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Pregnancy - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

When we conceived we had sex 3 days before ovulation, 2 days before, 1 day before and the day after and 2 days after. Do you think the baby is more likely to be a girl or a boy judging by how long sperm lives etc?

2007-01-16 06:40:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am about 4 weeks pregnant and for the past week i have been having sharp pains down by my ovaries. Most of the time they are on the right side, sometime on the left. My lower back aches and it aches more when these pains come. I have a history of functional ovarian cysts, but shouldn't those have ruptured when i ovulated? On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being excruciating, the pains are a 3 most of the time. Has anyone else had this problem?

2007-01-16 06:37:26 · 9 answers · asked by larann78 2

i cant even speak a sentence without having to catch my breath..help me!!! is this normal??

2007-01-16 06:36:00 · 12 answers · asked by Vanessa M 1

2007-01-16 06:34:51 · 11 answers · asked by DiDi 2

Ok, I am unsure as the next steps I should take. I need to confirm that the home test was correct with a blood test but do I go to an ob/gyn for that? I have an appointment with an ob/gyn coordinator but will they expect me to have already taken a blood test? I am so confused! Someone please explain to me the steps I should take.

2007-01-16 06:34:21 · 17 answers · asked by Charlee's Mama 3

My girlfriend for awhile now has thought she was pregnant, and it just turned out she is. I've been reading books, so I know what to expect. However, before I even knew she was pregnant our relationship had started to decline. I have a ton of mixed feelings now, I am worried for her, I question my love for her, I just don't know really. I'm 19 and she's 18. We both have jobs, we both work 40 plus hour weeks. She is in college, I took the semester off. My love for her has started to fade, but the fact that she is pregnant scares me to death. We're to young to have children. She is on birth control. She uses the pill version. She is supposed to take it everday. I guess she didn't. But it's not her fault, It's mine too. I don't believe in abortion, but i believe in adoption....there are so many famillies who can't have kids. What should I do, what should we do?

2007-01-16 06:30:30 · 18 answers · asked by David 1

My wife is feeling light headed and sick after she eats anything, is this normal? Going to doctor tomorow just want to know if its something to worry about or not

2007-01-16 06:27:27 · 15 answers · asked by Big C 2

hi, i know to contact the doctor, but before i do i want to see if this sounds like labour or just braxton hicks. (i am only 3 mins from the hospital). I am in my 38th week. This morning i went to the mall and walked around and got a huge pain in the lower part of my tummy, and when i came home my underwear were wet, which has happened periodically thorough this whole pregnancy. I felt like i had to go to the bathroom really badly, and I did. I came home did laundry and house cleaning, but now my lower back is there, dull to sharp., non stop pain. i am having contractions periodically, nothing major, but the top part of the stomach contracts sometimes, but the lower part underneath my belly button gets sharp pains, and again i feel like i have to use the bathroom. I can also notice the baby has started to move more within the last hour or so, but i just ate some soup and s/he usually does move more after i eat. Does this sound like braxton hicks or the "real" thing.

2007-01-16 06:26:30 · 21 answers · asked by Jelly Beanz 2

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and have been taking courses to prepare me for a natural birth. However, my doctor has informed me that the baby is still in the breach position ( feet down). He says if the baby doesn't move round in the next week or so I will need a cesarean section. I really want to have a natural birth! Any ideas, suggestions or similar situations?? Thanks.....

2007-01-16 06:21:00 · 8 answers · asked by keljay 1

How far aong were you when you found out you were pregnant?

2007-01-16 06:20:27 · 14 answers · asked by NYC Princess of Contradictions 2

My sister just announced that she is expecting. I would like to get her a present, not something for the baby, but something just for her. She is still very early on in the pregnancy, but she already has a ton of books, so those are out.

2007-01-16 06:19:23 · 15 answers · asked by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 4

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend a week ago and now I'm having major abdominal pains, is this a sign of a miscarriage or can I possibly be having early signs of pregnancy?

2007-01-16 06:17:30 · 6 answers · asked by mee mee 1

Does the guy have to be sponge-worthy?

2007-01-16 06:15:51 · 6 answers · asked by Stephen R 3

I am 3 months pregnant with baby #2 and crave oranges like crazy!! Anyone else crave fruit all the time? I don't crave anything else

2007-01-16 06:10:46 · 17 answers · asked by Mommy of 2 Boys 4

As if I wasn't already paranoid about this pregnancy before hand! I just recently had a cerclage placed on my cervix and my worries have tripled. My questions are what are the symptoms of a ruptured cerclage? Will I have to get it tightened throughout the rest of the pregnancy? Is it normal for my stomach to tighten up every once in a while? And lastly how the hell do I survive 18 weeks of bedrest??? Experienced moms, your answers are greatfuly welcomed.

2007-01-16 06:08:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


Well my period ended about a week and a half ago.. and I feel like my period is starting up again and its weird I started spotting lightly yesterday with tiny cramping... I've never had a kid before so if I am yaaaaaay.. Ive tried to make a doctors appointment but I have to wait a week due to how busy it is.. What is your opinion about all of this...

2007-01-16 06:07:43 · 8 answers · asked by Princesskitten 2

2007-01-16 06:04:24 · 9 answers · asked by Shalotta M 1

I am 5 mo. pregnant and I have been working out throughout my pregnancy, but I didn't get to the gym much over the holidays. I just came back from the gym after not having been in a while and the baby hasn't stopped moving. Is everything OK?

2007-01-16 06:03:40 · 4 answers · asked by mlee1277 2

he says i should get an abortion but i dont feel right about it. we love each other alot but we have a low cash flow and no insurance. he also says its kind of too soon in our relationship eventhough he will be with me if i keep it or if i dont but he is still pushing for the abortion. i agree with him but i dont think i want an abortion. wat should i do?

2007-01-16 06:03:22 · 18 answers · asked by NatGirl 2

ok, im going to be a mom in march, and i just found out that you have to interview your peditrician, well i found two, that suit my needs, but do i like make an appt. with them to interview them, or what??? and what kind of questions do i ask??? please help

2007-01-16 05:57:52 · 7 answers · asked by ruspecialenuf 3

But then she said she wasnt pregnant? Thats a horrible feeling. I felt aweful. She wasnt fat but her belly was round and hard not flabby. Ill never ask again,unless her maternity shirt says"Baby inside".

2007-01-16 05:57:20 · 12 answers · asked by TrofyWife 4

My doctor switched my birth control when I was on week one of the old. I took the last one that Thursday and started the new that Sunday, missing 2 pills entirely. This is what the pharmacist said to do. According to the old cycle I would have gotten my period by this morning. On the new it wouldn't be until next week. I have had a slight feeling of nausea a couple of times, been bloated, and I had brown cervical mucous twice over the past 2 days. Sorry about TMI. I took a preg test Saturday and it was neg. Could I possibly be preg? I would like to be but my husband what's us to be "financially ready." We have a 4 year old now. Can someone give me their honest opinions or actual experiences? I would like to know if any of my symptoms are leaning towards preg. Thanks so much for your time!

2007-01-16 05:55:42 · 21 answers · asked by hospitalgurl 1

Has anyone taken Ambien CR during pregnancy? My previous doctor precribed me Ambien in my last pregnancy during the 3rd trimester. I have a new doctor, so I don't know what she recommends. But I am 19 weeks, and have been taken Ambien CR a few times a week, and cut the pills in half. Last night I took the full pill (12.5 mg) and it was not pleasant. I felt totally drunk, was out of it, threw up.
Has anyone else had any expreince with Ambien? Is it really safe during pregnancy?

2007-01-16 05:50:41 · 8 answers · asked by Jenibee 2

ok to start off with i had a flu shot when i was 26 weeks pregnant. i know that its not gonna keep the flu away completely but i didnt think i would get it either... of course the thing is im not sure if i really have the flu either. has anyone gotten the flu shot while pregnant then ended up getting the flu later on?

see, the reason i dont think i have the flu is because, when you get the flu usually you cant eat anything and when you do it doesnt stay down, with me, i can eat like normal just all day long i feel really sick like im gonna barf, kind of like morning sickness.. i heard that sometimes that comes back in late pregnancys but i also have been haveing lots of head aches and one min i will be hot then the next i will be cold, all my muscles feel really weak. could this be the flu or morning sickness comming back, or is it possible that its just the way my body is reacting to not being able to get enough sleep (to much pains keep me awake ALL night, i nap as much as i can)

2007-01-16 05:50:12 · 12 answers · asked by tanker015 3

2007-01-16 05:47:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 6 1/2 weeks pregnant. I recently had a miscarriage so we have decided to take it easy. I eat all the right things. I sleep as much as I can. So far so good. I only get tiny little cramps here and there but I think its just my uterus and tendons stretching. This morning when I was sleeping I had a dream that I was having an orgasm. I woke up immediatly because I had a sharp really painful cramp in my stomach and uterus. After a few seconds it went away. Is that normal?

2007-01-16 05:46:26 · 7 answers · asked by angel l 3

Well Saturday [Jan 13] was my 2 yr anniversary with my boyfriend and, of course, the main thing we did was have sex.. 4 times on Friday, 3 times on Saturday, 2 times on Sunday, and 1 time on Monday.. Each time was unprotected and the "pull out" method was used.. We started wondering when my next period would come so we checked my mymonthlycycles account and little did we know, Thursday - Monday were my fertile days.. Then he comes out and tells me that he feels that he may have pulled out a little late about 2 or 3 times but it wasnt on purpose.. What are my chances of being pregnant???


2007-01-16 05:40:34 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend just found out she is pregnant. She has brain cancer and she just stopped doing chemo. I am afraid this is a risk. But everyone is so happy for her. How can I help her and appear like this is a good thing. When I know that this is not.

2007-01-16 05:33:46 · 8 answers · asked by nashvillekat 6

I am about 5 weeks preg. and i tend to leak pee sometimes is that normal?

2007-01-16 05:24:40 · 24 answers · asked by Brit. 2

When I first found out I was pregnant my breasts hurt really bad now they only usually get really sore at night when I am sleeping and sometimes afte3r I get out of the shower. The rest of the time they feel only a tiny bit sore. I read that if a woman had breast tenderness before her period then when she gets pregnant it will be even more painfull. They hurt even less now. Does this mean my hormones are dropping and I could possibly have a miscarriage or is this normal. I just recently had a miscarriage and I am so scared it will happen again since I am hardly even getting pregnancy symptoms. I cant get to the doctor for another couple of weeks due to insurance issues so that is out of the question. I just wanted to know if it is normal. I only get tiny cramps here and there but no bleeding. Thanks!!!

2007-01-16 05:24:20 · 9 answers · asked by angel l 3

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