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I'm 35 weeks pregnant and have been taking courses to prepare me for a natural birth. However, my doctor has informed me that the baby is still in the breach position ( feet down). He says if the baby doesn't move round in the next week or so I will need a cesarean section. I really want to have a natural birth! Any ideas, suggestions or similar situations?? Thanks.....

2007-01-16 06:21:00 · 8 answers · asked by keljay 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

8 answers

Ask your doctor if he can do "a version." This is fairly simple procedure where the baby is turned to vertex (head down) positon by external manipulations.
Here is how it is done.
Generally, it is done in the hospital. They may or may not start an IV. Most doctors would give you an injection of terbutaline, which helps to relax your uterus. It can have the side effect of making you feel a little jittery, like you've had too much coffee.
Usually, it's done with the help of ultrasound, so they can see for sure what they are doing, and where the umbilical cord is.
The doctor pushes very firmly against the baby's buttocks to move it upward, then downward on the back to get the head into the pelvis where it belongs.
It is somewhat uncomfortable. You can imagine it -- it feels like someone is pressing quite firmly on your belly, and then lots of movement.
It is NOT terribly painful, and over with in a few minutes.
There are some risks, but it is less risk than having a surgery.
The success of the procedure depends partly on the size of your baby, and how deeply it is lodged into your pelvis.
Success also depends on the skill of your doctor, and how committed he is to doing this.
Doctors STOP the procedure for several reasons -- fetal distress; or, if he just can't budge it; OR if the woman complains of too much discomfort.
It is important to try to relax and breathe through it, knowing that it will be over in a few minutes.

If your doctor doesn't do this procedure, I would "shop around" and consider transfering to someone who is willing to give it a try.

I had a c-section for breech (they didn't know until I was in labor).
Next baby --- breech, with a version, and then a VBAC-- SO much nicer.
Next baby -- another VBAC
Last baby -- another breech, another version, another VBAC.
I can definitely say that a version is NO BIG DEAL compaired to the risks and pain involved in a c-section.

2007-01-16 06:58:39 · answer #1 · answered by who me? 5 · 0 0

I was in your exact position in my last pregnancy. I had read and studied Bradley's method and was ready. Then I was told she was breech and I'd need a c section if she didn't turn. I think around 32 weeks we went to the hospital and tried ECV to manually turn the baby and she was just stuck in my pelvis, Frank breech. That really hurt, by the way! Gave me bruises and could have potentially sent me into early labor, they warned.

I tried exercises the doctor told me about like propping a board on the floor and couch (I used pillows) and lay on your back so that your butt is on the couch and shoulders are on the floor fro 15-20 min 3 x a day.

Another one is to lay on elbows and knees (you can get your knees up higher with books or pillows) for 15-20 min 3 x a day. It is the position of a kid reading a book on the floor.

Both of those are supposed to move the baby out of the pelvis, so she can move around. I'd pick a time when she's active like after eating (slantboard one may not be good for indigestion here!) or exercising.

I also tried some unscientific things like putting frozen peas at the top of the belly so she'd move her head to the warm part, play music and shine light at the bottom of the belly. I tried some of these things while doing the exercises above!

I tried everything I could, to no avail. My healthy baby girl was delivered by c-section, much to my crushing disappointment.

Some reasons why my breech may not have turned:
It was my first pregnancy, my muscles were tight, making ECV less successful.
My doc wasn't optimistic about turning or the ECV.
I'm 5 ft, my husband's 6 ft, and my baby was 9 lb 2 oz, so she ran out of room early on.

A nurse did tell me that she saw a baby turn on the table going to the OR for a c-section, so it is possible up to the last minute. Now, I don't know whether that's true or she was trying to make me feel better. I cried every time we discussed c-section.

2007-01-16 14:43:41 · answer #2 · answered by tcdrtw 4 · 0 0

Like you I took all the classes hoping to have a memorable birthing experience, and like you I was told my little one was feet first. They asked me if I would like to have what they called a inversion where they try and move the baby around. My doctor told me that their were some risks involved, she said that doing this may cause me to go into labor where I would need an emergency c-section, or the baby would move back after, and that was only IF they could get the baby moved. To do this I would have had to go to the hospital and have an epidural and they would monitor the baby as they tried to move it. To me this sounded like it would just be too much on my little one and I would rather have a planned c-section than have to have an emergency c-section. So I decided to have the planned c-section at 39 weeks. At first I was a little bummed that I would not get to "go into labor" etc but all that disappointment goes away when you look at your little one. They are so beautiful, another plus with the c-section is that their heads are perfectly round and their faces are not all swollen and squished. LOL.

2007-01-16 14:32:27 · answer #3 · answered by ktbblb 3 · 0 0

Dont worry juuust yet :) My daughter was transverse breech (her head was on my left side, her bottom on my right) and my doctor waited and waited and waited until my 39wk appointment. He gave me an ultrasound and she was still sideways. He decided she wasnt going to move so he scheduled me for a C-section. I was scared to death. I have 3 other kids, Ive never HAD a C-section and my husband wasnt able to take much time off work PLUS it was summer so I had ALL the kids home ALL the time..I wasn't sure how in the world I was going to handle recovering from surgery PLUS a new baby PLUS taking care of the rest of the kids too...
I went in on my scheduled C-section date, got all prepped and was ready to go into the OR and because the baby was moving around like crazy when they were prepping me, he decided to check her position one last time.........and she was head down and ready to go :) I still gave birth that day, but, naturally :)

Granted...my baby only had 1/2 the way to flip as your baby does but, it could happen. You still have 5wks left, thats actually plenty of time.
I hope your baby will turn for you!

2007-01-16 14:31:36 · answer #4 · answered by jmnixon1981 2 · 0 0

I have a really good friend that went through that exact situation. Ask your Dr if he is willing to try and "turn" the baby. They can attempt to manipulate your belly in a certain way in order to aid in turning the baby to its natural position. From what I understand, it can be very uncomfortable for you, but it may be worth it in order to try to deliver naturally. As a mom of two children who were both delivered cesarean, the end result is the same... Healthy, happy children, so try not to be disappointed if it does not work! Good luck to you.

2007-01-16 14:34:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is plenty of time for the baby to turn, and a vaginal breach birth is possible. So don't panic and don't let your doctor tell you what your HAVE to do that soon.

2007-01-16 14:45:08 · answer #6 · answered by Kahuna Burger 2 · 0 0

when my sister was pregnant with her daughter she was breeched up until her 38th week, she went in to have a visit and they litterally turned the baby around. i dont know if they will do this for you or not, sometimes it works and sometimes the baby turns right back around, luckly my sister was able to have a natural delievery... best of luck to you, talk to your doc maybe he can turn you baby like what happened to my sister.

2007-01-16 14:34:05 · answer #7 · answered by tanker015 3 · 1 0


2007-01-16 14:28:38 · answer #8 · answered by IMBOSSY LT 2 · 0 1

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