we are guinea pigs to the aliens. aliens exist and we are a profuct of them.
Everyone is familiar with the supercontinent that existed billions of years ago on earth consisting of all the continents put together and which slowly separated to give us the continents we have today. I believe there was a superplanet which existed even more billions of years ago consisteng of all 9 planets (mercury, venus, earth, mars, saturn, jupiter, uranus, and pluto and whatever the other one was) - all 9 planets were attached as ONE planet and something struck this super planet years ago dividing it into the 9 planets as we know them today. The moons were part of the planets they most closely orbit. our moon was once where the atlantic, pacific, or indian ocean are today(probably the pacific ocean because when you move our continents to form the supecontinent the gap where the moon would have come from would be where the pacific ocean is today). Why haven't scientists acknowledged this possibility?
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Astronomy & Space