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Science & Mathematics - 8 August 2007

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hey guys i got this assignment on partial fractions. am good in maths and all these calculations but i missed the class and i tried to check the topic on ma text books but i didnt c it..so i dont hav any idea how am going to solve them..plz help mi xplain them and if possible u can help mi solve them. da questions r..
1) 3x+2/(x+1)(x^2+x+2)
2) (x-1)(x^2+x+1)/(x^2+1)(3x^2+4x+5)
3) 3/(x-2)(x^2+5)

thenx guyz.....

2007-08-08 08:47:58 · 2 answers · asked by christine JD 2 in Mathematics

2007-08-08 08:45:39 · 10 answers · asked by crip4life braa 1 in Mathematics

Since the fluc. known as time depends on the over all weight, therby gravity of the universe, how would its expanision effect time.

2007-08-08 08:37:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

I don't believe in the big bang theory. I am interested in what other people believe. So if there was a large explosion that led to collections of matter (planets/stars) - assuming the sun started out just as matter that was not burning ...I wonder how did the sun and other stars first ignite?

2007-08-08 08:36:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

I need help to solve this riddle.

Person A has one amount of money in his pocket, Person B has one amount in his pocket.

If person A gives person B X amount from his pocket, person B will end up with 3 times more money in his pocket than person A.

However if person B gives person A the X amount of money person A will end up with 2 times more money than person B in his pocket.

How much does each guy have in his pocket, and how much is X???

Can someone help me solve this riddle??

2007-08-08 08:34:57 · 15 answers · asked by Bjoern H 1 in Mathematics

would stitches be required?

2007-08-08 08:31:15 · 14 answers · asked by Bill W 【ツ】 6 in Biology

2007-08-08 08:28:52 · 12 answers · asked by audrey w 1 in Astronomy & Space

18.)5% of 320 = ____?

19.)20% of 25 = ____?

20.)- 7 - 3 = -4

22.)If you can travel from Orlando to Miami (240 miles) in 4 hours; how long would it take you to travel from Ft. Lauderdale to Tallahassee (420 miles)?
A.)6 hours
B.)7 hours
C.)8 hours
D.)8 hours 30 minutes

23.)Match the numbers to the correct letters:
1)8 < 4(x+1)
2)3(x-1) < 3
3)2(x-1) < -4
4)5x + 4 > -6

A) x < 2
B) x > 1
C) x > -2
D) x < -1

#25. )Solve this inequality showing ALL work: -2x + 4 < 16

2007-08-08 08:21:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-08-08 08:12:50 · 11 answers · asked by Darlingthatsfabulous 1 in Astronomy & Space

For this question, the definitions of terms used are

Evolution = the development of species into different types of animals over very long periods of time. e.g. fish evolving into modern day birds. A fruit fly evolving into another species of fruit fly is too short sighted. Evolution here is taken to mean evolution from one type of animal to another type of animal and include theories in like character to the Cambrian Explosion.

Science = "systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation." (www.dictionary.com)

Philosophy = "1. the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct. 2. the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, esp. with a view to improving or reconstituting them." (www.dictionary.com)

I am aware the question has been asked before. However, I wanted to ask the question myself, providing concrete definitions of critical terms.

2007-08-08 07:59:21 · 12 answers · asked by Josias B 2 in Biology

I've been thinking about this but couldn't finish up a proof yet:

For each x >0, define frac(x) as the fractionary part of x, that is, f(x) = x - [x], where {x} is the largest integer <= x.

Let p>0 be an irrational. Show that the sequence (frac(n*p), n=1,2,3....) is dense in [0, 1].

Thank you

2007-08-08 07:49:57 · 3 answers · asked by Steiner 7 in Mathematics

we lost a speciesis of dolphin they said today on the yatzee river china do you feel sad or what i think its sad, as humans we had the chance to save the crature what do u feel

2007-08-08 07:40:12 · 11 answers · asked by zenman1 4 in Zoology

I have two problems that I need help with, please.
1) I need to classify the following equation as an identity, conditional equation or contradiction: sin x = tan x cos x
2) I need to convert the following equation to polar form:
2x - 2y = 1
Could someone please walk me through the solutions step by step and explain each step so I can understand how to do this.
Thank you.

2007-08-08 07:39:34 · 2 answers · asked by F 6 in Mathematics

It has been proven that the Earth, along with the universe, has, and is, expanding and is much bigger than it was 1000's of years ago. Then it is also proven that it will take longer than 24 hours for the Earth to completely turn in a full day . That means that it would take longer for the Earth to move around the Sun. Which means our days arent 24 hours and our years are longer than 365 days. (Daylight savings and leap years dont cover it....that is done routinely)

2007-08-08 07:38:58 · 8 answers · asked by Curi-us 2 in Astronomy & Space

My best example would be a door. Does it use more energy to open it or to push it open again when it is closing? The object would be the same weight and have the same mass.

2007-08-08 07:37:05 · 4 answers · asked by anakinjade1 2 in Physics

2007-08-08 07:32:06 · 5 answers · asked by stephen c 1 in Zoology

Has anyone ever noticed that?

2007-08-08 07:30:51 · 9 answers · asked by adrian♥ 6 in Weather

Just wondering.

2007-08-08 07:29:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

My sister begins Algebra I in a few weeks, and she wants to be ready. What are some basic skills I should review with her before the start of the course?

2007-08-08 07:20:21 · 4 answers · asked by the_bloody_grinch 3 in Mathematics

i just want to know

2007-08-08 07:13:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parapsychology

According to Encarta, Russia’s total population in 2007 was estimated at 141,377,750 with a 5.8% growth. Below you will found what the estimated population will be in 2008.

Y= 141,377,750 * 1.058 ^1 =

2007-08-08 07:10:03 · 3 answers · asked by DEE H 1 in Mathematics

2007-08-08 07:09:36 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

suppose the polygon is closed, find its surface area given its 100 vertices in x,y ,z coordiantes? please then find the general formula for n-polygon with n given vertices?

2007-08-08 07:09:18 · 5 answers · asked by BenL 2 in Mathematics

2007-08-08 07:06:59 · 6 answers · asked by Spanky McSpank 1 in Astronomy & Space

the question is...


a bicycle wheel of diameter 26 inches is rolled through an angle of 4π radians. How far has the wheel moved along the ground?

2007-08-08 07:06:32 · 4 answers · asked by xfallingxstarx90 1 in Mathematics


2007-08-08 07:02:33 · 7 answers · asked by dianajiminez 1 in Mathematics


oki,if i get paid £5.50 an hour and work 7 hours and 50 minutes a week,how much would i get a month???? thank u.

2007-08-08 06:57:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

a. accleration
b. inertia
c. velocity
d. monentum

2007-08-08 06:57:07 · 4 answers · asked by chato r 1 in Physics

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