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Psychology - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

We feel love yet we cannot ascertain where do we get it ,what is it??? Somebeody plZ explain!!!!!!

2007-08-06 00:08:38 · 13 answers · asked by Sikandar A 3

It seems when you make a comment about certain groups of people it is always considered a stereotype, but when you say something like, "Middle Eastern people have a different concept of personal space than westerners." It is considered a cultural trait? Can't there be cultural traits for different cultures living in the same area?

2007-08-05 23:45:20 · 7 answers · asked by parkdad73 1

For the most part, I love Yahoo Answers however on occasion I've had some people make mean comments. One told me I was ugly, another told me I was stupid.

Even in life, I seem to concentrate on the negative comments rather then the positive comments.

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts/theories about this?

2007-08-05 23:35:39 · 4 answers · asked by Sunny 3

2007-08-05 23:21:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

How is it that some people don't care about others? They could care less if something bad happened to somone, as long as it isn't them. What causes this? Is it a condition? Or is it simply the way they are (personality wise?)

2007-08-05 23:14:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont know any honestly

2007-08-05 20:47:00 · 11 answers · asked by geebob358 2

There are a lot of us out there who are not happy with our lives
what if you could say just one thing to make them happy
What would it be?

2007-08-05 20:36:11 · 18 answers · asked by geebob358 2

Has anyone else been on a jungian journey into the collective unconscious by using the shadow as a metaphor for the primal self that gets repressed by the modern persona and also by using an underground setting and labyrinth office design to represent both the depths of the psyche and the dungeon-like isolation of our increasingly mechanistic society which prevents people from finding satisfying work or meaningful connections with others?

2007-08-05 20:28:18 · 8 answers · asked by saq428 6

I have an adult child that may have this condition. I know its diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist. Can a person with borderline personality disorder really not remember the episodes of it and the mood swings and intense anger? During these episodes my child often threatens suicide, although she has never tried it and can be both physically and verbally abusive. She claims to not remember her behavior the next day. I never know when the mood swings will hit her and she can be fun and great to be around one day and a complete nightmare the next. How do I cope as her parent and how do I help her beyond being supportive of her seeing a psychiatrist to get help?

2007-08-05 20:10:40 · 4 answers · asked by seattlesunlover1 1

Consider the statement "Psychology has a long past but a short history." What do you think this means? In your opinion, which person or perspective has had the most influence on the growth of psychology?

2007-08-05 19:12:21 · 4 answers · asked by journeythroughlife85 2

what determines what we dream about

2007-08-05 16:33:58 · 7 answers · asked by Andres L 2

since lil kid dream am on checker board n no matter where i step devil pops up in front of me horns,tail pitchfork,red n all am 54 yo now so 4approx 40 yrs have it chases me all over board what's up with that? serious question so serious answers pls t.y.

2007-08-05 15:42:16 · 5 answers · asked by cindyw 1

one of my guyfriends who lives far away had a dream that i was pregnet and that he was with his friends and i called him up cause i was in labor at the hospital, he said that i was whining and yellin at him that he wasnt with me at the time, so he took a plain out to see me and when he got to my house, it turned out i wasnt pregnet at all! can anyone help

2007-08-05 15:38:19 · 10 answers · asked by peaches and cream 2

Do you find yourself using words you've never used before, wondering where you heard them, and then realize they came from one of your friends?
Walking like that person, too?

2007-08-05 15:33:10 · 5 answers · asked by sophia100 2

Would you undo a marriage, for example, and marry someone else? Would you choose NOT to have children? Would you change your career choice? What would it be?

2007-08-05 14:03:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the issues that lead people to not believe in themselves and their abilities? Why are some people so insecure?

2007-08-05 13:52:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

and insulting questions on the same subject ..each with a slight change in the wording ? Noticing the same name on several vile questions - but choosing not to respond to hate , I was curious all the same and looked at the questioners Q & A . What would make someone so miserable that they sit down at the computer and decide to spread some of that misery around , day after day ? What is your take on this ?

2007-08-05 13:41:27 · 4 answers · asked by missmayzie 7

ok i have a phobia, i need to get over...my question is did you, yourself, ahve a phobia and slowly got rid of it? if so how? what method did you use? so you know someone who get rid of it in a certain way? if so could you please share it...i jsut want to get rid of it

2007-08-05 13:40:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever noticed that? It's been the bane of both my father's and my existence almost since birth. A related phenomenon is the simple observation that for many of us, we can more vividly recall certain memories from our childhood than we can recall memories from even just the previous day. Now what's up with -that-?

2007-08-05 13:36:35 · 2 answers · asked by uncleclover 5

its the one where the caveman is sitting with the therapist,at the end his cell phone rings and tells the therapist its his mother and he is going to put it on speaker....my girlfriend who is a therapist says he is making refferance to froyd,is that the message here?..or my theory is he trying to make it known he up to date by having a cell phone,with technology in general,what does the end of the commercial mean????

2007-08-05 13:21:21 · 4 answers · asked by jesse12508 1

My wife never told me her feelings or expressed her needs. I thought she was happy until she ran off with a coworker after 14 years together. My friends told me that surely she talked to you about not being happy. And no she never did its like she internally exploded and is rebelling against me. what gives?

2007-08-05 13:17:24 · 9 answers · asked by David r 1

2007-08-05 13:15:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't just mean copy you in little things such as buying the same things as you, but copying your entire personality. I have a "friend" that is stealing my personality and views on every issue. i know they wern't like this before, but the more im near my group of friends, the more this one idiot friend keeps copying me and its so annoying and it makes me angry. people say we look like brothers because he keeps copying the way i look even. ahhhhhhhhh F*&K him

2007-08-05 12:15:12 · 7 answers · asked by 26th-of-July 1

Why is it that we go to sleep and the next thing we know we are awake again and we have no concept of time in between that?

2007-08-05 11:32:20 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going to be a sophomore in hs, and i'm really good at sciences. This is the first year i have seriously considered this career...is it a good one to do if your that passionate about it?

2007-08-05 10:53:19 · 6 answers · asked by Tr4ck4Inc@ 2

Pornstars seem to violently defy socially accepted sexual ethics and behaviour. They are willing to go to any or all extremes on camera for money. I am curious about any psychological analysis of pornstars; i.e. what makes them so willing to act as they act on camera? and how are newbie stars so open even in their debut films?

2007-08-05 10:40:32 · 14 answers · asked by AjitPD 3

Throughout the day?

2007-08-05 10:31:04 · 4 answers · asked by cap3382 4

2007-08-05 10:27:46 · 7 answers · asked by head shot 2

This is going to be really really long and I'm sorry, but serious answerers please post...

I'm 15, and throughout my life I have had trouble making friends....I'm okay in social situations soemtimes i guess, but when i was really little 3-4, i would always lock myself in my bedroom when we had people over ....this also happened when i was 9 when my mom threw me a birthday party....

I feel like I can't love anyone, or feel love. I just don't really want it either....I hate the words "I love you"...I guess I care about some people, like my mom....but it pains me to say I love you...and i feeel absolultely no emotion when someone tells me that, even my mom.

Is this a pyschotic or mental disorder??? please help! I will probably attend a counselor soon but I would like responses with people of knowledge...

2007-08-05 10:03:10 · 7 answers · asked by fromrussiawithlove 2

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