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Politics - 12 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Is the fox-spin really that good?

I mean, how many times do we have to hear quips blaming him for everything from masterminding 9/11 to violating that sweet little innocent Monica, to stealing furniture from the whitehouse?

I guess the people throwing these accusations around are just not educated enough to name a Democrat who is currently on CSPAN?
(too busy watching the 700 club to learn who their Senator is...)

2007-08-12 09:51:57 · 15 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6


2007-08-12 09:49:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Say I know it would work to and they would try to forget the horrible stuff they said about are troops and America.

2007-08-12 09:43:20 · 12 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

and he did exactly what he did while in office. No difference, just the party-- would he still have been such a lousy president?

2007-08-12 09:40:14 · 12 answers · asked by Barry auh2o 7

and if the Monica thing never happened.

2007-08-12 09:33:13 · 17 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

1. Republican
2. Democrat
3. Independent
4. Liberal
5. Conservative

Good answers only, thanks in advance guys!(also whats up with the left and right stuff)

2007-08-12 09:26:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The more I think about it the more it seems our invasion of Iraq was a carefully planned out move to destablize the middle east and get them fighting each other so they don't worry about us.... Thats whats happening, maybe our leaders aren't as inept as we think.


2007-08-12 09:23:21 · 17 answers · asked by Chuckles 4

August 10, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - The chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee this week announced a plan to fight global warming by reducing carbon emissions up to 80 percent by the year 2050. This would be done by raising gasoline taxes 50 cents per gallon and ending mortgage tax deductions on large houses, which the Michigan Democrat called "McMansions."

During town hall meetings in Ann Arbor and in Dearborn, Rep. John Dingell said he will make these proposals as part of a multi-tiered bill he will introduce on Sept. 1 in his committee, which handles legislation dealing with global warming.

Some home-contracting firms, however, criticized Dingell's proposal as misguided and economically detrimental. And some conservative tax experts agreed, noting that Americans already pay too much in taxes and raising taxes more will only curtail consumption and investment.


2007-08-12 09:22:47 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

And I recieved a lot of positive answers...as well as many negative answers. Is that right? I voiced an opinion, no vulgarity, no offensive language. Yet, I am penalized.

2007-08-12 09:18:59 · 29 answers · asked by Fritz Milan 3

I personally don't think that there ever will be peace? Many Muslim nations and people will never accept or even tolerate the existence of non-Islamic societies. I do not even believe that Sunnis and Shiites will one day live in peace alongside each other. I believe this is a problem that will never be solved.

What do you think?

2007-08-12 09:18:42 · 10 answers · asked by Tom S 7


In the swampy soup of hopefuls for the 2008 presidential election, there is a man with a funny name. (No, not that one.)

We're thinking of the one named Fred (Thompson).

Say it out loud. Do it. Fred. Fred. In the South, Fray-ud.


It has the tonal quality of something being dropped on the floor, something heavy and damp-ish.

Waterlogged paper towel.


2007-08-12 09:10:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lately I am wondering.

I named him Ron after President Reagan but he hasn't acted like he appreciates it.

He sits around all day and basically does nothing but whine and beg for handouts. His job is to patrol the yard and hunt mice and other vermin but he doesn't like to work.

I don't know what his stance is on abortion but I know he cares nothing about monogamy. Hes a total coward and runs from every conflict. I'm pretty sure that he supports PETA but he showed his hypocrisy by devouring an entire chicken that he had stolen. Ron has never been known to be a vegetarian.

Rons a real nice guy when he wants something. If Im busy hes never had any problems with inserting himself until only his needs are met.

Yes, Im thinking that Ron is maybe a racist too. He hates the dog and any cat of any color.

Please help, is my cat a liberal and is there anything that I can do to make him be a better member of society?

2007-08-12 09:07:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

No Child Left Behind = Withdraw Funding from Education

Right to Work = Right to Fire People.

Protection of Marriage = Say No To People Who Want It.

Patriot Act = We Can Spy On You To Make Sure You Stay In Line

2007-08-12 09:06:16 · 15 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6

August 15 is . . . . National Relaxation Day and National Failures Day

Are you guys having any parades or rallies to celebrate you day?

2007-08-12 09:05:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Wasn't it Clinton that came in and cleaned up the horrendous budget deficit created by 12 years of Republican administrations (1980 to 1992)? Anyone who actually thinks Republicans are fiscally responsible are in need of some strong psychotropic drugs.

2007-08-12 09:01:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if his response had to 9/11 had been to focus on the small extremist movement that caused it, instead of the enormous religion that movement shares with a billion innocent people?

What if he had worked to strengthen the anti-fundamentalists groups in the Muslim world, instead of undermining them?

What if he had promised to bring democracy and economic development to US-based dictatorships like Jordan and Egypt, instead of starting a war?

What if he would have agreed that Arab people should control Arab oil, that Palestians have as right to a homeland as much as Jews, and that the United States had no right to interfere in the politics of the Arab and Muslim world?

I guess we'll never know how much better off we would be now. But I think it would be a lot.

2007-08-12 08:58:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was watching the movie "Black Hawk Down" and made me realize that its always us American dying for other's cause. No one will ever do anything unless we go step in.

I understand its a humanatarian thing to do, but its our people that always ends up getting killed.

Why doesn't anyone step up and fix this crisis instead of waiting on us?

2007-08-12 08:52:38 · 7 answers · asked by Catch Me If U can 2

2007-08-12 08:52:33 · 14 answers · asked by Dude #2369™ 4

In an age of instant information by way of communication satellites, and the internet, a candidate's career can be immediately ended by any misstatement or radical expression.
Didn't this happen with Howard Dean and his victory scream, and later with John Kerry and his statement about the educational level of soldiers?

2007-08-12 08:50:40 · 13 answers · asked by big j 5

bleeding that occurs once a month?

2007-08-12 08:48:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

For keeping us safe: No terror attacks on USA soil since 9/11

Economy: 9 Million well paying jobs created since 2003. A very Low 4.6% unemployment rate!

Restoring Honor & Dignity back to the White House after the impeached Clinton.

(Please feel free to vote and comment on my 360 page: Topic - How great is George W. Bush. Liberals welcome.)

2007-08-12 08:39:24 · 28 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

so why do my parents want me out of the house and are telling me to find a job?

2007-08-12 08:39:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

A. None
B. Some, as long as one of the two major parties agrees with it.
C. As much as it deserves.

2007-08-12 08:38:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


Clinton a drag? Dems fear her negatives

"I'm not sure it would be fatal in Indiana, but she would be a drag" on many candidates, said Democratic state Rep. Dave Crooks of Washington, Ind.

The chairman of a Midwest state party called Clinton a nightmare for congressional and state legislative candidates.

A Democratic congressman from the West, locked in a close re-election fight, said Clinton is the Democratic candidate most likely to cost him his seat.

A strategist with close ties to leaders in Congress said Democratic Senate candidates in competitive races would be strongly urged to distance themselves from Clinton.

"The argument with Hillary right now in some of these red states is she's so damn unpopular," said Andy Arnold, chairman of the Greenville, S.C., Democratic Party. "I think Hillary is someone who could drive folks on the other side out to vote...

2007-08-12 08:33:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-12 08:32:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fox news cables most unfair and biased news network, ever since Rupert (A Zionist) created the network more americans who watched the bullllshitt suddenly became conservative, and in 2000 they were able to help another adolh hitler and a nazi regime come into power (Emperor Bush and Republican Nazi's), Fox news along with the conservative devil state (texas) ran clear channel should be shut down ASAP

2007-08-12 08:27:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are current President of the United States of America George W. Bush and current Vice President of the United States of America Dick Cheney so successful?

2007-08-12 08:22:39 · 6 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7

Before you go for the easy quick answer to this question, I ask you to think twice first.....and really really consider whether the principles of indepence and freedom of self determination that brought our rebellion from england about are compatible with policies of imposing our will on others.

Thank you in advance for hopefully what will be intelligent and thoughtful answers.

2007-08-12 08:19:11 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

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