Puhleese help me on this one, electronic engineers out there!
Vpk=1V, Vrms = √2 V, Rsourcevoltage = 50Ω (bummer#1) L=56mH, Rinductor = 56Ω(bummer#2), C=100nF, Rload=120Ω
Find: impedance, circulating current (thats Ipk or Irms??? :-S), and VOLTAGES across EACH COMPONENT (megabummer) using theoretical as well as complex analysis.
I know internal resistances can be summed with load as series resistance, but what about the Icirculating (pk or rms???), and VOLTAGE? Do i find voltage across(L+Rinductor) or what?
{lease solve the entire question with steps, if that's not too much to ask. I'm sure there are people who love such questions and are raring to go.
Well? Help!
Quite seriously im taking this que to heart as its a major percent of my finals, the nose bleeds are not stopping. Really.
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