The government school district in Galveston, Texas is threatening to sue a parent for what the school district says is libelous material on the parent's website. Sandra Tetley runs a site – – where she posts information about the local government school system and its officials. If she does not remove the statements from the website, the strict plans to sue her.
Tetley accuses trustees and administrators of breaking the law. Her group, Galveston Alliance for Neighborhood schools, has a history of criticizing the district for reconfiguring its middle schools, closing elementary schools, meeting in illegal executive sessions, refusing to divulge contents of a letter from a civil rights consultant, and for issuing a budget forecast that was off by $10 million.
One legal expert says that it is "rare and unlawful" for the district to sue a citizen. Government entities cannot sue for libel. Some call this potential lawsuit an intimidation tactic, and even worse, a great big waste of taxpayer dollars.
Tetley says that people are tired of what the government is doing, and that they are going to use our own money to silence us.
Our government schools are so pitiful .. it's sad more parents aren't as proactive as Tetley. Once the parents of this country recognize what they're doing to their children, and once these parents start demanding some semblance of school choice, things may begin to change.
Her web site:
Galveston Daily News:
I admire her for speaking out. What are your thoughts?
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