, and every time I talk about my sports and interests while growing up.. he tries to degrade me. Especially marching band. Like what I did was not important and that twirling or band is "not" a sport. He doesn't understand how much of my life I've put into this "real sport".

He never did anything in his childhood, except watch sports with his dad. Why does he do this to me? What am I supposed to do to forget about him degrading me?

2007-08-06 19:26:04 · 10 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2

The reason I ask this is because I have a 8 yr old son who has ADHD and since they won't say he has bipolar we will say mood disorder instead.. yea right they don't live with him..Anyway if they can't be put under that disorder till a certain age then why are they put on the bipolar medications?? Isn't Bipolar a mood disorder?? Whats the diffrence?
Also why can't they just use the term childhood bipolar?

2007-08-06 17:58:48 · 4 answers · asked by paulam29 1

How Is Psychology an art? Please describe how psychology is an art in FULL detail using your own words. Thank you!

2007-08-06 17:54:34 · 5 answers · asked by journeythroughlife85 2

I'm just curious. I'm a long distance runner and when I'm running I just think about things that people have said to me. I guess trying to decipher what they really meant.

2007-08-06 17:35:41 · 8 answers · asked by Miss Achromatic 2

Ever since I can remember I always have studdered, but I recentley read "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor Frankel and it taught me to look at the bright side of life. There's a passage from the book that talks how he(a psychologist) treated a man w/ studdering problems. The concept he used is to think about a time when you were happy. So I thought and thought, and I came upon a time in my life that makes me happy every time I think about it. It was my 5th, 6th,or 7th birthday and the party was in my backyard. I was blind-folded and when the blindfold was removed I saw my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cake. I don't know why, but every time I think about this it makes me happy, almost to the point of tears. Ever since then I have stopped studdering. I haven't studdered in 3 months. I just had to get this off my chest, it really isn't a question. So I'll add a question. Have you ever experienced anything like I have?

2007-08-06 14:34:02 · 4 answers · asked by Class of '09 3

I suffer severe anxiety during presentations and job interviews. I can also get a bit nervous (not really severe anxiety) when I meet some new people who are not like me (especially different age, different social class..). But I do get along with new people who are like me & who would fit into my friendship/social group.
But the main problem is during presentaions and face-to-face interviews, and it is ruining my life. I've been to many interviews, but have never been able to land a job because of my anxiety. The jobs that I have gotten didn't involve any interviews.

Who do I see to fix this.. a general GP? Psychiatrist? Psychologist? Therapist? Hypnotist? (Does hypnosis really work?)
How do you know which one to choose?
And where do you find them? Yellow Pages?
How do you know if they're the right doctor?

Any other advice would be much appreciated!

2007-08-06 14:22:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

my ex bf&i were2gether for2yrs.We broke up about 6mons. ago(his doc.put him on antidepressants&he broke up w/ me by saying he was happy w/ his medication so didnt need me nemore)he was obviously just using me,but now that we have been broken up he says hes happy but idk how he could b?he has multiple sexual partners,he is involved w/ cocaine,he got a DUI,he got a ticket 4 going 140mph(may lose his license for that 2)&his parents kicked him out of his house.deep down inside idk how he can be happy,however,he seems apathetic 2wards his life situations. I left 4 college about a month ago&havent been happier.he is supposed 2 leave 4 college in a few weeks,idk if he still is,but i just wonder if anybody reading this notices this trend?is he bound 2go places in life&what are the chances of him turning his life around. He wasnt destructive like this when i was w/ him but its like he cant get ahold of himself.what caused this destruction&is it possible he has mental illness(already has OCD&ADD

2007-08-06 13:34:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A guy friend moved to another state a year ago and since then have kept in contact by chat..once a mth or so even though we didn't know each other well before he left. I have to visit his city for work in a few weeks and he said he'd love to meet up. Problem is I'm now thinkning about him a lot..he wrote that he's going to fall in love with me & also said hurry up and come! We admitted we like each other. Thing is I don't know him that well & I'm just worried as we don't chat very often. Now its a few wks since we've chatted..usually he contacts me. It's making me insecure & worried but I do know he's really busy now. So a week ago, I mailed him to tell him the date I'll be there and am waiting a reply. Why hasn't he got back to me? Really, he initiated all the feelings..& I reacted to this as I started having feelings too. Now why the silence when he always sounded so excited about the whole thing?

2007-08-06 13:05:28 · 2 answers · asked by sonia 1

I do not have low confidence. I can talk to girls easily if the barrier between us has been broken. I am comfortable with myself the majority of the time. I am also happy most of the time and I really dont take things too seriously. However, I am shy (although I have "fooled" one girl, I am in a psychology class), so I plan to ask a girl for her phone number or to talk some girl for the first time and I get all excited, but when the time comes the idea leaves my mind or I just get nervous and later I feel as though I have let myself down. The most dominant reason is that I have a fear of redness (I have rosacea). I guess the rosacea side of me (that has all of the qualities I do not like) is scarred (I have had bad experiences) and it seems not to matter that I try to improve myself confidence and self-esteem all the time (by always visualizing things and being positive with myself). I guess I am afraid of falling into weakness (that is how I perceive it).

2007-08-06 12:09:04 · 9 answers · asked by twid392™ 6

I have a good friend I've made this summer. He's a guy, and I'm a girl, but there's nothing romantic going on between the two of us. We genuinely are, just friends. Here's where the problem lies, however. He has a girlfriend, and I have to admit, she does come off as a bit psychotically insecure and posessing extreme trust issues. Whenever I call my friend's phone, she will take his phone and answer it, then cusses me out and calls me every name in the book and that I have no reason to be talking to HER boyfriend. She emphasizes that quite a bit. Now, normally, I'd laugh it off. But it's becoming rather extreme. She's entered my name into his phone as "Don't Answer" and has been known to take his phone for weeks just to monitor who calls him. She's also made him three-way me a lot, pretending to not be there and my friend will say something along the lines of, "You and I aren't friends. I don't know how many times I must tell you this." (We still hang out, behind her back) Any help?

2007-08-06 11:56:13 · 4 answers · asked by Brutally Honest. 5

not through outside events changing you, but from your own concious effort.

2007-08-06 11:10:33 · 369 answers · asked by Smoochy Poochy 6

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