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Politics - 15 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

According to this story from WorldNetDaily, California government schools have banned the words "Mom," "Dad," husband," and "wife." Well .. at least that's the argument from the Capitol Resource Institute, and since we're talking about California here ... they may not be too far off. All it will take now is a lawsuit or two to get things rolling. Governor Schwarzenegger signed the bill which also orders government schools to allow boys to use girls' restrooms and locker rooms and vice versa.
One of the bills signed is SB777, which ban anything that could be interpreted as negative toward homosexuality, bisexuality and alternative lifestyles. Another is AB394 which targets parents and teachers with "anti-harassment" training.
Any text, reference or teaching aid that alludes to the idea of marriage as only between a man and a woman is banned. Any materials that say that people are born as either male or female – and does not offer an 'in between' option – is officially banned. Any sources that do not include transsexual, bisexual and homosexual historical figures can no longer be used. And sex education materials must offer the option of a sex change.
Moving on, homecoming kings can no longer be limited to just males. The same goes for homecoming queens. And students can choose which restrooms and locker rooms they want to use, the restrooms that correspond to what they believe their sexual orientation to be.
This same bill will promote these issues by using taxpayer money to create publications, postings, curricula and handouts for students, teachers and parents. It also says that parents who refer to marriage by only its "traditional" terms in the presence of a gay teacher could be convicted of harassment. And students who believe that you are born just male and female could be reported as a harasser.
Analysts are afraid that this legislation will affect schools across the county. This is because textbook publishers must cater to their largest purchaser ... and that is often-times California. It would be too expense to have separate editions of textbooks for other states.

Will this be the future for all government run schools in the near future? I’m not anti-gay, but can’t help being outraged.

2007-10-15 04:53:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

they tell us what they think we want to hear

2007-10-15 04:48:13 · 18 answers · asked by ktrxw 1

The US's failure to control Kurdish separatists who are attacking Turkey from their havens in Iraq OR

Congress' resolution to condemn killings by the Ottoman Empire?

2007-10-15 04:29:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

whether pertaining to illegal spying on americans, torture, or perhaps pushing for a war that they knew was not justified. I am not saying they have. I am saying IF ...IF it was proven that a democratic led or a republican led presidency ever did such a thing, would you as a citizen be willing to wink and nod and say..."well at least they were doing it to make us feel safe" wink, and say forget about it..lets move on?

Or do you think that regardless of the party that committed such acts, those guilty should be punished to the fullest extent of our laws..as an example to any other future would be or wanna be tyrants?

2007-10-15 04:28:46 · 23 answers · asked by ningis n 1

2007-10-15 04:27:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not for any current proposed form of Healthcare . Although I'm also a realist and see some form of Healthcare as an eventual inevitability . So why don't we start figuring out how to do it right?

I propose the following. . . . .. Mandate that each and every one who uses Healthcare Benefits , also must do some type of community service in return for the benefits . Now before any of you get bent out of shape and say the sickest people aren't capable , I would also exempt the bed-ridden and highest tier of the ill . Afterall they are the smallest fraction of our society . But what I'm talking about is the vast majority of all doctor visits . . . . . . physicals , stitches , the flu , broken bones , concussions , etc. etc .
Kids under 16 could either be exempt or better yet , hold the parents accountable for community service . Community Service could be identified and listed as anything approved that helps our country .
Basically what I'm calling for is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

2007-10-15 04:24:35 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

On a related note, should elected officials be accountable to thier constituency directly, or should they be given room to make their own judgement?

Before you answer, consider the intelligence of the majority of Americans.

2007-10-15 04:10:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think the politicians running would be taken more seriously by the general American population (says this tongue planted firmly in cheek) if after the primary/conventions were over and party nominees decided, if one opted for Paris Hilton and the other Britney Spears as running mates? It is sad, but more Americans are concerned with who those two flakes are sleeping with than with what is going on in the world from either a liberal or conservative bent.

2007-10-15 03:58:50 · 10 answers · asked by momatad 4

I wonder how deep into this week we're going to get before some Democrat candidate for president comes up either (a) a new entitlement program designed to make people even more dependent on government; or (b) another proposal for increasing taxes on the evil, putrid, menacing, nasty, filthy, crooked rich?

Does anyone want to take a guess?

2007-10-15 03:58:05 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it necessary to start campaigning nearly 2 years ahead, it seems like forever! Anyone else tired of the whole thing? Opinions...

2007-10-15 03:47:17 · 13 answers · asked by ~ Floridian`` 7

Peace and Social Justice Crusade

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Code Pink

Muslim Students Association

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

Students for Justice in Palestine

Revolutionary Communist Party

International A.N.S.W.E.R.






Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, congressmen
Adam Kokesh, fake Iraq War veteran
Cindy Sheehan, Harry Karry, peace activists
Michael Moore, Sean Penn, film-makers

Please note the associations here. One in particular (although many of them are not as outspoken in the alignment with communism) the one in particular: the Revolutionary Communist Party.

Birds of a feather flock together eh?

The question is, how loudly would the liberal main stream media be screaming if Rush, O’reily and anyone else on the right spoke at a rally associated with the Nazi Party USA?

Yet another clear example of the hypocrisy of the Left?

2007-10-15 03:39:41 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

When your senators continue to vote yes on funding it and you defend them for it!

2007-10-15 03:35:35 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Funding the war is the same as supporing it!
Why did the Dems lie to us back in November?

2007-10-15 03:24:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Make no mistake, the Turkey Genocide bill was by no means about genocide, it is about DISRUPTING the flow of supplies to our troops.

Should we take steps to impeach them?

2007-10-15 03:14:37 · 15 answers · asked by Major Deek 2

What happened to the constitutional values of country?

2007-10-15 03:13:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who Hates Americans?
By Ishmael Vera

The campaign mounted by campus leftists against Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, which is scheduled to take place on more than 100 campuses during the week of October 22-26 has taken a new turn with the announcement of a counter-protest at the Washington Monument. The protest, which will be called “American Fascism Awareness Day” is being organized by Adam Kokesh of Iraq Veterans Against the War, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Students for Justice In Palestine, and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee among others and will feature speakers such as congressman Dennis Kucinich and presidential candidate Ron Paul, anti-war activists Cindy Sheehan and Harry Karry and actor Sean Penn.

2007-10-15 03:00:15 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

By intelligence I mean information.

2007-10-15 02:48:25 · 14 answers · asked by Dastardly 6

The more detail, the better. I'm trying to better understand this complex situation. Thanks.

2007-10-15 02:44:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear many on Y!A talk about the 'redneck' south but I guess since liberals abide in the north, tolerance and 'enlightment' rules the day.

It really doesn't.

Who knew?




2007-10-15 02:29:23 · 19 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

Al Gore has done more flying of private aircraft than 99% of the world's population- first as vice president and now as a book/movie salesman. I find it a bit (actually ALOT) hypocritical that he should have the nads to point his finger at the average American and demand that we cut back on emissions when he has done such an incredibly poor job all his life! Gore's carbon footprint is a thousand times that of ANY US citizen! Come'on Al- give the NOBEL back to someone who deserves it- NOT YOU!

2007-10-15 02:03:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Liberals HATE the fact that exectutives make a lot of money but I NEVER hear them complain about the amount of money their liberal donors in Hollywood make per picture. Should "actors" who PRETEND for a living make more money than Executives who run companies?

Most US corporate leaders believe chief executives are overpaid and do not provide value for money for their com­panies, according to a study that will embolden critics of excessive compensation.

The findings – to be published today by the National Association of Corporate Directors – are likely to strengthen calls by investors and politicians, including George W. Bush, US president, for restraint on executive pay at a time of growing income inequality in the US.

2007-10-15 02:02:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Personally, I continue to be amazed daily. I have lived through much of the ( American ) history many reference to in their Q&A's. Having first hand exposure to the reality, I can say without a doubt, more than not have a revisionist understanding of past events. When I read threads from Waco’s who's political axe is sharpened daily with blog sites I cry for this nation. I weep for the loss of truth, morals, respect, and wisdom. Since liberals have nothing better to do than *****, *****, ***** the internet is their heaven on earth. Their collective hive. If there is such a thing as the BORG, it would be the misinformation machine of ideology. If you want to hear GOD laugh, tell him your plan.

2007-10-15 01:54:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-10-15 01:54:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


KABUL, Afghanistan - The U.S. military said Monday it had looked into allegations that soldiers had desecrated the Quran during a raid on an Afghan home and found no evidence that soldiers had defaced the Muslim holy book.


The allegations sparked an outcry among villagers in the eastern province of Kunar, who met with the governor, provincial leaders and U.S. military commanders on Sunday over the issue.

2007-10-15 01:37:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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