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Politics - 29 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Why not let the two duke it out themselves without our involvement? Is it b/c Israel is our ally? Well then, what do they do for America? How many soldiers do they have in Iraq?

2007-10-29 04:36:11 · 20 answers · asked by MadLibs 6

What a thoughtful and sophisticated level of discourse Limbaugh has, I'll tell you...

2007-10-29 04:27:03 · 36 answers · asked by alphabetsoup2 5

I see it from all sides, it would seem more intelligent to talk "up" to someone not "down" to someone, trying to find shared values and common ground, and share facts and reasons for wanting to change someones mind.

No one is going to change their mind if they just get insulted all the time.

What are your thoughts? Do you just troll to be a troll, or do you view the internet as an opportunity to share some information and learn a few new things from time to time?

2007-10-29 04:24:41 · 21 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

I've been listening in for 2 days and all I've heard her do is mock the way Laura Bush looks, mock her intentions to spread breast cancer awareness in the Middle East, belittle and insult "neocons" (whatever that is) in every conceivable immaturish manner, and the entire time she never has engaged in any kind of intellectual discussion of any issue. And at one point, she had the audacity to say that "neocons" are hatemongers, after she'd ranted for hours without substance. Her rancid insipid dangerous stupidity must be exemplary of the reasons Air America is tanking. Sheesh.
Do you like this radio channel? When do they, if ever, talk about any issue using something called "facts" and "debate"? If all they ever do is constantly emote without basis in fact, they enrage stupid people into a constant "rebel without a cause" state-of-mind, and this is what you see, lots of angry people on the left with NO ideas.
Bye bye, Air America.

2007-10-29 04:18:57 · 14 answers · asked by SQD 2

American History paper.

2007-10-29 04:16:59 · 8 answers · asked by liabel 1

Wiki was already checkd.

2007-10-29 04:15:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 04:14:22 · 5 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

healthcare for every Iraq,ie,,,Why would Bush say this??????

2007-10-29 04:12:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 04:06:30 · 11 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

Yahoo wrote:

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.

To whom it concerns,

I most certainly do question this removal. I see no problem asking this political / legal question (the section the question was placed under).

I would like to know

1. Why in my link provided (which was deleted with my question) are ethnic jokes made for all races/religions EXCEPT for Christians?

2. Where can similar jokes be found that include Christians? (If your going to tell ethnic jokes that is fine and your freedom, but Christians must be included).

3. If there are no Christian jokes of similar nature can we assume that Christians are the makers of these jokes and feel it is fun to bash others while excluding themselves.

4. To prove this: Some call a Jew a Ki*e and a Black a ****er. So tell me what is the ethnic slur one would call a christian then?

5. If you do not know one (if there is not one for christians) then please explain why.

6. Why are Christians excluded from all the bashing, and yet seem to orchestrate all the bashing?

I would be interested in this answer as it has deep social-political roots. Christianity is used as a tool in politics and as a weapon to disrupt the peace and security of other nationalitites. This question is very deep and meaningful. I would like to explore the nature of this social-psychological phenomenon. It applies to christian anti-semitism and also in the christian- anti-muslim venues.

USA has deep rooted christian culture. It is unfortunate that when a light is placed in the dark corners of christianity (crusades, inquisition, nazi-christianity, witch trials, heavens gate, suicide cults, christian blindless in schools, current christian-political abuses) that we are not allowed to discuss the matter.

I have not asked an ignorant question defaming the character of christianity.

The above darkness was born like the KKK from Christianity itself and the converting of savage indians and african slaves to christians. etc.

To deny my freedom to ask this question would not surprise me. The truth is what americans do not want to talk about.

In the light of what christianity is supposed to be in the words of Jesus. John 3:20 "For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed."

I am not afraid to tackle the christian debacle and their preponderant biases and hatreds. So even thought I could go on and on. I am curious as to why my question must be repressed by yahoo.

a) Yahoo can not deny that the manifestation of christianity is vast in america in both good and bad forms.

b) Yahoo can not deny that the questions I pose about christianity and its roots in american culture are deep and extensive. To deny me the right of analysis with the rest of the community denies me my constitutional freedoms.

c) Yahoo can not deny that I have handled this matter with dignity and grace, and I did not intend my original question to be incendiary.

So I would like the answer to my original question:

1) I would like to know why every nationality in the world has a slur except christianity.

2) If christianity does have a slur then what is it?

3) If there isn't a slur then why not?

What is wrong with the questions?

If Yahoo Answers has a suggestion to how I may better phrase my question then please email me back with suggestions to how I may better word the above content.

Otherwise I would like this question posted. Please let me know what your response is.

sincerely, the truth and nothing but

2007-10-29 03:41:17 · 14 answers · asked by the truth and nothing but 1

2007-10-29 03:38:49 · 27 answers · asked by alphabetsoup2 5

She has not said something or not voted on something that leads me to believe hat she will not end this war.
Can anyone show me differently?

2007-10-29 03:23:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

A) Impossible Israel is a impregnable stronghold of security forces
B) Risky might hurt their own people
C) Too insignificant of a target
D) The ethnic cleansing prohibits it

2007-10-29 03:20:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Regardless of wether or not you think we should go to war with Iran, why would you bury your head in the sand regarding their support of terrorism and their intention to build a nuclear warhead.

If anything, knowing the facts allows us to discuss appropriate courses of action.

Is there a process of diplomacy and sanctions to follow before a war, of course there is.

2007-10-29 03:18:34 · 12 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

So it's worked great for 200+ years now. Would you change it one way or the other?
I see liberals on here claiming that conservatives want fascism in America, and conservatives claiming that liberals want the government to take control of everything - and neither accusation is honest nor true. Yes, there will always be those on the fringe that scream the loudest, but do they speak for the majority?

2007-10-29 03:18:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why if most of American ppl dislike Bush, he have been president all this time??
What kind of sistem (i say electoral sistem) have America, he cant be kicked of the White House?? Ppl dont leave politic if do such a things??

2007-10-29 03:12:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see the same behavoir from the anti-Global Warming community saying Al Gore is a liberal so there is no climate change,

and now from anti-Neoconservative people they say Iran is not trying to get a Nuclear bomb because they don't trust the person delivering the message.

I for one try and not bury my head in the sand.

The President of Iran has said his country is developing nuclear weapons.

Is it responsible to let him follow through with this program, or do I have to hear more rhetoric about why you don't like George Bush?

I for one do not like George W Bush at all and voted for Kerry in 2004 so please, don't attack the asker of this question on yahoo answers as some sort of Bush defender cause I'm not.

2007-10-29 03:06:40 · 13 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

also how do you compare the american values (norms) to your own values?

2007-10-29 03:05:04 · 5 answers · asked by vero2196 1

2007-10-29 03:01:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

The post had a remarkable 3 part article on Cheney's power in the white house...without question Cheney has been the most powerful V.P. to hold the office...

2007-10-29 02:58:10 · 9 answers · asked by alphabetsoup2 5

Voted yes for the war in Iraq, yes on every Iraq spending bill, yes to the Patriot Act and yes on reauthorizing the Patriot Act?

2007-10-29 02:50:16 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

All their arguements are logocal fallicies in this case the appeal to pity. So do liberal Democrats have abortions fo rthe Childern, I.E. appeal t o pity?

2007-10-29 02:39:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever pay extra, or do they claim all exemptions, to pay less.

2007-10-29 02:14:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When Saddam killed many kurdish, the Bush administration saw it as wrong but now when Turkey has to fight them, is there any thing wrong or it is right or wrong when Mr.Bush think so? it is confusing who is right and who is wrong?

2007-10-29 02:09:15 · 8 answers · asked by bionic man 3


For people who pay no taxes, to decide if I should pay more.
So they can get more free stuff, for doing nothing.

2007-10-29 01:55:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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