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Psychology - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

1. Katie and Ayisha are 6 years old. They are both playing with their toy kitchen. Peter, who is also 6 years old, asks the girls if he can join in. Katie and Ayisha refuse, saying "only mummies do cooking". How would social learning theorists explain the girls´ refusal to let Peter join in. (4 mark question so no essays pls)

2. Describe and discuss the psychoanalytic explanation of gender development. Refer to one other explanation in your answer. (10 mark question so a bit more information needed)

By the way just so you know this is not a homework it is revision (i found this question and couldn´t answer it right, so i thought you could help me in case they ask it in an exam).
Thanx for your help.

2006-11-14 02:06:20 · 2 answers · asked by Finn 3

i know its not right....and know its stupid...but lately i have been totally obsessed with my weight....and stressed out with money, bills, moving out, my man......and just everything....what should i do?

2006-11-14 01:53:23 · 10 answers · asked by Jackeeeee 3

necessarily agreeing with them...BUT DO NOT WANT TO MAKE THEM MAD....just say, i see, or oh, really!!!( you do not know the other side of the story, not should you...plus you do NOT WANT TO BE INVOLVED....before you just walk away!!!and let-it-go!!!>>>????

2006-11-14 01:39:14 · 7 answers · asked by sweet 4

winner means ,partner satisfaction not only heart by physical

2006-11-14 01:23:37 · 17 answers · asked by uthumanmydeen_2000 1

as the reality one is avoiding ?

if so how ? and how can one tell he's doing so, subconsiously and consiously ?

2006-11-14 01:16:14 · 5 answers · asked by igottanoe 3

It seems like with e-mail and speed comes less sophisticated language. People type the message, they do not write in cursive. Hand written letters express individuality a lot better. Is it a sign of so called 'progress' or are we on the way of becoming something like Borg from the Star Trek?

2006-11-14 01:12:49 · 9 answers · asked by paloma 3

me-bullying (check out my bullying site,its my profile name)

2006-11-14 01:10:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I started a Religon where my Followers where taught to not follow any religon, but just to be REAL human beings, and not let things get you down, And my religon would reward you with the promise that you would be happy for the rest of your life, would you be willing to be happy everyday from now on?
This is all free!! Heres how to it. Instead of your daily routine of your 'Habit' whoa-is me, sitting in front of your TV or whatever you do, Heres The perfect fix! STOP IT!!! Stop dewelling on the future, and live your life TODAY! And PLEASE dont take any prescription drugs, or any drugs that (so called) Help you.
Your only feeding the drug companys, and your REAL life has not changed to a happy one.
BE YOURSELF as if you where 17 again! No Drug Companys kept you down then, so why should they now! Keyword- Be yourself. Think about it.... You will like it.

2006-11-14 01:06:18 · 2 answers · asked by Mike E 3

i don't mean just elderly people, everyone forgets things.

2006-11-14 00:38:26 · 10 answers · asked by Kismet 7

a different side of themselves on it ? Do u? If I were to meet you on the street and strike up a conversation with you would I have the same impression of you as I have on here reading your answers and questions ? Is this the side u keep hidden because I've read alot of nice, encouraging, deep, thought provoking, etc answers and questions (although there are alot of junky ones too =x ) that i rarely ever hear about or see outside of this cyber world.
so i was wondering whats up with it ? Are you people just protraying yourself as someone you're not or do you all live in timbutu ?

2006-11-14 00:36:03 · 12 answers · asked by igottanoe 3

If yes- in what situations?

2006-11-14 00:17:59 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

..about physcology (spelling?) like what peoples physical action, peoples emotions and stuff.. basicaly.. how to tell why someone would do something and the meaning of their actions and what one persons feelings are expressed or feeling deep down inside.. is there a website that would tell you what they mean and stuff.. cuz i wanna study on that a bit.. its a wierd question..hopefully someone will understand.. lol

2006-11-13 23:57:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask loads about situation that lots of pepole might find themselves in, may be friends, may just be a topic of discussion but dumb fools always assume its your own situation and launch into big personal attacks!

2006-11-13 23:54:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend always gets rid of spiders so bravely. I would never!

2006-11-13 23:45:39 · 29 answers · asked by tulip 4

in other words i am on a fixed income, i don't frequent bars or that sort, however it seems as though finding a female companion has/and or seems to be very difficult, And so i am really searching and am accomplishing <0> someone please help?!?!?

2006-11-13 23:25:13 · 4 answers · asked by ? 1

modular access in nursing (psychology)

2006-11-13 23:19:17 · 1 answers · asked by daniel s 1

Have any of you ever been ask by anyone with a question that just make you think!? (I will expect some crazy and rediculous answer here lol). The kind of question that I am refering to are the ones that inspire you to seek the answer for yourelf. Perhaps, It is the question that you find most reward in answering. Although there are many tough questions in life not many are consider rewarding b/c some are task that were force upon us. Perhaps, questions like "what career path one should undergo?" and "what is love (lol)?". However, these question can be very subjective. Therefore, I ask has anyone ever asked you a Question that put you on a quest for knowledge? If so what was it? How did you overcome such obstcales and how had it help shaped you? I ask b/c i want to know how many thoughtful, rediculous, crazy, nonsense question are out there, but then again i can just look through Yahoo question board for that kind of observaton, itsn't this shytt ironic?

2006-11-13 22:32:20 · 5 answers · asked by Films 2

I am having a bit of a crisis at the moment. I am agry and frustrated at life and I suppose in turn myself. I am feeling joy less and less and really find the day today drudge a struggle. On top of this I feel trivialised and ignored and only respected when I do things other people want. I work have a husband and children but I am not happy. I know the love is there but I am on the verge of something ... I dont know what. I have a few friends, but am happy being a loner really. I suppose really what I am trying to say is that life is not what I expected not is mother hood or marriage. I am disappointed with life. I am making steps to do other things to try and give me joy. It seems that life is a sea of disappointment with just a few islands of happiness. Why cant I see the joy and love in my life.

2006-11-13 22:31:08 · 11 answers · asked by The Real Mrs Incredible 2

Is there anything that really strikes fear into your heart, makes your hair stand on end, or just makes you want to cry? Not like falling to your death, but an actual thing like a balloon, spider, etc.

I didn't think that there was anything that freaked me out...until my friend had a fancy dress party. My friend went as action man complete with full combat gear, guns and ...GAS MASK!!!! I answered the door and he had his hood up and his gas mask on. I was terrified and I felt sick. I am not sure what it is exactly about them, but they really panic me. I even tried to put it on to see if that would help me overcome my fear, but I couldn't put it right up to my face....Strange huh?!

So now you have read my story, tell me about you!

2006-11-13 22:30:14 · 33 answers · asked by Liggy Lee 4

my child is 3...non verbal....refuses to eat....non-social....always sick and has tonsilitis and runny nose...can't walk due to low energy...very thin....hates strangers....and doesn't ask for her demands ....at first i thought she's autistic,took her to an autism center and wasn't diagnosed as having anything near the autism spectrum....does anybody have a clue???

2006-11-13 22:29:42 · 6 answers · asked by mays 1

Every morning, when choosing to sit on the train, I've noticed people commonly sit at diagonals to each other rather than next to or directly opposite someone else. Are we instinctly, opposed to eye-contact or contact of any other kind? Would we prefer no one to sit around us at all?

2006-11-13 22:26:02 · 18 answers · asked by Fragile Rock 5

why do people love and why they hate what are these emotions and why??

2006-11-13 22:00:09 · 12 answers · asked by fan#1 2

2006-11-13 22:00:00 · 10 answers · asked by D8411 5

Some of my questions reflect this.

2006-11-13 21:28:45 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

I drink about twice a week. Why do I do this? I do every monday night, wether or not I work. It gets really tiring sometimes. Why do you think I do this and do you think it makes me a weak person?

2006-11-13 21:18:36 · 9 answers · asked by Frumpy Kitty 1

2006-11-13 21:07:43 · 19 answers · asked by Wisdom 4

I dreamt last night that I was at a Christmas party and outside there was a santa and reindeer going around in circles on this field which was also a very steep field. I decided to go for a walk on it with my fiance and discovered that the hill was alot harder than i thought and ended up sliding back down on my knees. My fiance carried on and i was angry cos coming up behind was a 'really good' male friend (who i spoke to yesterday in real life and have arranged to meet). I was embarassed he'd see me struggling and stuck but he then helped me and it became easy. And I was happy but still cross with my fiance. Don't know how but i then ended up in a french hospital with my fiance by my side and i was wearing a huge colostomy bag! (which i've never had before).

Any ideas, there seem to be a few ideas stick straight out to me but want to know others' thoughts please, especially experts!

Was one of those dreams that stirs in your head for ages after as if there is some significance

2006-11-13 20:53:08 · 15 answers · asked by charl203 3

I am feeling particularly warm and fuzzy! Free hugs for all!

2006-11-13 20:35:15 · 5 answers · asked by Pommie girl 2

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