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Pregnancy - July 2007

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well I am 21 weeks going on to 22 and i have been feeling my baby move everyday now!!! but last night around 3 in the morning i woke up and i guess he/she wanted to be active so the baby atarted kicking... and now i just realized that the baby has not moved or at least i have not felt it!!! should i be worried or is it to early for the baby to be in danger!!! and i feel fine i am just probably being paranoid with all the sad stories out there about miscarriage and stillborn!!! please i need some advice!

2007-07-06 12:15:09 · 9 answers · asked by *Loving my two boys* 3

Sorry about my last question it was dumb I know. I wasn't really paying attention when I made it.

2007-07-06 12:05:21 · 7 answers · asked by Timeless 2


Just wanted some back up from the ladies...

I took a home pregnancy test today but my husband & I aren't sure of the result. It has a very faint pink (2nd line) Here's a pic, its a little blurry. Any answers & info is much appreciated!

Serious answers only please.



2007-07-06 12:00:13 · 22 answers · asked by Yay Linda! 2

I'm only 8 weeks along, but already so anxious and excited. I was wondering how soon you are able to recognize the baby's gender? Thanks!

2007-07-06 11:54:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today my period was due, but it did not come. I work like clock work, but it's not here. My boyfriend is going to buy me a pregnancy test when he gets off of work today, what test should I tell him to get, I told him to get two, should we get two of the same kind of different? Also give me a brand that detects a low hcg.. thanks for the ideas!

2007-07-06 11:44:43 · 8 answers · asked by Lorelei's Mommy ( & prego) 5


is 12 a good age or what how bout 13 ?

2007-07-06 11:40:23 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 5 weeks pregnant and I can't stop thinking about having a miscarriage or tubal pregnancy.. I don't know why!
Why can't I just be happy and rejoyce! I wish I could stop thinking negitavely....
I have my 1st appt next week, so hopefully the doctor can put me at ease

2007-07-06 11:38:44 · 16 answers · asked by critty3114 2

ok, i had unprotected sex with my bf on the last day of my period, which was two days ago. Starting yesterday, i've been extremely fatigued and last night all the way thru today i've been so nauseous. Like to the point where i'm about to puke. I haven't eaten a thing all day and usually I'm eating alot by now. I've been reading stories on the internest of women who have had sex on the last day of their period and have had preg symptoms 2 days afterwards and later on found out that their pregnant!!! Could this be me? I went out today to this restaurant and i had to walk out cuz the smell was making me sick, i've jus been having all these weird symptoms for the past couple of days and would like to know wut u experienced women have to say. thanx

2007-07-06 10:34:05 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

we had unprotected sex about 3 weeks ago, but i never came anywhere near to orgasm. in other words i did not ejaculate because we ended quickly. She has no cramping, and no bloating. she usually has those symptoms during normal periods and her blood flow is usually heavy. she told me this is the second time in her lifetime that she has had a light period like this, but this one was shorter (lasted about 3 days, today was the last day she thinks) she has no morning sickness or urge to go urinate and/or other typical pregnancy symptoms. yesterday we had protected sex during her period, which is why i think it might have ended earlier, but i have read a rumor on the internet that intercourse during your period can relieve you of your symptoms. is there a possibility that she is pregnant, or am I just really paranoid. She says that I am too paranoid, but I am just concerned because i cannot afford a child right now. if possible, is there anyway that I can get this off my mind??

2007-07-06 10:30:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

she is 8 months she has a complete placenta previa and her baby is rubbing on her right hip or pelvic bone is hurting her when the baby moves is this normal or should she ask her doctor about it

2007-07-06 10:26:08 · 15 answers · asked by chrissy 1

yesterday when I went for a checkup. I was about 12 weeks yesterday and when the doctor gave me a vaginal ultrasound she told me there was no heartbeat and that I had a miscarriage. This was my first pregnancy and I wasn't expecting to hear such bad news. The doctor mentioned that things like this happen and that I would have to get a procedure known as D&C. I have done my research about this procedure but I just want to know how( as a woman) can I ever recover emotionally? I have almost passed my probation at work so would it be possible to recover during the weekend( I don't work Sat or Sun) It hurts, I wanted to be a good mother so bad and now that this has happen I feel so lost and hopeless. Has any woman ever felt like they never wanted to try to have a child again because of the emotional pain?

2007-07-06 10:20:49 · 20 answers · asked by voiceofanangell 3

I heard that if the baby's heartbeat is over 160 beats per minute, its a girl and if its less then its a boy. Is there any truth to this?? My babys heartbeat is about 180 beats a minute

2007-07-06 10:11:45 · 18 answers · asked by TheHottestChristinaYouKnow 2

I had my normal period about one and a half/two weeks after i had any sexual activity. I have taken 6 pregnancy test, one of which was two days ago. It has been five weeks since the sexual activity happened. Any possiblity I'm actually pregnant?

2007-07-06 09:59:09 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok here goes...My last period was on June 8th-12th. Every night from the 12th to the 18th my boyfriend and I had sex (unprotected). He never came inside me, but he does have a lot of preejaculate fluid. Around the 22nd, I started cramping, like menstrual cramps, but extremely light, and then a few days after that I started getting sharp shooting pains in my breasts every now and then. My acne has gotten really bad, and I've lost my appetite, and every time I do eat, I don't need to vomit, but use the restroom. I was due for my period July 6th, but on the night of the 4th I had some really light bright red bleeding, and I haven't had any since then. My light cramping and sharp breast pains have continued. I went to the doctor yesterday and had a pelvic and breast exam, everything was fine. I guess I should also mention that 2 weeks ago, a doctor told me I was depressed. Every HPT I take says negative. So could this all be from stress and just in my head, or could I really be pregnant?

2007-07-06 09:39:31 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 18 weeks pregnant, teaching summer camp, and interviewing for new elementary teaching positions. How do I keep this up without getting fired from my current job. I was told today that "I am pushing it" I havn't even told them about my interviews on Wednesday yet.

Wednesday July 11 - 2 interviews one at 11AM and one at 3PM
Monday July 16 - Dr. appt to find out sex of baby
Monday July 23 -regular check up at Dr's

What do I do? Should I quit my current job and take a midnight position where I have off during the day to go to interviews and doctor appointments and risk getting fired from where I am? I also cannot stand my current job.

2007-07-06 09:32:04 · 9 answers · asked by babyntow 3

my wife and I are expecting our first child. we bonded with another couple who is also expecting and they introduced us to this lady whom they have reached out to. trouble is, she has been displaying very distubring traits. she says she is very angry with people, that she wants to kill herself and sometimes she gets so angry she thinks she could hurt someone. she just confided in my wife that she killed her pets ( ducks, etc.) with a crowbar when she went through an extreme depressive/angry state as a teen. this lady constantly says she is jealous that my wife and our other friend are pregnant and married. personally i think she is a walking time bomb. we always just figured her to be a bit odd and an outcast but she dropped the bomb about actually killing another living being out of anger.. on us just a couple days ago. we are nervous now because she is on the invite to our baby shower. how do we handle her without setting her off? we don't wish to have any further contact with her.

2007-07-06 09:23:51 · 15 answers · asked by Brandon K 3

and if it did, did it turn back?!

2007-07-06 09:19:42 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

okay so i'm on baby # 4 my first i was in labor 12 hours, my second 6 hours, my third, i started contracting about 8 went to the hospital around 1045 in active labor had baby girl at 3am so about 5-6 hours?? how fast can I expect to go with baby number 4???

2007-07-06 09:13:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i read somewhere that prec u m and c u m are produced in two different places and that precum does not contain any sperm. The only time it contains sperm is if the man has ejaculated and then minutes later he is aroused again producing more precum. Thats when the precum will carry sperm because it serves as a cleanser of the urethra.

So here's my question:

if the man pees before sexual intercourse it is impossible to get the girl pregnant?

(since the precum wont have any sperm in it)

2007-07-06 08:36:02 · 8 answers · asked by -Gorda2- 2

I have given birth vaginally, Vbac, and c-section. I know that when you have had a c section your risk for your uterus rupturing is higher during labor. With my last baby, I was having contractions for about 2 weeks (I was even admitted to the hospital for them) before my doctor did my section (which made that my second section) What's the difference in that and why was that safe? I hope my question makes sense! Basically, why is ok to be having contractions but not safe if you are laboring? It doesn't make sense to me because if they are both real contractions what's the difference or does the risk of uterine rupture have something to do with the birth?

2007-07-06 08:28:55 · 6 answers · asked by BeThAnY 4

2007-07-06 08:21:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

During the intercousre l did not use a condom and l did not realise sperm in her

2007-07-06 08:14:29 · 21 answers · asked by Patrick A 1

I am feeling like I have a cold, back hurts, cramps, dizzy, nausous, tired, and going to the bathroom more. My husband and I had an accident when I was most fertile. I am noticying these symptoms early because I have two children already (my pd is due next week ) I took those five days early test and its negative. Are those accurate? and does it sound like I am pregnant?

2007-07-06 08:11:23 · 5 answers · asked by mt4444 1

I am having my 5th baby and I am 24 weeks. Either my baby is starting to make me more uncomfortable when he moves or I am already having them. My back is starting to hurt too...yuck! =)

2007-07-06 08:06:28 · 8 answers · asked by BeThAnY 4

Have anyone thought Why the women that ask if they are pregnant when they think they have the symptoms don't take the HPT???

I have my thoughts:
1.Desperation to hear the answer they want: AKA positive or not pregnant
2.they are way too early to be experiencing those symptoms or even to test
3.they are actually hoping the period that came is not period.
4.they don't have money to afford an hpt(come on dollar tree anyone)
5.Seeking attention,
6.they are too young AKA 13, 14, or 15...,
7.Oh and Most importantly they are pregnant but don't want to admit it even though the belly is about to POP!!

We Know, we still help you but please Follow the ADVICE THAT says: BUY A PREGNANCY TEST NOW! or WAIT!

2007-07-06 07:46:55 · 15 answers · asked by Mom2aGirlandaBoy 3

We are ttc for the first time and I have no idea what it will be like if we miscarry. I am scared that if I do, I won't know. Will I?

2007-07-06 07:14:16 · 11 answers · asked by nps 3

shouldn't that mean you're far along enough to get a positive?

2007-07-06 07:10:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm due Aug. 14th, was due the 10th but the dr. doing the c-sec. moved it back.. but anyway.. He said they do the c-section 10 days before my due date.. and they don't do c-sections on the weekends, so do they include weekends in the 10 day period or not?

2007-07-06 07:05:48 · 8 answers · asked by RoOgUrL85 2

I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant and this has been happening a lot lately. I am going through a HIGH RISK pregnancy right now and am trying to take care of myself the best way possible (eating enough, drinking tons of water/fluids, taking vitamins, ect which I always do on a daily basis.) But even though I do those things, I get dizzy whenever I stand for more than around thirty minutes at a time. If I do stand for more than that, the dizziness is so bad that my legs feel as though they are about to give out on me and the dizziness gets so bad that I feel like I'm going to vomit. I'm making an appointment with my doc for next week, but does anyone have any advice right now for me other than "stay off your feet"? What could be causing this? Have any of you been through this too? I feel so alone here. Please help.

2007-07-06 06:54:48 · 13 answers · asked by Miley 4

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