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Politics - 31 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Do we have to all sneeze at once?

When will Truthisback pony up the cash so I can play World series of Poker?

Will you write me as President at the next election? If no, why not?

2007-08-31 07:55:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-31 07:50:41 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. It's Labor Day Weekend!!!!

2. College Football is back!!

So what are your plans for the weekend? I plan on unplugging and unwinding myself!

2007-08-31 07:47:08 · 18 answers · asked by pip 7

2007-08-31 07:46:17 · 14 answers · asked by ballerb j 1

I call it a target rich environment. Sadly the season isn't open when they march.

2007-08-31 07:46:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you remember him saying "The people who knocked down these buildings will hear from all of us soon"...six years later and we are still at war with a country that had no connection to 9-11.

2007-08-31 07:41:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am from N.Y. Every other person here HATES George Bush. Everyone wants to see him get impeached. But I think it's pretty late for that. I wonder if America will be better without George Bush. I mean will a New President make America any better than NOW?

2007-08-31 07:39:45 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Rich conservatives/Republicans mostly care about money, business and enriching themselves. Poor conservatives/Republicans believe everything their rich brethren tell them, even to their own detriment.

Last year's election showed that these poor dupes are starting to catch on to Bush and his rich pals, but they still believe that the Bush administration cares about terror and homeland security, when in reality he only cares about helping the 'haves, and the have-mores'.

Bush is doing more damage to the conservative/Republicans than to anybody else except, of course, the poor and the middle class.

Bush has polarized the government and the country to a standstill, yet the poor conservatives/Republicans continue to lap up his nonsense.

Why do they keep falling for the same old garbage?

2007-08-31 07:39:35 · 19 answers · asked by daibato 2

Gain power through democracy then create an act that gives unlimited power (patriot act) Then abuse that power by attacking other countries for reasons that he claims are just while lying to the people and sending the young people of the nation to die. It didn't end well for Germany.

2007-08-31 07:35:53 · 12 answers · asked by Brian M 1

2007-08-31 07:28:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


Consider the history of Democracies. For example, the world's #1 Democracy, the USA, has waged numerous wars in the last century (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq II, and soon Iran and Sudan, not to mention numerous others) and has extortionate tax rates and has even resorted to enslaving their population numerous times to fight for the military (and still has registration for this heinous human rights violation). The record of Democracies tends to show that they aren't actually as peaceful as we like to think they are.

Of course, that ignores that Germany had a democracy after WWI and elected Hitler and that most democracies have collapsed.

Is Hoppe right? Is Democracy a God that Failed?

2007-08-31 07:21:48 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do. The skyline just isn't the same.

Do you think the twin towers should be rebuilt or the Freedom Tower should be built?

2007-08-31 07:21:16 · 7 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

2007-08-31 07:20:13 · 24 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Not wanting to be disrespectful of Mr. Snow's serious situation ... will probably get slammed ... But the question still stands.

Tony has a good salary, maybe he's in the top 5-6-7% of wage earners. Still he claims he is stepping down because he is running out of money.

What about us millions who earn less? ... we can't go out and pick up a lucrative gig on the speaking circuit if we get seriously ill? How will healthcare fail us?

2007-08-31 07:16:51 · 12 answers · asked by HillBillieNot 3

I have heard some conservatives accuse liberals of not wanting the troop surge to be a "success". What would make it "successful", though? After all, we have already implemented democracy in Iraq, just as Bush wanted. However, it seems to me that the only way the troop surge would be a resounding success would be if all (or at least most) of the infighting and terrorist activity were suppressed, and given the nature of Islamic fundamentalism, this seems highly unrealistic.

2007-08-31 07:13:55 · 9 answers · asked by tangerine 7

taking euro. history, need some help!!

2007-08-31 07:10:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It looks like everyone has already made their decisions even before the report comes out.

From today's NY Times:

"The official line from the White House is that Mr. Bush will decide about the future of the troop buildup after hearing from General Petraeus and Mr. Crocker. But people familiar with the thinking of the administration say Mr. Bush is all but certain to press for the strategy that relies on heightened troop levels in Iraq to continue through spring, as initially planned."

And also:

'Jim Manley, a spokesman for Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader [said] “We’ve got a series of hearings and reports due that will provide a much-needed dose of reality to the spin coming out of the White House. Republicans may be breathing a sigh of relief, but the fact is, they’re headed with the president over a cliff.”'

If everyone already knows what their answer is going to be, why are we waiting for the report?

2007-08-31 07:08:31 · 6 answers · asked by Chredon 5

To me, having the mormon president would be the "worst case".

2007-08-31 07:07:43 · 17 answers · asked by not_omniscient_enough 1

I currently have a 30 year fix rate mortage which I have been paying responsibly. Can I refinance to get one of those high-risk subprime loans so the government can help me pay for my house?

2007-08-31 07:04:48 · 7 answers · asked by Mutt 7

or has he given up because he knows America is no longer fooled?

I know this, bin Laden is a hoax...Bush did it all. He is not the moron you suppose, he is an evil genius.

2007-08-31 07:04:45 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The government is presently blaming Iran for its worries in Iraq and Afghanistan. The drumbeat is getting louder. After two pre-emptive attacks on sovereign countries with flimsy casus belli, we can;t doubt the administration is willing to attack a civilian center in Iran. How will you stop your government and what are you willing to do if the attack does occur? Would you join public protests, a general strike, would you boycott shopping and air travel? What would you be willing to do to protests our own Cambodia (look into the protests that followed War with Cambodia)?

2007-08-31 07:00:43 · 19 answers · asked by Washington Irving 3

She seems like the best choice to me. I say that because to win the Republicans need to break up the women and black vote and she can do both. Is she a shoe in?

2007-08-31 06:50:16 · 19 answers · asked by netjr 6

Hillary Clinton is running for president, as a voter I look for characteristics that will make her a strong commander in chief. Her husband openly cheated on her several times. This to me means that she is too weak and dependant to kick him to the curb (Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky? Come on, get a backbone) Not only that, she wasn't AWARE!!, she is obviously oblivious to what is going on in reality, she is not keen, not observant and not a fighter, she is the worse role model I would want for my daughter.
How dare she act like one, and say its ok to forgive your husband 1, 2, 3 times. So I want to know why in gods name people think this is who we have running our country? Will she forgive Osama too?

2007-08-31 06:46:00 · 17 answers · asked by ? 2


Don't be lazy. You must read this article.

2007-08-31 06:43:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

On this we seem to agree, right? Every time righties denounce regular welfare, lefties say "oh but what about corporate welfare" - - - so, lefties can you please chime in first that I'm correct to assume you do oppose corporate welfare (rather than simply use it to justify individual welfare), and then, everyone - HOW CAN WE STOP IT?

Corporate welfare is even worse - it interferes with the consumers' governance of the market, with their ultimate direction of the allocation of resources (i.e., when you buy Chinese-made items at Wal-Mart, and I'm not saying you should or shouldn't since it's your money, but you're the ones who cause the job-losses at the US-based plant that produces the same items at higher cost).

And the "well it creates jobs" argument doesn't hold water - it doesn't create jobs - government doesn't create wealth. It's my broken window analogy - well, that's not mine, it's every economics professor's since Smith's....

2007-08-31 06:42:37 · 4 answers · asked by truthisback 3

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