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Politics - 29 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I was thinking of that "cast the mote out of your own eye first before you attack the mote in Iraqs eye" verse.

We know that love thy neighbor doesn't apply to killing women and children

2007-06-29 15:04:47 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

She would give us a new direction and have a nice touch for the Government. ( Rich men who have always won really mess things up for the everyday American) A Black man/woman could also do wonders for the USA.

2007-06-29 15:03:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-29 14:51:42 · 12 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6

Democrats are trying hard to be as nonchallant as the republican party. They just don't seem to get it. If you're going to be evil and pretend to be a saint, you need to recruite some of the very talented republicans who have no problem lying, cheating, stealing, and making a mockery of our constitutional form of government. Which is the greater evil? Democrats who lean toward socialism or Republicans who lean toward fascism and naziism?

2007-06-29 14:40:51 · 16 answers · asked by little timmie 3

I have heard so many liberals "say" we should all be tolerant of each other, but only when they are referring to others' tolerance levels, not their own...their own actions condemn them and most of them have spouted some of the worst hate messages I have ever heard! Then they get pissed at someone like Ann Coulter who throws it back at them...Why is this? Is it just that they are mostly hypocrites and don't care that they do not practice what they preach? Or do they think the rules only apply to others? Not only intolerance, but this happens alot in all they stand behind, for instance: Al Gore, whose home is the worst for expending large amounts of unnecessary energy, yet he professes to be for all that is "green"??? I have more, but too many examples to mention here!

2007-06-29 14:37:03 · 17 answers · asked by EM 2

He mumbles and stutters every time a republican disputes the "facts" he displayed in his movies. I can't believe liberals still buy his crap and don't feel betrayed. Especially since they always b*tch about bush being a liar.

2007-06-29 14:35:39 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-29 14:25:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I understand that Bush has created lots of problems, and that he really hasn't done a great job, but i'v been raised to respect your authority (which he is to us). But do you think that only goes so far? I mean critizing him or protesting out on his front lawn only makes his job more stressful. But with that said, he really has done a crap job. So how do you think the American people are handeling him, and how do you think we should act towards him?

Thanks in advanced. =)

2007-06-29 14:22:27 · 26 answers · asked by Alayna 3

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like conservatives have anger issues. They are angry about this, angry about that. The country is falling apart...the school system is in shambles...the border is caving in...religion is disappearing...blah, blah, blah. Everything is in poor shape. Everything ticks them off. Everything is happening to them specifically. It's all about them and how everyone is trying to take something from them. They are especially cranky about money issues and think the whole world is trying to leech or sponge off them. If I was I conservative, I would shoot myself in the head and put myself out of my misery.

2007-06-29 14:21:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

same with the rest of the media besides fox.

2007-06-29 14:03:26 · 16 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

when Moore announced he was going to make a documentary about the American Health care system, I was wondering how that could possibly be pulled off and be entertaining. In the meatnime, a conservative could had been making a documentary lauding the US Healthcare system and had 3 years to make it, yet none did so.
So conservatives should admit Moore is a genius right?

2007-06-29 13:52:55 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

What's next? Making interracial people get married and bussing everyone to the wedding?

2007-06-29 13:39:43 · 9 answers · asked by BRICK 3

Considering how much oil is required to produce ethanol?

2007-06-29 13:39:31 · 11 answers · asked by flushles 3

I think it is funny how Bush trys to go drink for drink with a Russian.

2007-06-29 13:39:03 · 13 answers · asked by ? 2

Police politicans judges and welfare recipents

Where do they get their money from ?

The same place

The tax payer

Now why is it they hate it when you remind them that it is in fact me and you that pay them all - ???

2007-06-29 13:31:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If we want to prevent another attack and make our country safer wouldn't this make sense? The moderate Muslims aren't speaking out against Osama AT ALL, and all over Europe they're creating havoc with their extremism, so why should we cut any of them any slack here?

2007-06-29 13:20:21 · 15 answers · asked by BRICK 3

beside what happen 200 years ago

2007-06-29 13:17:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I usually find her very annoying but she was "dead on" in her commentary tonight. I have a new respect for her.

2007-06-29 13:04:24 · 15 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6

a) Ask that she leave before you get the manager,
b) Smile & look the other way.
c) Make small talk.
d) Stand up & walk away.

2007-06-29 12:58:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

im sooooo tired of hearing about that wrestler who killed his family! They interupt the story about the london car bombs to talk about it! its really annoying...not to mention how nancy grace freaks out when talking about it! i think i'll just go watch bill oreilly hes comming on in 10mins...

2007-06-29 12:51:45 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is as bad as Karl Rove. Wake up America.

2007-06-29 12:51:14 · 9 answers · asked by @#$%^ 5

Is obvious.....

2007-06-29 12:45:01 · 10 answers · asked by The Apostle 2

Isn't the New York Post liberal? Correct me if I am wrong.

2007-06-29 12:44:24 · 22 answers · asked by Liberal City 6

story link in clear anticpation of liberal whine.
"For the president to perform his constitutional duties, it is imperative that he receive candid and unfettered advice and that free and open discussions and deliberations occur among his advisers and between those advisers and others within and outside the Executive Branch."

quote 2
Those facts might have come out had the chairmen accepted Fielding's original offer to allow administration officials to testify in private, without a transcript, the president's lawyer pointed out Thursday. Lawmakers rejected that offer, however, demanding that a record be made of the interviews.

quote 3
Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., urged a pragmatic response to Fielding's claim of privilege, saying that if the committee accepted the private-interview offer it could always issue subpoenas later.

Since subpoenas can be issued at any time, whats the big deal to discuss it

2007-06-29 12:42:09 · 10 answers · asked by koalatcomics 7

Soldiers’ Voices
Listen to what the armed forces have to say about Iraq.

Operation Arrowhead Ripper, as the latest American offensive is called, has successfully swept into al Qaeda-infested Baquba, the capital of Diyala Province northeast of Baghdad, killing and capturing hundreds of terrorists. The battles in Iraq and Afghanistan time and time again have resulted in significant, but often untold military successes. Realities on the ground often go unnoticed or under-appreciated.

The American soldier has often lacked a voice to articulate his mission and his successes amidst the cacophony of defeat in Congress and public opinion polls.

I invited warriors to weigh in with their perspectives, interviewing hundreds of soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, many on the battlefields of Iraq. Together, their interviews constitute much of War Crimes: The Left’s Campaign to Destroy the Military and Lose the War on Terror. And the picture they paint of their fellow citizens at home is anything but rosy.

“Every day, the enemy changes…only now, the enemy is becoming something new. The enemy is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to Americans. The enemy is becoming the very people whom we defend with our lives. And they do not realize it. But in denouncing our actions, denouncing our leaders, denouncing the war we live and fight, they are isolating the military from society…and they are becoming our enemy. Terrorists cut the heads off of American citizens on the Internet…and there is no outrage but an American soldier kills an Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are investigations, and sometimes soldiers are even jailed…for doing their job…It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this.” —Sergeant Eddie Jeffers, U.S. Army

“Some of the American public have no idea how much freedom costs and who the people are that pay that awful price. I think sometimes people just see us as nameless and faceless and not really as humans…A good portion of us are actually scared that when we come home, for those of us who make it back, that there will be protesters waiting for us and that is scary.”—-Specialist Jason Gilson, U.S. Army

“What angers and hurts me as a soldier is that they parade their anti-war views in the face of my brothers and sisters who are recovering from the same battlefield that I fought on and am still fighting on as I type this e-mail. Is there no honor or dignity left in the antiwar movement? Do they have no shame? Do they have no integrity? Do they have no heart? Do they have no soul? I can answer that with a simple no! How can they say they support the troops but protest where they try to recover from war? You interviewed one gentleman, and I use that term loosely, who stated ‘If I was injured I would want someone to speak for me like this.’ Well let me tell him something, we do not want you to speak for us and we do not need you to speak for us!” —Sergeant Mark Leach, U.S. Army

“Compared to the shock of the instant, violent death of a squad-mate standing right next to me or the excitement of a child looking at my uniform, the constant barrage of partisan politics, runaway brides and the activities of Paris Hilton seem utterly devoid of importance. I have marines slowly recuperating at hospitals in San Francisco, Washington, Bethesda and San Diego. Who is telling their stories?” —Captain Rory Quinn, U.S. Marines

“We daily see the gross distortions. We can’t recognize the caricatures they [the media] scratch out, neither in our fellow soldiers, nor on the battleground. I know they claim to be objective but really they’re nothing more than accomplices in the face of this evil.” —First Sergeant Jeff Nuding, U.S. Army

“The troops’ number-one frustration has consistently been the media reporting. The way the press mishandled Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo had a tremendous negative effect on us. It inflamed the Iraqis at a time when we were making great progress in their support and willingness to help.”——Major Eric Egland, U.S. Air Force

“We are at war, Representative Murtha, and your actions and conduct give aid and comfort to our enemies…You have dishonored all of those who have fought and died up to the day you stood on the floor of the House of Representatives and demanded that we withdraw immediately. Representative Murtha, you have given aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war. You have given them hope, which they have fast been losing, due to all of the victories and sacrifice by our sons and daughters on the field of battle in Iraq and Afghanistan. You have been honored by our enemies on the front page of Al Jazeera. . . ” —Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Stark, U.S. Army

Listen to these voices. Listen to their clarity and purpose. Have you heard anything lately from Washington, D.C., or in the mainstream media nearly as cogent?

As with all wars, America’s fate resides in the hands of the vocal elite manning the editorial desks, congressional offices, and studio back lots. As we approach the birthday of our independence, let us add another voice to the dialogue: the uniformed men and women who, then as now, granted and preserved our freedom. Our way of life is at stake, as is the plight of 25 million Iraqis. Shouldn’t we listen?

2007-06-29 12:32:15 · 12 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Having a debate in work about the top Dictators, so thought I'd ask the rest of the Yahoo! Answers community :+)

2007-06-29 12:29:36 · 7 answers · asked by eyeswideshut 1

Congress' approval rating is in the 25% range. Bush's approval rating is around 30%. More Americans currently disapprove of our government then approve of it, by a pretty wide margin. And I seem to remember from US history courses that only about a third of colonial America actually wanted to go to war with Britain. But I'm not sure of the number. Can anybody help me out? I'd like to know a historical estimate of the percentage of colonial Americans who felt that their government was so screwed up they needed to go to war to change it. I'd bet money that as a country we were happier under the British than we are with Bush and Pelosi.


2007-06-29 12:29:26 · 3 answers · asked by Bigsky_52 6

Clinton was a genius but he just wanted to get laid. If he had been a meglomainiac like Bush there is no end to the destruction he would have caused.

So see it worked out just fine.

2007-06-29 12:21:29 · 14 answers · asked by ? 2

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