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Politics - 1 August 2007

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I hear that the plan is to arm Saudi Arabia to oppose Syria and Iran, but isn't it Sunni Saudi Arabia who are funding our main enemies Al Qaeda?

2007-08-01 05:57:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-01 05:56:40 · 2 answers · asked by death_by_stereo 3

It's obviously interferring with Bush's efforts to protect us from the boogie man. Besides, there's no mention of Jesus in it.

2007-08-01 05:55:06 · 19 answers · asked by Joe D 2

Right now it is exactly 101 degrees outside yesterday it was 102 degrees!!! Take that liberal doom sayers there is no global warming!!! and I proved it. now go find something else to complain about, (but leave the war alone)

2007-08-01 05:50:11 · 17 answers · asked by Chuckles 4

The are major emitters of CO2 gas.

2007-08-01 05:47:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or why do'es the U.S. Congress Fight for the Causes of Al-Qaeda?

2007-08-01 05:45:42 · 8 answers · asked by john 2

2007-08-01 05:42:40 · 14 answers · asked by Page 4

This is a country on the verge of a military takeover, has a 39million man army, and has nukes......again, I ask, do you really want these clownes in the White House?

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday that he would send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists, an attempt to show strength when his chief rival has described his foreign policy skills as naive.

2007-08-01 05:38:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

The modern liberal is: “Be politically correct”, “say what I tell you to say[you can or can't use the N word]”, “accept sexually the way I tell you to accept it”, and "if you fall out of my lines, I will charge you with a hate crime or a lawsuit." This is fascism reborn, but it all comes from the left.

2007-08-01 05:36:51 · 6 answers · asked by TJ815 4

That the military continues to exceed it's recruitment goals.

Americans in Iraq, who chose to be there using their own free will, will continue to kill all the terrorists while remaining safe and stablizing Iraq.

Congress will extend Bush's tax cuts for working people.

Ginsburg, who has already lost her mind, will retire giving Bush one more SCOTUS pick.

Full pardon for Scooter Libby.

Iran's nuke sites to be taken out

Israel to STEAMROLL over Gaza and the West Bank and to stay permanently forcing the whiney palestinains to go back to Jordan and Syria.

Please God - Let Hillary be the DEM nominee!!!! Please.

Bush vetos any LIB spending bill

I meet a fine young conservative man with maximum earning potential who attends church.

2007-08-01 05:35:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are not leaving anytime soon.

It would appear that U.S. Forces are building bases in Iraq, and settling in for a long stay.

Even an anti-war democrat in the White House will not withdraw U.S. troops. They will realize that this would cause a catastrophe in the region.

U.S. troops will still be in Iraq 10 years from now.

2007-08-01 05:33:10 · 15 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

I thought democrats liked people and cared about others. They seem to hate me though, they are all about ending the war and this and that, but if the war ends I won't make enough money to build my second mansion. Also why don't they fall believe the "terrorist will follow us home" line? just because nothing we've predicted so far has been right, that means we're due! It's a fact democrats Hate america

2007-08-01 05:31:57 · 11 answers · asked by Chuckles 4

I keep seeing questions addressed to the democrats, and I was wondering why the GOP doesn't ask their OWN leadership about their liberal policies? They have been in power for years...

2007-08-01 05:26:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean, we need to maintain the economy!!!

2007-08-01 05:26:04 · 6 answers · asked by jimmy j 2

What is wrong with these morons? And to top it off, the nutjob Obama would consider invading Pakistan.

Wait until John "Court Jester" Murtha hears about this!

2007-08-01 05:22:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

You know who I'm talking about.

2007-08-01 05:08:30 · 24 answers · asked by Abu#2 4

1) terrorism on foreign soil

2) illegal invasion through open borders - includes terrorists

3) removal or weakening of our 2nd amendment rights to defend ourselves

4) Identity theft prevention through government control (Real ID)

5) other - explain please

2007-08-01 05:07:21 · 21 answers · asked by Naturescent 4

I have read some responses here that think that if we leave Iraq, that AMERICA will live under Sharia law. Mind you, congress would have to approve this...are you someone who believes that western culture as we know it will crumble if we leave Iraq? It would help me to understand the irrationality behind this war. Thanks

2007-08-01 05:04:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shamus MacIntosh , a Scottish policeman was assigned as security to a recent soccer match pitting 2 teams whose particular fans and countrymen were known for hostilities . He kissed his wife good-bye and told her he'd be home after the game (usually about 3 hours later) . Well his favorite team won so he called his wife to tell her, and just as he and his fans and countrymen were celebrating , a riot broke out . Yeah , it seems that the losing team's countrymen didn't like that and some others were there only to start trouble . Hours later the fighting was still hot and heavy , and when his wife called him angry as bee , he had to explain that things had changed and therefore he could not leave until things settled down . She didn't want her husband to get hurt , but it was his duty and responsibility to finish his security detail completely .
Reluctantly , his wife agreed because she loves him .
Hmmmm , she loves him and understood !!

Do Liberals Really Love Our Country ?

2007-08-01 05:00:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are anti government...Aren't we trying to stabilize the Iraqi government? Does this make as much sense as hiring the Hell's Angels to do security for the Rolling Stones at Red Rocks? For those who don't know...red rocks didn't turn out so good...

2007-08-01 04:57:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Currently the fire departments are run by the government and funded by tax dollars. This is what many conservatives denounce as "socialized" (the same system as our police and military, incidentally).

So, given that you dislike this system, do you all favor elimating our public fire protection?

2007-08-01 04:48:58 · 24 answers · asked by Steve 6

Which ones? And if not, what are we fighting for? Just trying to figure out when we will win...it helps to have clear objectives. Thanks

2007-08-01 04:45:01 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Liberals walk like, talk like, act like, respond like and quack like socialists, BUT can't say the "S" word.

Is it because there is too much negativity associated with communism and socialism, to use these words? Most liberals will call you a facist or other name (which is really what they think about all capitalists) in retaliation but isn't "socialism" an appropriate word?

Even the French democrats call their party, "the socialist" party, why can't our liberals be honest and change their party name to the "socialist party"?

2007-08-01 04:42:12 · 28 answers · asked by ? 7

So someone said that the people in Iraq were fighting so I could have my freedom of speech to say what I wanted to on this board.

Considering we've had this freedom since 1776 and the only time the freedom to speak was ever under threat was during World War II when the Nazi regime looked to world domination..

Isn't the conservative line of 'they're in Iraq fighting for us" a bunch of baloney?

The reality is..the fighting in Iraq does not benefit the U.S. one bit.

America will always be a free nation. Going to Iraq, or Vietnam...did more to damage our freedom because it caused Americans to be intolerant of other opinions.

No. I do not believe the soldiers in Iraq are fighting for my freedom. An argument could be made on whether they're fighting for Iraqi freedom. But not American freedom. That was never in danger of being lost.

When America is under threat of invasion or attack..then they will be defending my freedom.

2007-08-01 04:38:24 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

their party has thrned socialst
HItler and hillary say/said and do very similar things

2007-08-01 04:38:06 · 16 answers · asked by and socialism 4

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