This energy is not available, the parts slow down and the clock shows time lost. A clock outside this frame of reference operates normally; this is in compete agreement with the theory of relitivity. An atomic clock will be affected in the same way, it operates with motion, the vibrating cesium crystal is still a form of motion. Science says that time and space came into being when the first sub atomic particle condensed from the singularity, what actully came into existance was motion and space, there was no time. It is motion and space that make the fabric of the universe, motion is the pulse of the universe. The theory of relativity has been ratified hundreds of times, an observer riding a beam of light would see the rest of the universe as being frozen because motion would not be detectable. Change the word, time, to motion,and nothing changes, everything becomes easier to understand, and time travel will no longer be a subject of discussion. H.B. Long.
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