I had a period Dec 25 (Merry Christmas to me), however it only lasted 3 days when it normally lasts 5-6. Anyway.. took fertilty tests again 1/01, 1/04, & 1/07 & all came up with 2 lines??? That's weird thing #1. Also took pregancy tests about every 3 days from12/28 until 1/07 ( my best friend works at a hospital, so I get them for free) all preganacy tests were negative... to make a long story short, took another one last night & it was positive. Is it possible I had a false positive result??? If not, how far along might I be??? How accurate are the doctor's calculations??? Sorry so may issues, but weird thing # 2 is I have NEVER been pregnant & I will be 29 yrs in 2 weeks... Thought I couldn't get pregnant; so I don't want to get happy to be disappointed. Thanks for any info!
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