I do think that Democrats should not hesistate to fight like wildcats to recliam this country from those who have hijacked it and return it to it's rightful owners ... the people of the United States.
I believe with all my heart that the next election will be the most important in U.S. history ... absolutely everything is on the line for all parties.
Should we think for an instant the conservative rich and elite are going to play fair during the election process? Believe me ... in the conservative underground, swiftboating attrocities are being plotted ... the likes of which we have never seen ... After all, the republicans know how to get the very heart of the crucial issues facing the United States today ... Barack's middle name, Edward's hair, Hillary's hips, and Moore's waistline.
The Democrats regained both Congress and the Senate last November ... not only because of superior policy, but because they fought hard ... really hard... in every state battle.
The cons, through their supreme court decisions, continue to stack the odds against us.... thanks to the right wingers in what should be an neutral supreme court ... we now will see surprise sleaze erupting from the Republican media machines with but a week or two to go in the elections ... with no time to respond or counter the lies ... it is standard Republican operating procedure.
We must brace ourselves and not only be able to counter against the sleaze, but be heavily on the offense as well. We must fight for the vote of every independent and clear thinker in the country.
Thanks for your question which allowed me to get that off my chest.
2007-06-29 06:56:57
answer #1
answered by HillBillieNot 3
Republicans have a fixed market. They have the Jesus freaks who will always vote for them and these same people are joined by gun toting hillbillies who want to "kill some towel heads". The democrats have to cater to illogical wilsonian idealist hippy assholes who want everything the happy cheerful way and aren't the majority. You want to make war you paint those who don't want it as traitors and such and tell them the "rag heads" want to take jesus from you and they're all gung ho about it. It's all a game and everybody is afraid to say exactly what they want because the majority of America is either #1 too stupid to know what they want #2 Not informed enough to make a good decision # or too delusional to see that what is actually possible and what is the right decision are two different things. That's why the dems are afraid to fight back. When it comes down to it it's all a political WWE match anyhow, neither side is all that different in the wide scope of things and both parties would have gone to war. The Dems just would have pulled out sooner while the Republicans have too much personal gain at stake to just drop it.
2007-06-29 13:28:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well excuse me I haven't seen one Republican that isn't so pale and scared of their shadow, All you got in the Republican Party is a bunch of girly, girly men, , I guess men. Show me one Republican that could match Webb or most all the Democrat could blew on one of you party and that have to have disinfect on their hands, McConnell, Baker, Bush , Karl Rove, just name me one that doesn't squat to p**. Just a bunch of Cheerleaders a bunch of old, old Geysers. Democrats feel sorry for them having to help them to their seat.
Democrats were brought up to be polite not pop off and then hide behind security to protect them.
2007-06-29 13:38:10
answer #3
answered by Nicki 6
Wow. Some examples would be nice. We could then see what the heck you are referring to.
Personally I try to be fair. If a righty is right I say so and if a lefty is right I say so. To be strictly and unmoving in one way or the other is not lack of backbone but wisdom to know what is right. Extremists have difficulty with that. Because they are extremists they often don't have the backbone to challange their opposite. Instead they resort to name calling such as those you mention above and others.
2007-06-29 13:31:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Democrats need to get tough but the main reason they don't is the media. The media sides with the right wingers and won't tell the truth or expose the right wing lies when the Republicans call anyone who disagrees with them "terrorist", "traitor", "communist", "liar", "anti-american", etc. Republicans even call other Republicans these things!
2007-06-29 13:29:34
answer #5
answered by Mike H 6
Many do..........others don't. I personally DO. But I can understand those that don't...........
Too many Democrats have become complacent. That is how fascism thrives, by intimidation and fear.
The key to overcoming that kind of tactic is to confront it. Bring it to a head so to speak. I've had the hard stares the angry comments and looks, even the body language indicating eminent physical altercations. I just stand my ground and say........ go for it.
Conservatives like to make up their lack of mental reasoning with physical domination. If they can't convince you, they want to kill you. I say piss on em'!
For instance, a friend of mine who is a doctor (he has no concept of politics) argued with me about the liberal media. I said, "What about Fox?" he said, "ALL MEDIA is liberal." Then the subject turned to the up coming 2004 election and he brought up things that Kerry had said. I said, "Where did you here THAT?" He said, "Why on the NEWS!" I said, "OH!..... You mean the LIBERAL media." "I thought you said they don't tell things about LIBERAL candidates?"
At that point he became angry. I said, "If the shoe fits...wear it!"
2007-06-29 15:02:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
its been like that for a while. because right now republicans and conservatives control the political landscape. in general they are considered more mainstream than the democrats and liberals.
this is how i look at it its been like this since about 1968, when nixon was running for president. the democrats had more or less controlled the political landscape since roosevelt because he fixed a lot of the problems with the depression with the new deal. liberal economic ideas fixed the country in a lot of ways so liberals and their ideas were more mainstream. back them people didnt want to call themselves conservatives like today people dont want to call themselves liberals.
when the democrats controlled the general political landscape from the 30s to the late 60s the debate was on economic issues. democrats used to get a lot of the votes in the south and middle areas of the country because liberal democratic policies helped them economically. but in 1968, when civil rights and desegregation was happening and a lot of people in the south weren't happy about it, nixon pandered to them to get votes by suggesting slowing down civil rights.
so the debate shifted from economic issues to social issues. the people in the south were helped by democratic politicies but were socially conservative, and nixon got more southern votes than most republicans that year. and the trend continues. likewise, people in the north, people helped by republican economic policies but socially liberal started voting for democrats.
and since then different social causes have tried to control both parties, the far left tries to control the democratic party and the far right tries to control the republican party. planned parenthood christian coalition you get the idea. but republicans have been able to control the political landscape and the democrats because they have a better war machine, and have been able to scare the democrats
you can tell who controls the political landscape when you see who tries to act like who, democrats try to look more moderate, meaning they try to look more like republicans so they won't be "too liberal" you hear all this every election. rush limbaugh karl rove all those people are the reason democrats are so scared.
2007-06-29 13:38:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I will never stoop to the level of name calling. Let the elementary and middle school thinking live in that world. Words like that - said without thinking, without knowledge, are meaningless to me. My convictions about the world, my country, and what is right and wrong is much more important than to appease some 'questioner' that cannot articulate their question without making a personal attack.
2007-06-29 13:32:03
answer #8
answered by words_smith_4u 6
haha.... do you honestly think that fighting with the republicans and dragging their name through the mud is going to help with any of the issues we have in today's world?i for one don't... i'm a democrat and i most definitely am not spineless. i just believe we should deal with the issues at hand and not waste all our time mud slinging with the other parties.this is the kind of thing that makes me so proud to be a dem!
2007-06-29 13:30:59
answer #9
answered by purple rain 5
I think you are missing the point.. we just don't want to get down in the mud with them.. that doesn't make us better people. You have to take the high road or you do more harm than good.
You have to do what makes you better, otherwise you have already lost.
2007-06-29 13:31:37
answer #10
answered by pip 7