About a week since I LAST I had sex, I took a pregnancy test (my period comes every 20 days and it was around the 23 day mark) but it proved negative. About 5 days later I took a second test (being paranoid) but it said positive. About 2 days later I got my period along with very painful cramping so I took a couple tylonel 3's (I haven't had that bad of cramping in years.) The thing with that period is that (sorry for about the details here) hardly anything showed up on my pad- just spotting, but the weird thing is as soon as I sat on the toilet to go pee, blood would leak out (for the first 2 days.) This period lasted for around 12 days (although pretty light for the most part.) So I had a period, and I have no symptoms of pregnancy, therefore,I can't be pregnant, right? Just a false positive?
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