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Science & Mathematics - 16 September 2007

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This is a question an an ACT practice test i'm taking now. My hint is think of the two points as the hypotenuse of a right triangle, but how does that help? I mean if you don't know the value of the "legs" of the triangle its no good....right??? plz help.

2007-09-16 04:30:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

What do u think about Engineering Simulation Programs?

I know that its an aid for Engineering,Are there any disavantages in using them,i mean u loose any capability of imagining urself n analysing?

Can any-one tell names of some such programs other than MATLAB,PSPICE for Electrical n Electronics Engineering.

2007-09-16 04:27:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Engineering

I'm a junior in high school and I want to become a petroleum engineer. Right now im taking algebra2&trig but im not that good in math. I am however very interested in physics and chemistry. What is the job like exactly?

2007-09-16 04:27:16 · 2 answers · asked by xyzed23 3 in Engineering

i know it starts in 11/4/07 but i need to know when it ends. plz someone

2007-09-16 04:25:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Geography

An interesting phenomenon around here... LOTS of people answering relativity questions referring to the increase of mass as speed approaches c.

This is an obsolete interpretation. In modern physics literature, the word "mass" always refers to rest mass. The variable M always refers to mass, which always refers to rest mass.

It's obsolete for very good reasons: you can't correctly calculate effects of gravity using "relativistic mass;" relativistic mass is not invarient, but rest mass is. Even if you're using it to illustrate changes of inertia, it's different in different directions: you'd have to give a particle a different mass for each of x,y, and z motions. Scalar, invarient mass becomes a noninvarient vector. Messy.

When you explain that bodies cannot travel at c by explaining that they get more and more massive, it easily misleads the asker into thinking that if they were to travel at c they would become fatter and fatter in their own reference frame, which is clearly untrue.

2007-09-16 04:23:21 · 2 answers · asked by ZikZak 6 in Physics

Precalc help .. thanks.

2007-09-16 04:21:57 · 5 answers · asked by ilovesoccer 1 in Mathematics

Which of the following is not a polynomial?
A) 24
B) 4x3 + 5x – 1
C) 2x – 1/x
D) 3xy2 + xy

2007-09-16 04:18:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

18 = 3|4x - 10|

2007-09-16 04:16:27 · 20 answers · asked by Sam 3 in Mathematics

how are Isaac Newton's 3 laws of motion invloved in roller coasters?

2007-09-16 04:15:22 · 3 answers · asked by Janet 2 in Engineering

2007-09-16 04:13:43 · 7 answers · asked by aniketxl 1 in Astronomy & Space

Wouldn't 5000 feet above sea level be closer to orbit than from sea level?

2007-09-16 04:07:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

what temperature should a cellar be?? i know it should be cool but not the temperature please help!!!!

2007-09-16 04:07:14 · 2 answers · asked by little miss 2 in Other - Science

series question,

I have a series with triplets ,
(1,2,1),(-1,1,-1),(-2,-1,-2),(-1,-2,-1),(1,-1,1)..........whats the 200th triplet ?

I am not able to find the relationship among triplets .

How the triplet is changing ?

someone please help me to find the relationship.

i would like to find the 200th triplet of the above series.


2007-09-16 04:04:32 · 2 answers · asked by calculus 1 in Mathematics

You are working as a consultant on a video game designing a bomb site for a World War I airplane. In this game, the plane you are flying is traveling horizontally at 44.8 m/s at an altitude of 130 m when it drops a bomb.

(a) Determine how far horizontally from the target you should release the bomb.
(b) What direction is the bomb moving just before it hits the target?

This is the question I'm having trouble with. It shouldn't be that hard, but it's just not clicking for some reason. I don't necessarily want someone to do the problem (that's my job) but tell me how I should go about solving it. Thanks.

2007-09-16 04:00:56 · 4 answers · asked by Doogin 3 in Physics

(x + 1) / x + 6 / (2x - 3) = 0

would x = -3 and x = 0.5 ?

2007-09-16 03:59:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Solve the system by addition.

Can someone please help me with this? Please, the points are yours.:)

2007-09-16 03:46:33 · 4 answers · asked by momscharm1964 1 in Mathematics

What insect is this?

please have alook i have this infestation in my bathroom - i had damp - how do i get rid of it they come out at night when its quite...



2007-09-16 03:46:29 · 4 answers · asked by tapmadi 1 in Zoology

2007-09-16 03:44:41 · 7 answers · asked by ishu_aishwary 2 in Astronomy & Space

1. Na Cl + Au (No-3) > Na(No-3) + Au Cl

2. Au (No-3) + KI> Au I + K (No-3)

3.Fe (III) (No-3 ) + Na (OH-) > Fe (III) (OH-) + Na (No-3 )

4. Na Cl + K (No-3) > Na (No-3) + K Cl

5. Na CO3 + Ca Cl > Na4 Cl + Ca CO3

2007-09-16 03:39:32 · 1 answers · asked by shygirl 1 in Chemistry

Best Friends Tim, Bob and Dave. Each contribute £5 a total of £15 therefore each share is 5

They purchase a TV for £15

After they all leave the shop. The shop keeper tells his cashier there has been a mistake and the cost was only £10. Take these £5 coins and give it to Tim, Bob and Dave.

The cashier keeps 2 and hands back £1 to Tim, £1 to Bob, and £1 to Dave.

Tim has now paid a total of £4, as so Bob and Dave.

If 3 x 4 = 12 and the cashier has £2. 12+2 = 14

Where is the other £1?

2007-09-16 03:33:48 · 13 answers · asked by doctordog1uk 3 in Mathematics

the Polar bears,and humans?

2007-09-16 03:32:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

Adult tickets for a play cost $15 and child tickets cost $13. If there were 20 people at a performance and the theater collected $294 from ticket sales, how many children attended the play?

2007-09-16 03:31:37 · 8 answers · asked by tbond_1969 1 in Mathematics

2007-09-16 03:29:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

2007-09-16 03:27:28 · 11 answers · asked by Ume ★ 4 in Paranormal Phenomena

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