We go into Iraq on March 2003 on the premise that Saddam's regime is supporting Al-Qaeda and that he possesses WMDs, despite 2001 and 2002 reports from the Bush administration that only Afghanistan is a necessary target. Well I guess the fact that Saddam's attempt to kill Bush's daddy prompted him to conjure up a pot of boiling bs so he could finish the job in Iraq. Congress voted hands in, but I'm sure not one truly looked into the reports, and only 1 congressman had a child in the military so no loss right, well not for the boys on the hill at least. Funny thing is 15 of the hijackers were Saudi, 7% of the American economy is set on Arabian investments, and on September 13 Bush allowed over 100 Saudis, some of the bin Laden family, board private jets back to Saudi Arabia without a single interrogation. Why doesn't Bush grow balls, pull his hand out the Arabian wallet, and force the Saudi family to cut down on their own terrorist problems? So why are we in Iraq again?
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