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Trying to Conceive - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

Is it possible to get a neg. blood test but still be pregnant? Im supposed to start the 2nd. I just had a blood test done and it came back negative.

2007-07-31 19:32:55 · 7 answers · asked by lutz0926 1

First month taking Clomid my period was 3 weeks late when it finally arrived it lasted for 2 weeks. Went to doc and they said nothing was wrong and to take the next dose. My next period was extremely heavy. Worse then ever. Now after my 3rd cycle of Clomid I have not got my period. I am on day 53. Took two tests both were negative. I am not sure what to do next. I don't like my doctor and am getting refered to a new one but what should I do in the mean time?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2007-07-31 17:30:23 · 3 answers · asked by ads 2

I know i should know, But I have been on Depro Provera for a long time and don't get my period any more.
This question is for the future, just in case i do decide to make a family with my husband.

2007-07-31 17:22:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is a thick whitish lotion type cm a sign of ovulation? Would this be the beginning, middle, or end? Is this a good time to try and conceive? Any info is appreciated. Thanks

2007-07-31 17:20:06 · 3 answers · asked by mommyto2 2

i know its not a question but im going for a blood test tommorow to see if im pregnant, im 17 days late today when i was 12 days late i took a hpt it was negative, so i need lots of baby dust please im not usually late so i dont know what else it could be cause im not to stressed about it either

2007-07-31 15:30:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I lost a baby at 7 weeks at the start of July.
My hubby and I want to add to our family and have been sexual since. Im not sure when my next period was due after i lost the baby so Im not sure if there is a chance that I could be pregenant. I have no symptoms and no real reason to believe that I am, but I would like to know when or how soon it is possible.

2007-07-31 15:13:29 · 8 answers · asked by Lisa 2

I read up on tips to help you know if you are ovulating and they say that it happens 10 to 16 days before your period. Now this morning when my husband and I made love he pulled out so that we could change position (sorry too much info) well I noticed this gob of white stringy egg like mucs showing. It was not clear but white but it was really stretchy cause I touched it. LOL we have an open relationship. So anyways I was wondering if I am ovulating late because my period is due August 7. I know that I should have ovulated already. There are no std's and I am very healthy. This is also the third month being off of Tryciclen. What do you all think. Thourough answers please and thanks.

2007-07-31 14:57:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there anyone that is/has been on Clomid 50mg that got the HSG shot with IUI? I've started Clomid days 3-7. The infertility problem is on hubby :-( I have two kids, no miscarriages so I'm hopeful that our first attempt will be successful but I just wanted some other experiences.


2007-07-31 14:28:07 · 1 answers · asked by Shonnel C 2

I have been using a saliva opk that said I ovulated on the 16th but I checked it again this morning and it said ovulation again so I went and bought a pee stick opk and it said ovulation too. So did I ovulate on the 16th or not?

2007-07-31 13:50:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so my doc has done a blood test to test for this but i know nothing about it, can anyone help me??what is it??

2007-07-31 13:37:08 · 6 answers · asked by jo_blog2002 3


How much is it?
How do you get it?
Do you have to have a partner? (Marriage)
Can you get it at 18?

2007-07-31 10:53:35 · 6 answers · asked by Kitty_Rose7673 1

my husband ejaculated in me 1 day 1/2 before my ovulation occured. What are my chances?

2007-07-31 08:57:36 · 9 answers · asked by salvina730 2

and are her medical bills paid???

2007-07-31 08:52:46 · 3 answers · asked by iwill 4

ok does sex feel different when your preg and if how so?...and do u feel tighter down there than usual to your partner or is it the same?

2007-07-31 08:51:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-31 08:35:21 · 2 answers · asked by lovely 1

My last period was 7/21/07. The ovulation calender says i am fertile anywhere from the 4-8. I have a 28 -29 day cycle. so should I make him wait until Friday to have sex? I heard it makes his sperm count stronger? I really never notice any CM? Or should we start having sex every other day? I have been TTC for 7 months using an ovulation strip? However i have a disadvantage im 43 years old,my husband is 30 this is are 2nd marriage we both have kids from are 1st marriage.
I still have lots of hope. I know I need to see a fertility doctor however money is a little tight. I have started taking Vitex drops.Well any good ideas will be appreciated.
Thanks and God Bless To All.

2007-07-31 08:31:47 · 11 answers · asked by carmalarry 1

Has anyone used the cheap internet pregnancy test strips from like early-pregnancy-tests.com or anything?

Just wondering before I place this order. It's only about $22 for 25 ovulation strips and 10 preg test strips. But I just want to know how well the strips work? Are they as accurate as the midstream tests?
I've heard about evap lines with strips? Are they really bad?

Thanks in advance gals!

2007-07-31 08:16:25 · 6 answers · asked by ♥LadyC♥ 6

ok so i wanna know.. while having sex..
what are things you could say or do.. to make sure he stays inside you? any ideas? tips? ur experience -- stuff that you have tried and it worked?

i like it when he ejaculates inside me.. he usually just pulls out..
and we dont use condoms or anything.. i got pregnant before with him.. but we ended up having a misscarriage.. =(

plz no rude answers.. i just need some ways.

2007-07-31 07:35:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I stopped taking the contraceptive pill a year ago so my hubby and i could extend our family. Since then ive had approx 4 periods over the whole year. My doc says this is ok and i should just enjoy trying to get pregnant and maybe loose a few pounds, but im not unhealthy, and i dont see how we can time it right in order to maybe get pregnant if i dont even know when im due 'on' please help!!!

2007-07-31 05:14:16 · 9 answers · asked by roblou 2

It has been 20 days since my last period i am not due till the 11th or 12th of august. My Fience and I have had sex everyday since the day i stopped my last period. I am having very very bad headaches ( going on 2 weeks now) I have this funny feeling in my stomach like im nervous, pain in my lower back like a stiff achey pain, the area around my nipples is like a redish pinkish tint color. Im tired all the time feel like i cant get enough sleep. Im cramping some in my abdomen. I have a 3 year old but i dont know any of the symptoms of early prego cause i was almost 4 months pergo before i knew. Could i be pregnant now?

2007-07-31 05:02:05 · 7 answers · asked by TASHA R 1


has anyone got any good posistions for having sex please let me no as soon as possible am planning for tonight

2007-07-31 04:43:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had extremely sore boobs for 3 days. my periods are due on 4th august. from today i am also having pain like PMS. while wiping with a tissue paper this morning, i saw something light brown. but its not in my panties. i feel like i had my periods arrived and often checks but no periods. had anyone experiencing such symptoms finally found out that it was pregnancy.

2007-07-31 03:07:48 · 9 answers · asked by meenu 1

and try for my 2nd baby. my fears are that i babysat my nxt door niebours 4 yr old yestaday and scared that my 11mth old is going end up like her because she really is naughty. she hits my daughter and her brother and when you ask her to dont do something its no no no no. should this affect me by trying for a baby because its got me scared now. has any 1 else bin in this situation

2007-07-31 02:48:56 · 5 answers · asked by kim s 3

Is it normal for your period to start sometimes 28 then next month 29 then back to 30 day then back again? I have a normal period every month but sometimes it starts on the 28th day sometimes on the 29th day its never off more then 2-3days is that normal? I have been TTC for 7 months ? I just started taking Vitex drops? However I am 43 years old so I know its alot harder?

2007-07-31 02:48:14 · 15 answers · asked by carmalarry 1

Hi.This question is for my friend and I hope you can help me on her situation.

My friend is 25 years old and she's having this problem when she was a teenager.She don't have her monthly period like everyone else and she've been to a lot of doctors trying to get a second opinion.All of them are saying the same thing that she don't have a uterus.The last test that she did was MRI. And the result says that she don't have a uterus?Is it possibble?

I feel sorry for her cause she wants to get pregnant so bad. I'm a healthy person myself and still trying to get pregnant like everyone else here.I hope you can help me help my friend.
Happy baby dust to all.

2007-07-30 21:34:38 · 5 answers · asked by Joanne 2

Alot of people told me this,I want to have another child next year.

2007-07-30 19:37:29 · 6 answers · asked by Loving Me 3

okay missed my period for the whole month i tested ONN JULY 23 it came out negative .. ihave breast tenderness but not that much im hungry all the time .. i eat and soometimes i get the feeling to throw up but other wise noo pregnancy symptoms.. i was spooting june-thru-july7th ... has anyone ever had this happen to any mommys

2007-07-30 19:07:42 · 4 answers · asked by girlsrules_62 2