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Trying to Conceive - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

what can i do do help our chances??

2007-11-30 17:42:56 · 3 answers · asked by urbffgaby 1

i want to know how you got diagnosed? what kind of test did yall have to do? and what kind of problems where yall having before you knew what you had? i think i might have it please help.

2007-11-30 14:32:41 · 6 answers · asked by telliej87 1

I am 2 weeks late for my period and got 2 positive tests. I took 1 test about a week ago and it was negative. Is it possible to get false positives. I'm very excited but I don't want to be dissapointed with a blood test. Also I don't feel pregnant just tired. I have asked before but, what symptoms should I or will I bee having soon?

2007-11-30 14:29:31 · 9 answers · asked by Crystal Wilson 2

Symptoms are:
gassy, VERY bloated, cramping and sometimes sharp pains on my right side,face is redder than usual, my boobs are very tender, stomach is kind of tender when I push on it and is harder than usual, and i am having more of a discharge throughout the day.
I am due for my period Sat or Sunday
Do you think theres a great chance to get pregnant after stopping after taking 13 pills?
( I am engaged, graduated from college, and we are ready for a baby)

2007-11-30 13:32:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had an abortion a year and a half ago,i wasnt ready,was on low income and my bf was no good. I was scared and had to make a decision fast. It didnt affect me much at first, it was more of a relief but it's affecting me now,i constantly think about how old my baby would be now,look like etc. I am now with someone new and feel ready to have a child,it's only my first month of trying this month but i came on my period so it's been unsuccessful,i'm getting nervous incase i cant have babies and god might be punishing me,i had a medical abortion,could this affect my chances?do you know someone who's had an abortion and got pregnant after?

2007-11-30 13:14:11 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am due for my period tomorrow
ive been feeling strange things smell yucky and taste yucky
boobs sore nipples killing me...
i took a test tonight and there is a positive cross but its just faint but you can see it..
is this a positive or should i re test in the morning after trying for so long i dont want to tell hubby and then be wrong

2007-11-30 11:32:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

after 13 months of trying for number 2 we have our BFP
Im 13dpo its faint but its there ive asked 6 people ha ha ha ha..
thank you all so much for all the answers to my many questions
and for all the support..
im so excited i could burst ha ha ha

2007-11-30 11:04:39 · 11 answers · asked by wifeusa 3

lol i lost count off how many weeks since the 27th august07 help plz need it for info

2007-11-30 11:01:45 · 2 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3

Reason is tired of doing preg test, dont want to check until i miss period for conti. 2 months as do have irregular cycle

2007-11-30 09:37:18 · 6 answers · asked by thomihere 1

Okay I had intercourse a couple times after my period. But now my period was suppose to come a week ago. So its late. I feel like puking sometimes but i never do. I have been having little cramps every now and then. I havent had a chance to get a pregnacy test. But could I be pregnate??

2007-11-30 07:04:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf used to smoke crack and anything else he could get his hands on. He has been clean for over a year, we want to have a baby but so for no luck. Could all these drugs he's done effect his sperm?

2007-11-30 05:56:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been charting my cm and temps for the past 7 months and usually i'm totally dry by 2dpo and stay that way until I get my period. Now at 4dpo I noticed thick creamy milky like cm. I had strange light cramps the past two days and still feel strange feelings down there...maybe it's all in my head!
I know most places say implantation can't happen any earlier than 6dpo but I found a site last night that says the earliest can actually be 3dpo and also any cramping might possibly just be the fertilized egg making its journey.

2007-11-30 05:06:17 · 8 answers · asked by JumpingBean 3

I am a sports person, I regularly play sports like beach volleyball and tennis. Can I play these games while I am ovulating and also if I see any implantation bleeding? Its too early to check for preg test. I wud like to give 10more days for it...meanwhile does playing these games can effect anyways?

2007-11-30 04:52:31 · 6 answers · asked by thomihere 1

I have sex with my husband baisiclly every day. How can I kno which day I concieved?

2007-11-30 04:45:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, just a quick question if anyone can help. I am about 5 weeks pregnant. I have been fretting a little bit as this is my first. I only found out last week and the first test I took, the positive line was more or less the same colour as the control. I have done another one to day just to make sure and it is still positive but the line is fainter than the one I took last. Does this mean anything?? I know some of the tests say it doesnt matter if it is faint or dark you are still PREGNANT. Im just worrying (for some stupid reason). Any advice or words of wisdom.

2007-11-30 03:33:00 · 14 answers · asked by ARG 1

I have used ovulation test (the type you dip into urine) on two separate months and have never got a dark line. I have had feint lines, but never a dark line. I follow all the instructions.

I have regular periods so must be ovulating.

This month I only used them on the days I due to ovulate by the calendar, but the last month I did it every day.

Any ideas?

2007-11-30 03:05:53 · 3 answers · asked by F, 30, UK 2

I mean...there's plenty of sperm and an egg...why not?

2007-11-30 01:51:26 · 10 answers · asked by gesejimneys87 3

iam a new married couple and , i and my husband is workin seriously for a child but i want to have twins as a first issue ( baby boy and a girl ) help what will i do to achieve that.

2007-11-30 01:06:12 · 24 answers · asked by Ngozi N 1

Iam B negative and lost first perganacy and trying to conceive for last 10 months and I had the antibiotic injection after miscarriage.

2007-11-29 20:57:50 · 5 answers · asked by vee 1

I know there are going to be a LOT of strong moral/spiritual/personal opinions on this one...but I was kinda hoping there was someone on here who had participated and could give me some "real life experience" on the subject.

Here's the deal. I've always thought it would be a good idea. I'm 23 and I don't want kids. I am in good shape, have had a good education so far, etc. etc...basically, I meet all the pre-screening criteria. Also, I am at a point in my life where I could use a little financial help (what college student doesn't?). I know egg donation pays between $3000 - $5000 per donation cycle and I can donate as much as I want (like every 6 weeks) as long as everything goes ok. I also know that the routine you have to go through (the "harvesting" process, the fertility drugs, etc.) is pretty brutal. But I think I could handle doing it like twice a year or something if it meant I could finish school and live more comfortably. Can ANYONE offer some good advice on this?

2007-11-29 17:33:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do people know that they arent ovulating? Is it just becuase they dont have EWCM that they think they dont ovulate? I am TTC and i want to make sure Im ovulating!

2007-11-29 15:01:58 · 6 answers · asked by Stefany917 1

So I went to my doctor and there is some concern that I'm not even ovulating. She ordered some blood work and for me to use ovulation tests. I used a box last month during my "peak" time to ovulate and did not get a postitive result on any of them. I've expanded the time period I'm testing over just in case I ovulate earlier/later then normal.

My question - is there any difference among the tests that are available? or does it not matter which one I get? Just how reliable are the over the counter tests? Is there anything else I can do to help encourage ovulation with out taking prescription meds? I'm afraid that I'm going to have to get a prescription, but I want to try everything possible first.


2007-11-29 14:49:10 · 8 answers · asked by irishkittie79 4

How long after you quit smoking does your chance to conceive go up? I have been trying to find an answer forever...

My Gyno thinks that's been my problem (why I haven't been able to conceive), but I don't see him again until Feb. to ask how long it takes for things to get back to normal. I quit smoking a little over 2 months ago. Anyone have a clue? Please don't guess, I can do that myself...thanks.

2007-11-29 14:48:06 · 4 answers · asked by Jen 3

what does it mean if your have clear stretchy CM and have sex and dont become pregnant does that mean that you are infertile. when is the best time to become pregnant if you think you may be ovulating? i heard that if you get on birth control it will make you more fertile and easy to become pregnant if you stop using them.

2007-11-29 14:41:34 · 2 answers · asked by Latoria N 1

When should we BD? Nights are the times we can. Also since I this is the first month I got an LH surge does this mean I really will relaease an egg?

2007-11-29 14:39:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it possible to have a misscarriage at 17 weeks?...i read somewhere tht it is rare to have one at 20 weeks or something like that...and only being 3 weeks away, i was wondering if you can still have a misscarriage..thanks!

2007-11-29 11:19:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok well i know i took the tests to early. For one i was not thinking of when i was spos to start. For to i was supos to start the 25th,26th. I am never ever late and i am!!! I think i should take another test but should i wait at all? Oh yes and we used a condom but is there still a chance that i could be because we were using an altra thin and i could of liked! Help

2007-11-29 11:08:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-29 10:48:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What tests did you have before you got pregnant or started TTC? We've been TTC since July and I've got an OB/GYN appointment coming up. Are there any tests that I should be getting now besides a pap?

2007-11-29 09:05:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have never seen it said anywhere what position is best for checking your cervix position. Standing, sitting, squating or laying down.

2007-11-29 08:37:05 · 5 answers · asked by cutiepiettc 1