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Social Science - 23 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

I'm beginning to see a disturbing pattern emerge in
the jobs that I have worked -- any job, retail or
otherwise. I start a new job filled with energy and
enthusiasm, and work very, very hard (sometimes to the
point of physical exhaustion). By about the end of the
first week, however, and especially with retail and
sales jobs like food running, I begin to make hand-eye
coordination mistakes such as (for example) spilling
an entire 10+ gallon container of iced tea on the
floor as I take it to the elevator in the kitchen to
send downstairs. Or yesterday, when balancing three
plates on my right arm and hands (as they require), I
attempt to hand a woman her plate of grilled shrimp as
she also attempts to take it from me and it spills all
over her. These aren't mistakes I am doing because I
cannot physically hold a plate -- these are mistakes
that seem to happen when I begin to become exhausted

2007-03-23 16:36:08 · 8 answers · asked by dunric 1 in Psychology

Is it normal for someone to be...I don't know how to word this... attached to a teacher (and not in any inappropriate manner) but to the point where if another student is favored, they feel a little negative about that? I tell myself (I'm 18 and this person 40ish if age matters) that it makes no difference, move on, forget about it, so I try to move on and make myself believe it doesn't matter, but that attachment-like feeling keeps coming back.
I don't know why it's this particular person, but does anyone have advice on how to detach from someone?
What gets you attached in the first place :-/ ?

2007-03-23 16:35:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

And what do you associate with your childhood (eg. specific action figures, certain tv shows, certain playground games, fads, etc.)

2007-03-23 16:33:22 · 3 answers · asked by Love always, Kortnei 6 in Psychology

This is something that I have a problem. Unless you're a descendent of royality and your last name is associated to some type of legacy, I really don't think you should hyphenate your last name. To me, its like that you're scared to let go or something. Or by changing your last name is changing who you are. I know that this seems pity but this is one of the many things that irks the hell out of me about people.

How can marriage be a union (whole) and you have a hyphenated name. I know there's other factors that make up relationships; but if you agree to marry someone then you're united as one right?

2007-03-23 16:33:07 · 6 answers · asked by gloried 3 in Psychology

well if you see how the dog was placed, dont you think s/he was molested during the experiment, just to see the reaction.
Poor Dog. Pavlov's should have been tasted like that

2007-03-23 16:25:06 · 3 answers · asked by Danny's Not Cool 3 in Psychology

What did you dream about last night? Was it something to do with a situation happening in your life? Was it a wish you hope comes true. Or was it something you hope you don't dream about ever again?

2007-03-23 16:24:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I'am 15-years-old and in 9th grade.I hate being shy and quiet,and I have social anxiety.Is there anything I can do to change this?

2007-03-23 16:24:18 · 6 answers · asked by ♠Yoru♠ 5 in Psychology

like just b/c there are sluts on the earth guys think every girl is?
and why is it that girls can be out there having sex and other things and there a slut but if guys have sex with like 50 girls they get rewarded?

2007-03-23 16:19:19 · 13 answers · asked by [[♥case-face♥]] 2 in Gender Studies

What are some of ur dreams that always seem to keep coming back? For me it's either a dream where I fall out of a rollar coaster, or one with me about to get in a really bad car accident-then I wake up right when the crash first happens. My brother said he has one about his teeth breaking and falling apart inside his mouth while he is sleeping. Then he starts chooking on his blood. Pretty crazy huh?Thanks for ur answers!!!

2007-03-23 16:10:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

So. I wouldn't call it depression, but I constantly find myself feeling really down in the dumps about the fact that no matter how hard I try, there is always someone better than me.

I guess it doesn't help that my best friend is a freaking genius, and no matter how hard I try, she always gets better grades than me because the stuff just comes naturally easy to her. For me it takes lots of studying and trying to understand. I know I sound like some competative freak, but seriously...I haven't ever been THE BEST at something. Believe me..I've tried really hard.

These thoughts are beginning to take over my life and I'm not sure what I should do.

2007-03-23 16:02:58 · 11 answers · asked by Manny 4 in Psychology

I'd like to get some ideas for liberating some people sexually

2007-03-23 15:57:25 · 9 answers · asked by ? 1 in Psychology

hi im hayley i have been on here plenty of times for my bf. i took him back 5 times thinking he will change but he didnt. he calls me names and laughs when im crying he thinks its a joke. i tell him all the time to please stop its sad that it takes me 3 times for him to stop. i love him but im afraid to end it when i try to say its over part of me didnt mean it im so confused. i use to be so strong and dependent but im not anymore. bc of him.part of me doest want him to be with anybody else. i need help
thanks hayley oklahoma

2007-03-23 15:55:56 · 19 answers · asked by Hayley H 2 in Psychology

2007-03-23 15:50:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-23 15:49:07 · 8 answers · asked by fat85crxzc 2 in Psychology

I had an incident with a co-worker that I can't let go. Other co-workers are starting to see her for what I knew she was from the start which is no class white trash. Other co-workers have supoorted me and sided with me since this incident, but even though I know that she will dig her self into the ground and I will look good in the end I keep obsessing about this incident. I am looking for inspiration to help me with this like stories from people who had similiar things happen to them, things to make me laugh, or help to get this out of my mind.

2007-03-23 15:49:04 · 8 answers · asked by lakecity21 3 in Psychology

Don't get me wrong, I love all my friends; however, I notice a few people in my life who seem to fear germs alot. They are obsessed either with a clean house or keeping up with every single financial receipts or organizing their shopping cart a certain way. I don't think they're perfectionist because when it comes to school work, they seem real laid back about it...they don't feel they need to be number one. But when it comes to their personal belongings and environment, everything has to be in its place or spotless. I am kinda uncomfortable bringing my children there because everything seems untouchable. Are these type A personalities? How do someone become obsessed with such control in their life? I'm almost concern for them.

2007-03-23 15:48:59 · 9 answers · asked by Ana 4 in Psychology

Are madness and genius only seperated by degrees of success??? Define your answer.....

2007-03-23 15:46:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Social Science

Explain your answer......................

Thanks, for answering in advance! :-)

*Have a beautiful day/night*

2007-03-23 15:44:30 · 16 answers · asked by Kimberly 6 in Psychology

if u could give one gift, anything in the world, what would it be??

2007-03-23 15:40:12 · 12 answers · asked by karen 5 in Psychology

I want to know who out there thinks they actually have the mental power to do this:

There was a lady, who used to have a daughter. When her daughter was 15, she was hit by a drunk driver on the side of the road and died on the spot. Later, during the trial, the lady did not want to press charges. After the trial was over, even, she went up to the man who killed her daughter, looked him in the eyes, and forgave him.

Now, honestly, I would like to say I could do this, but I don't know if, in that situation, I could. Could you forgive the person that killed your daughter?

2007-03-23 15:38:03 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

We all come up against problems in every day life and i suppose if we cope then we are still in the game. Hope you understand what i'm trying to say

2007-03-23 15:33:13 · 29 answers · asked by trishab352003 3 in Psychology


2007-03-23 15:32:01 · 7 answers · asked by JamaicanmecrayZ 1 in Psychology

i dont play a big role in group conversations, i let ppl cut me off, and feel akward around majority of my coworkers. a few weeks ago i would have been very confident. but im not ne more. and i havent been to close to GOd.(my fault of course) and i feel like i will never fit in if i dont love myself. and how could i love myself when im not showing God that same love. i feel like im in a rut. pleez help(sum of my coworkers are twofaced bitches and over the top jerks)stressful sumtimes=(

2007-03-23 15:29:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

well in my dream i was with my dad and his side of his family. we were all walkin to a beach that we all heard so much about. when we got to the beach it had used plastic bags in the water, the water looked dark blue and the sand looked almost tan. the beach looked like a drawing or a picture. in the water there was an alligator and it was larger than the normal size. at first we thought it was a huge tree covered on moss. we went up to it and then it moved. we were all scared. then it began to talk. it said things about the beach and how it needed to be taked care of better. not everyone agreed with this, but i wanted to help the aligator. suddenly the alligator stood up on it hind legs and threw me toward my dad. it felt like i was flyin. my dad didn't catch me, but i fell gently down. then i woke-up.

can someone tell me what this means beacuse i reall want to know.

2007-03-23 15:24:02 · 9 answers · asked by isa 1 in Psychology


I've been reading a lot of books that have different descrobed levels of Flirtation. What are they(name of each level, closeness to person(s), and actions involved?

2007-03-23 15:23:17 · 11 answers · asked by smileyface2015 2 in Sociology

a. selling stock, much like a corporation.
b. printing additional currency.
c. borrowing from the public.
d. raising property taxes.

2007-03-23 15:20:57 · 5 answers · asked by investing1987 3 in Economics

a. will always improve market outcomes.
b. reduces efficiency in the presence of externalities.
c. may improve market outcomes in the presence of externalities.
d. is necessary to control individual greed.

2007-03-23 15:20:02 · 5 answers · asked by investing1987 3 in Economics

2007-03-23 15:10:51 · 9 answers · asked by SugaLova 2 in Psychology

I got "move closer" and "get it on", with "sexual healing" and "take another piece of my heart!" getting close seconds
So what gets you erm......you know.....In THE mood?

2007-03-23 15:01:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Are there any groups or organizations fighting to stop the use of psych meds with kids? I want to get on board and stop the practice of dopping kids with ritalin and other crap drugs.

2007-03-23 14:56:53 · 8 answers · asked by Clrinsight 3 in Psychology

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