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Politics - 7 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

.....One for me....so far.....How about you ?

2007-06-07 10:03:00 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you really believe that our votes determine who win an election? Honest answers please.

2007-06-07 10:01:16 · 22 answers · asked by Liberal City 6

I voted for President Bush in '04 and would do so again, but how can he envision Iraq as the next South Korea? Tony Snow has started to draw the analogies and sources from inside the White House say Bush was intrigued by the Korean plan.
In Korea, our enemy was a definite soveriegn country. The battle lines were drawn and the tactics were modern warfare. In Iraq, Al Quieda is an amorphous guerrilla movement with no borders. Establishing US bases and occupying the country is simply not feasible given the political views of the region. I supported attacking to rid Iraq of the WMD's (which yes, were there and were smuggled out just hours prior to the invasion) and ridding Iraq of Saddam for a democracy, but I simply don't see a scenario where the US can exist in Iraq as we do in Korea. Can you?

2007-06-07 09:37:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I`m open minded. Let`s hear it all...This immigration situation seemingly exposes Washington`s propensity to be underhanded, bought, and corrupt...But that`s just what I think.....What do you think ?

2007-06-07 09:34:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I believed in him. defended him against rabid liberals bent on his demise from the start. I voted for him in the last election not knowing he only had the best interests of Mexico in mind.
I am hurting now because I have been betrayed by my party and my president. I now join the masses who are unhappy with president Bush. those of you who wish to gloat and say you told me so may do so now....thank you

2007-06-07 09:34:37 · 22 answers · asked by ? 4

because they hate illegal immigrants?

That is NOT racism... Hating criminals has nothing to do with the race of the criminal ...

it has to do with not approving of the crimes the "people" are commiting...

2007-06-07 09:28:53 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am not a man of religion,just a question,you claim to be concerned for the lives of american soldiers,but yet you defend the act of abortion,and particial birth abortion,i.e.,the killing of unborn american babies,and the killing of particiatly born american babies,who decides when a child has life,and who is in charge of bestowing life on a child,do you not agree that a unborn child is a mass of living tissue,and are we not all a living mass of tissue,so how do you claim to be concerned for the living mass of tissue of an american soldier who volunteer to be a soldier,but defend the right of those who choose to kill the living mass of tissue that is an american baby,but does not have a say in its own death!

2007-06-07 09:27:45 · 19 answers · asked by truckman 4

Okay, so the year is 2012 and a new President has been elected, vowing to turn America around and put our country on top of the world- literally.

He (or she) asks Congress to declare War on several countries in an attempt to gain complete and total domination over the World.

You are a member of Congress, and the deciding vote comes to you.

What do you do?

Please note that this is all highly hypothetical and should not be taken seriously in anyway.

2007-06-07 09:23:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

lets face it, Americans want politicians with high profile executive jobs, with million dollar retirement packages.

you dont want to vote in a local hero who helps his/her community. works hard to make ends meet and lives a real responsible life.

you want the typical, grew up rich, with a powerful family making decisions over your lives.

This is how it has been in the history of America

given that, what do you REALLY think about that?

2007-06-07 09:13:24 · 16 answers · asked by Jahpson 5

Why do I get the feeling that the US is turning into the Roman Empire more every day?

Anyone who knows basic history will see the creepy
writing on the wall. We're "falling" the same way the Romans did, so lost in our global power and decadence that we fail to address our problems. We see ourselves as "untouchable", and beholden to on one.

It took Rome more than 200 years to fall to her knees . . . the US has just made that landmark and we are already starting crumble, from the inside out.

Am I the only one who sees this?

2007-06-07 09:08:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question is an off-shoot of what trouble-maker just asked.

People want us to give them food, medical supplies, finances and other things to take care of their countries yet we have hungry people here, people without health insurance here and other problems we need to deal with.

I am against welfare and the like, but I especially loathe giving money to foreign countries that don't appreciate the aid anyway.

2007-06-07 08:58:23 · 15 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

"Sen. Hillary Clinton's fans suggest that her brilliance outshines her character flaws. But if she's so smart, how did she flunk the D.C. bar exam, one of the easiest in the nation?'


2007-06-07 08:56:50 · 28 answers · asked by Spice 2

I mean, if you were an talentless simpleton and were offered the chance of being US prez, wouldn't you take it?

The real blame should go the American people who, at one point, actually gave an 80% approval rate when the rest of us saw him for the dim -witted cowboy that he is.

2007-06-07 08:55:28 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even though I am liberal myself, I do believe that the USA had every right to go into Afghanistan, just not Iraq. I beleive war should only be done as a last resort action when our country is in clear imminent danger. In other words I believe war is justified if it is done in defense. The attack of Afghanistan was done as a response to an extreme and imminent situation such as 9/11. Our country was in immenent danger at the time. There was clear and obvious evidence that Al Quaida was responsible and there was clear evidence that Afghanistan was condoning their activities. We even gave the Afghani government a chance to avoid war by giving them a week to extridite Al Quaida themselves. However they refused. On the other hand Iraq was attacked pre-empitivly and the US's motives for attacking the country was entirly arbitrary and without solid evidence. Liberals are not always against war, most liberals
support wars only if it has a just cause. Agree or Disagree?

2007-06-07 08:51:11 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Paris Hilton is. She only served 3 days of her sentence and bought her way out of jail. She is now on house arrest for 40 days. I would love to stay at a Hilton on house arrest. I guess in CA you can drive drunk, break probation, and get a slap on the wrist. See what happens when you drive drunk. (She was a loaded weapon) Start saving your money, it just might buy your way out of jail.

No wonder we have a problem with illegal immigrants in this nation. We can't even keep our own citizens in check.

2007-06-07 08:47:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was taking a sip of coffee just now, and apparently someone made one of those fruity flavored coffees. I loathe coconut. I just spit a mouthful of coffee all over my monitor. What's the worst thing you've done?

2007-06-07 08:47:22 · 10 answers · asked by Dull Jon 6

Illegal aliens have been walking out of American prisons after serving their time at taxpayer expense without being deported!

Jorge Villa-Gutierrez, 25, is in prison for the gang rape of an 18-year-old Douglas County, Colorado woman. He claimed to have paid only $100 for a fake ID and Social Security number.

Manuel Cantu, 28, pleaded guilty in Middlesex Superior Court February 2005 in Cambridge, Mass., to six counts of rape and one count of indecent assault and battery on a person over 14 years old. Cantu also went by the aliases Angel Meza and Angel M. Salvador, according to court documents.

Our government can't or won't find the hundreds of thousands of known felon illegal aliens walking America's streets tonight much less stop the new felons coming in tonight across our unsecured borders."
approximately 240,000 illegal-immigrant sex offenders reside in the United States – while 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sexual offenders come across U.S. borders illegally every day.

2007-06-07 08:47:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

That seems to be the excuse for everything else

2007-06-07 08:46:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Partisanship apart, I cannot, despite trying hard. think of 1 thing that has been done in the past 8 years that can be said to be beneficial to the wholeness of the American nation....

All laws appear divisive..
The media is divisive...
Terror are all buzzwords of the 21st century... and who is to blame?

2007-06-07 08:39:03 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

George W Bush has repeated broke the law and it appears that there is clear and convincing evidence that George W Bush orchestrated the attacks of 9/11 and obstructed justice by covering up the crime. Mr. Bush is directly responsible for the death of 100,000s of Iraqi lives as well as the death of over 3,500 American soldiers.

2007-06-07 08:38:22 · 14 answers · asked by Julius S 5

George Bush is about to stubbornly deny the will of the American people once again.

This week, the House will pass a bill to lift the arbitrary and damaging restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research that President Bush put in place in 2001. Two months ago, the Senate passed a similar bill.

But George Bush is threatening a veto in defiance of almost every congressional Democrat, many Republicans and the overwhelming majority of the American people.

It's not science or facts driving Bush's decision. It is pure pandering to his radical right-wing base. The upshot is that millions who suffer from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetes will once again have their hopes dashed.

2007-06-07 08:35:54 · 5 answers · asked by courage 6

From what I have read and heard is that Bin Laden hated us for having troops in Saudi Arabia, not because they hated our culture. He has said they are intent on an islamic World from Spain to the Middle east, were we are not involved. If we just get the hell out of Iraq and the middle east in general (including support for Israel) it seems it will make us a much safer country. We should buy our oil and be done with that hellish place, it is not our problem if they want to kill eachother.

2007-06-07 08:28:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Home values are down and the crime rate is up. It seems like I can't drive home from work without seeing a beat up Ford with the illegals last name on the back window, flying a mexican flag and playing loud tejano music. What have these people done to assimilate?

2007-06-07 08:20:09 · 22 answers · asked by NONAME 3

Do any of them acknowledge the complete lack of impact on drugs the "war" is having, other than to turn people who would otherwise not be, into criminals?

I'm not saying drugs are good... they're not good for you or society. But we tried prohibition with alcohol & that fell into a mess of gangs with guns, bootleggers & dirty cops.
How is the current drug war any different?

Isn't addiction recognized as a disease.
Why is it treated as a crime?

2007-06-07 08:19:59 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean we just booted them off their own land and kicked them onto crummy resevations. They were here first...and even though the government did pay them back in some way... I think they deserve more for what we did to them. I think we should give them the entire state of Wyoming because it is barely populated.

2007-06-07 08:19:52 · 24 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5

Legal and illegal.... depending on your viewpoint

As long as they pay their taxes.... let them in that's my view.

I note that it's the Europeans and Descendants of Slaves who are the most vociferous in this debate.... why?

2007-06-07 08:10:56 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-07 08:10:25 · 8 answers · asked by heartfelt_atheist 2

AMERICA is vast continent(group of nations or countries).Others are:Europe, Asia,Africa and Oceania.Esentially, any person born in America is an American(like european,asian african,etc).The American continent has 4 regions to know: North America(México included;the real country's name is Estados Unidos Mexicanos),Central America,The Antilles(Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles) and South America.Thus,any person born in any of these countries is an AMERICAN and after is natural born of a specific country(mexican, peruvian,colombian,etc).The USA is the only country who has no "natural or original name"(it's unification of states) like the others;for that reason you took the shorthand name of americans for your citizens Right?

In conclusion,an American is from AMERICA(not only a US citizen!!).You have to know that.

Do you agree?

2007-06-07 08:06:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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