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Politics - 29 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Why should I have to pay my tax dollars to pay for a war that I do not support?

2007-06-29 07:24:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

We won on immigration and on the fairness doctrine.

We are 2 for 2 in the past 2 days.

After we completely take over the government and all of our ideas are implemented can we just sit back, and have an ice cold bud light?

2007-06-29 07:21:38 · 17 answers · asked by Nickoo 5

Does that mean that the liberal-based media will have to run conservative ideas?

Or is this just a ploy by Democrats to shut down the conservative talk-radio and Fox News to run an even MORE liberal base in the media?

In today's media, the vast majority of news casts are left-leaning, but the liberals whine and complain over their OWN opinion that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Lavin, and Jerry Aigar are "running the nation" through their conservative ideas.

Conservatives have one major radio station and one major news station compared to the rest of the media. So, again, if the Fairness Doctrine is brought about again, doesn't this mean that the conservatives should actually get MORE air-time?

2007-06-29 07:16:15 · 18 answers · asked by Maverick 6

Look at a Map.!
It is.
Zion is a myth, Aztlan is for real.
Aztlan is not past time, it is present and future.
Why do you think, the radical liberal-republicans fear Aztlan and other nationalistic movements in America and Europe?

2007-06-29 07:10:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

or is that just the Ringo Gringo Engolishman's way of getting his message across?

2007-06-29 06:54:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Conservatives want the government to be GOD!!!!

2007-06-29 06:54:30 · 8 answers · asked by captain_koyk 5

and by many of his own party. Who does he represent? The majority of americans want to see a different direction in Iraq as well, but he stubbornly refuses. Does he lead or mislead?

2007-06-29 06:52:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think he is a sick individual! Here's a link about it him making fun of Steve Erwins death. http://www.tvsquad.com/2006/10/31/bill-maher-funny-or-no/

2007-06-29 06:51:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Look at Hillary's pro Iraq, anti Iraq stance. She even said until her numbers started to drop that she stands by her original thought on the matter.

Obama used to admit he was half white and half black. Now he just wants to be black.

Edwards I'm not even going to touch that with a 10 foot pole.

Why do so many liberals flipflop while conservatives stay steady and true?

Do liberals even know what they stand for themselves?

2007-06-29 06:47:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

OR, do you believe in economic opportunity and social advancement by hard-work and education? the things our country was founded on. who really wants the guy at mcdonalds wearing a doctor's mask? he cant even get my order right.

2007-06-29 06:45:13 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

In almost any definition of what defines a conservative, a smaller government is listed usually in the top 5. Do you think the current conservative President has delivered on that very important conservative benchmark.

2007-06-29 06:39:16 · 19 answers · asked by Janet 6

Does this mean that you will still go to prison if you shoot one? Is it still protected as a national symbol?

Is the bald eagle any less an icon of American pride now that isn't as rare?

2007-06-29 06:32:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It must really confuse them to hear him speak considering how he looks.

2007-06-29 06:31:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like an explanation. furthermore the following YouTube video has footage of BOTH towers being hit by planes as well as them collapsing with the head of both towers collapsing into the body of the towers. thereby creating the crash.


2007-06-29 06:29:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a liberal. What sickens me the most are Democrats who are too soft to fight back against Republicans. They even go out of their way to defend Republicans, even though the same Republicans call them "terrorist", "traitor", "communist", "liar", "anti-american", etc.

Will these Democrats ever grow a spine or should they join the effing Green Party and embrace their own irrelevance?

2007-06-29 06:25:53 · 19 answers · asked by Jason 4

Until these crooked politicians and corporations realize that WE THE PEOPLE are tired of paying taxes to further their personal financial agendas!!!!

The government needs a wake up call!!!!

2007-06-29 06:25:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Secret trials for terrorists, says US judge
David Nason, Chicago
June 29, 2007

A TOP-RANKING US judge has stunned a conference of Australian judges and barristers in Chicago by advocating secret trials for terrorists, more surveillance of Muslim populations across North America and an end to counter-terrorism efforts being "hog-tied" by the US constitution.
Judge Richard Posner, a supposedly liberal-leaning jurist regarded by many as a future US Supreme Court candidate, said traditional concepts of criminal justice were inadequate to deal with the terrorist threat and the US had "over-invested" in them.

See the full story at:

I like this guys opinion on this. What do you liberals have to say about this?

2007-06-29 06:23:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

That Bush is a genius.

Or proof that our children will be worked to death paying back the money and carma.

2007-06-29 06:21:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am just getting into politics and people keep asking if i am lib or con.....and i really don't know. is there a website or list of issues that i can look at to decide if i am lib or con?

2007-06-29 06:11:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Instead of taxing everyone for National Health Insurance and placing everything into the hands of the Feds, why not give businesses, small businesses (backbone of America), tax credits so that they can afford to offer group insurance for their employees? I know a lot of small businesses who can't afford to offer it because it's very expensive. I'm one of the fortunate business owners who carries b/c & b/s, but the expense is astronomical. Wouldn't that also encourage a lot of dead beat people to find a job and still keep it out of the hands of large government who screw up everything they try to run?

2007-06-29 06:08:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want some serious feedback as of what is is about Hillary Clinton that some people really don't like. Also, if you could adivse her about what she could do to change her negative image, what would it be?

2007-06-29 06:06:25 · 13 answers · asked by Mandy 2

What's really going on here. Does Elizabeth WANT Ann to stop the attacks?

Would that results in less money for the Edwards Campaign?

The Right Wing Attacks!

Tuesday evening Elizabeth Edwards called Ann Coulter live on Hardball to ask for an end to her personal attacks on John and other candidates. Coulter's response? More personal attacks.

It's up to us to raise the dialogue by taking our message straight to voters. Let's show that Ann Coulter style politics will never carry the day. We have 4 days to reach $9 million. Please donate today:

2007-06-29 05:57:07 · 9 answers · asked by Nickoo 5

should be proof enough for anyone, liberal or conservative that evolution is happening even as we speak!

2007-06-29 05:55:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't that taking executive privilege a wee bit too far?

2007-06-29 05:54:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because I sure as heck wouldn't after reading this, and emotionless crisis managment, wow after you create the crisis you get an atta boy for cooly addressing how backward is that thinking


2007-06-29 05:54:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to Michael Moore, you have a better life incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay than you do living anywhere in the USA. My suggestion is to make Michael Moore live the so-called "better life" and have him incarcerated at Gitmo. Any thoughts?

2007-06-29 05:53:58 · 14 answers · asked by Maverick 6

Seriously guys and gals......all joking aside........left wings and right wings need to put aside their personal agendas and get together, work together for the good of our nation. All agreed, say 'aye' !

2007-06-29 05:49:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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