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Pregnancy - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i wouldn't done that for sure if i know that i'm pregnant...i used a "no amonia" type of hair dye but i worried still

2007-11-08 12:28:25 · 20 answers · asked by mitzie 1

You are damned right I am.

2007-11-08 12:19:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 4 cm dilated, me & my partner is having sex. my best friend told me i could harm the baby if i have sex while im dilated, is that true?

2007-11-08 12:10:24 · 4 answers · asked by babymomma12507 1

I have taken a test, but I think it was too early.
Is there any other ways I can tell.
I need to know.
I am so worried.
What is the earliest you can know?

2007-11-08 11:15:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

i live in mississippi. and can i go to any local hospital....any websites i can look at

2007-11-08 11:01:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am drinking a Red Bull Energy Drink right now and I'm four or five weeks pregnant. Answer all of these questions below:

1. Do energy drinks have any negative side effects during pregnancy?

2. Does drinking beer have any negative side effects during pregnancy?

3. Does light smoking have any negative side effects during pregnancy?

2007-11-08 10:40:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 15 weeks pregnant, almost 16 and am having really bad pain on the sides of my stomach and belly button. I've been drinking a lot of water and really haven't done any heavy activity. No bleeding and no other symptoms. Anyone know what this could be or how I can relieve the pain?

2007-11-08 10:15:14 · 8 answers · asked by Lina Q 1

My husband is worried that he isn't going to know what to do or say in the delivery room. Any advice for him???

2007-11-08 09:52:57 · 14 answers · asked by Krystal G 3

My husband really wants him and I to go to child birthing classes. I don't feel there is a need. I am also on bed rest until my 34th week. Just trying to figure out if I really need to go or not.

2007-11-08 09:49:27 · 12 answers · asked by Krystal G 3

And your least favorite ?

2007-11-08 09:49:11 · 15 answers · asked by mikki080 4

~sore boobs
~light cramping
~breathing crampin
~peeing more
~on an off sore boobs
~and a light headed if stand up real fast
~also takin hot shower and feelin weak n dizzy

2007-11-08 09:46:21 · 13 answers · asked by wondering 1

Im 2 days ove due, and I want him to come out like today. My doctor sayed that she can induse my labor on saturday, but only if the hospatial has a room for me to stay in. So I need to know what I can do. I have been walking streaching and doing all that, I just cant have sex cause my husband is not around right know, so what else can I do??? PLEASE HELP!!!! He needs to come out I dont think I can do this anymore...

2007-11-08 09:36:56 · 33 answers · asked by BONITA 1

2007-11-08 09:34:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


I don't know If I am pregnant. If I am I would be around 19 weeks. I don't have enough money to go see a doctor and I bought a couple of tests and they were all negative. I had morning sickness from week 6 through week 12. I haven't gained that much weight but I can see a change. And it is really firm. I started to feel some movement and if felt like popcorn popping. I don't know if it is stress or me just worrying myself. and what i thought were periods were only a couple days and really light. My mind says I am not but my body keeps telling me I am. I don't know what to do!

2007-11-08 09:25:59 · 22 answers · asked by LOST!!! 1


2007-11-08 09:17:18 · 4 answers · asked by lover25 1

after having two girls, my partner and i decided to try again this time for a boy!! and finally after 2 years we have found out that we are 7 weeks prego (after 3 +ve tests was shocked after two years of trying!!)but am starting to get light lower tummy and back pains...with my last two i never had problems and went full term with both, but am worried what these pains are? (i have no bleeding but do need the loo all the time) what are the chances of a miscarriage for me after two normal healthy pregnancies?

2007-11-08 09:15:16 · 0 answers · asked by xAxEx 3

Everytime I take my iron supplements I feel like garbage the next day and my throat swells up and i'm extrememly gassy. I feel nausious and I don't know what to do, should I just stop taking the iron for now, my doctors apt isn't until wednesday.

2007-11-08 09:10:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

im booked in tobe induced on the 14th, now ive had my show will labour be on its way, if not what happens when your induced is it bad and how effective are pesseries as i dont want any needles

2007-11-08 09:10:45 · 10 answers · asked by kaz 3

does it have an odor to it?

2007-11-08 09:04:48 · 4 answers · asked by Lils 5

I am not sure what the age is. But if it makes a differance I live in Massachusetts.

2007-11-08 09:04:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need to know if you think I could be pregnant. Please don't say go take a test I know I have to take a test to be certain but I cant get one until tomorrow. Okay so I've been feeling sick and getting really bad headaches. Also, Ive gained some weight very quickly and I don't know why. Right after I gained some weight my appetite increased. I'm on birth control though I know you can still get pregnant on birth control. And I cant wait until my period because I don't get one. Am I overreacting or whatever or do you think I could be pregnant? .

2007-11-08 09:01:27 · 8 answers · asked by ... 5

I have a Gestational Diabetes and attended the diabetes class from the 3rd month of my pregnancy until now. Everything went fine, I've been able to control my sugar level with proper diet and exercise. My diabetes doctor told me that all has been excellent, baby is ok, and my OB agreed on that - I only gained 15 lb throughout my pregnancy. I am due after Thanksgiving - Nov 26. But today, my doctor says that normally if a peson is diabetic, they usually induce the patient 2 weeks before the actual due date (??). Is that corect? I don't believe in everything the DR says, so she suggesting that I should be induced on Nov 16 - the Friday before Thanksgiving week (??).
She says that the baby might get bigger if it reaches my due date (I've just gained 15 lb! My normal weight gain is around 20 - 25 lb!). Behind my back , I think she'd like to induce me because she will be on vacation the Thanksgiving week!! If you were in my shoe, what would you do? Would you agree to be induced?

2007-11-08 08:56:22 · 12 answers · asked by pinaytechie 2

2007-11-08 08:54:53 · 22 answers · asked by olsonr2003 1

I'm 35 weeks pregnant...my girl has dropped and I've been having some slightly painful contractions since yesterday and some horribly painful pains shooting down my legs from my pelvic region. Now supposing she were to come now, would she be okay? I mean would she have to stay in the hospital longer than a normal newborn? I need some advice or some stories if you have any...thanks :)

Oh and please don't tell me to go to the doctor...if I get uncomfortable enough I surely will.

2007-11-08 08:53:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i started to bleed while having sex and im 19 weeks!?
do you know why!?
is something wrong!?

it didnt hurt or anything!

2007-11-08 08:53:23 · 8 answers · asked by welcometomy_life 1


I'm 5 weeks today and for the last week I have had some cramping, ovary pains etc. The doc said it's normal, but since I had a m/c last month (although then I did not have any pains or cramping) I'm worried. Tell me your experience. Were you cramping on and off or had sharp quick pains in your ovary area? How long does it last? Is it because things are stretching?

Thanks :)

2007-11-08 08:51:18 · 5 answers · asked by I 2

we were talking (i'm 16, and she's 20, both of us are waiting till mariage to have sex), but she said that birth control pills cause abortions, and also cause health problems, and that she wouldn't use any kind of birth control when she got married. i asked her if she seriously wanted 16 kids, and she said "so be it". who wants 16 kids just because you didn't want to use birth control? if they were all planned, then thats great, but just because you didn't use birth control? i want 5 kids, and i know i will use birth control at least one point in life, but still, why is my sister crazy? is there a chance that with no bc, she won't have 20 kids?

2007-11-08 08:50:31 · 18 answers · asked by :) 3


I had my ultrasound yesterday. The baby was being quite difficult, feet right in front of the target area! The tech finally got a good angle, and it looked to me like a boy, the tech said she thought it was a boy too. The clincher.....when the doc came in, the baby was sound asleep, not moving AT ALL, and the doc said that he couldn't tell, you could barely make the image of the baby out on the screen, that's how far away he moved from where he should have been. I think it's a boy, the tech said she's 95% sure it's a boy. I saw the "tripod" full out on the screen. We already have a 2 1/2 yr. old girl, so a boy would make the family complete! Any comforting words from anyone? I'm getting another ultrasound in a month, the doc also said he saw a cyst on my ovary.....

2007-11-08 08:30:19 · 4 answers · asked by laura_paura 5

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