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Other - Politics & Government - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

The government had his picture all over the news on 9/11 as the 20th hijacker!Re tired FBI agent Coleen Rowley statesFBI HQ obstructed terrorism investigation for weeks prior to 9/11!!!!

Sounds like treason to me!
It also sounds like a good reason to re-investigate 9/11!

2007-09-29 07:13:32 · 2 answers · asked by honestamerican 7

2007-09-29 06:17:56 · 5 answers · asked by Drama Queen 3

it is meant to say that this crime never would have happened if this person was not searched out because he or she is different. It is to lay a higher penalty on a crime that the person may have gotten off easier on, which would have allowed them to continue their crime spree against a certain group of people.

2007-09-29 05:57:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

If democrats say the Republicnas hate children because GW will veto the child healthcare, why do democrats beleive in killing unborn children.

How can they possibly care about children when they kill them?

2007-09-29 04:46:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the year of our lord 2007 the United States faces a challenge we remain reluctant to recognizing in full and opportunities we fail to recognize at all. We are the greatest -and most virtuous- power in history. For now our existence is not at stake, although the lives of our citizens, the degree of our freedom and the well-being of our allies are at risk. There is no doubt that we will survive and triumph. But the decisions we make will determine the costs our enemies extract along the way. And we DO have enemies, old and new, merciless and uncompromising, who hate us for our success, our freedom, and our power, as well as for the global transformations we inspire.
The United States is cast in the role of a doctor during a plague. No matter how hopeless the situation may seem, the crisis demands our courage and perseverance. The risks we take are the only hope for avoiding a greater disaster for humanity. Despite the errors we have made in the middle east, the vitriol spit in our direction by the regions inhabitants isn't really about us, its about them. The middle east has grown so inhumane and weak that it craves a "great satan" to explain away its ineptitude. The greatest power on earth will have to do. Indeed the middle east remains the world's sick civilization. Because of our virtuous efforts, Iraq may become the Middle Easts beacon of liberty. Or it may end as another Arab pyre. The Iraqi's, not us, will determine their ultimate fate. Their choices will shape a civilizations future.

Of course there is much more to the world than the struggling Muslim heartlands. Europe is in the midst of an identity crisis of its own, haunted by a brutal past and insulted by Americas upstart success. The old powers are still far from forgiving us for supplanting them in the strategic arena - or for our generosity toward them in the last century. Had we only been as cruel as Europeans themselves in the wake of the twentieth century's great wars, we would be much better liked. The primary intellectual goal of Western European societies for the past half century has been to prove that the United States is as cruel and corrupt as they themselves have been. When your heritage is genocide, wars of aggression, or cowardly surrender, the record of the United States can be hard to bear. The old powers cannot avoid measuring themselves against us, but the disparities they discover are so great that europes moral delinquents cannot resist comforting themselves with lies about our naivete, our purported clumsiness, our violence and our crudity ( without pausing to ask themselves how such pathetic mediocrities could have built the richest, most powerful, most desirable and exemplary society in history). Indeed when it comes to self examination, the heartlands of Europe are simply the middle east lite.
Yet Europe is likely to be good for a number of surprises-surprising not the least to Europeans themselves. With our short historical memory (one American quality Germans welcome), we thoughtlessly accept that, since much of Europe appears to be passive, so it shall remain. But no continent has exported as much misery and slaughter as Europe has done, and chances are better than fair that Europe is simply catching its breath after the calamities it inflicted upon itself in the last century.
We last saw widespread pacifism just before 1914 and again during that half time break in that great European civil war that lasted until 1945 (or 1991 east of the Elbe).
Europes current round of playing pacifist dress up was enabled by Americas protection during the Cold War. We allowed our European wards to get away with a minimum number of chores. The United States did (and still does) the dirty work, seconded by our direct ancestor Britain. Even NATO merely obscured how little was asked of Europe. For almost a century the work of freedom and global security has been handled the great Anglo lateral alliance born of a struggle against tyranny of Continental European philosophies hatched on the Rhine and Danube. Our struggle continues today - against fanaticism and terror.
It is unlikely that Europe's present pacifism will last. Indeed, there are many different Europe's. The new Europe in the east understands that freedom has a price and cannot be purchased with appeasement. Southern Europe is undergoing a complex second renaissance. The United Kingdom, for all its grump resentment of the United States, will always align with us in a severe crisis: Our mutual values are far closer than any Briton shares with France or Germany. Anglo-American sparing can be vicious, but outsiders fail to grasp that it’s a family feud. And the family closes ranks to outsiders. France and Germany are Europes starkest problems (They are also vehemently anti-American). They wish to lead but lack the vision, power and generosity required to build enduring alliances. Germany and France are sick inside, having gobbled up immigrant populations they are unwilling and unable to digest. For all their fabulous criticism of American society ( where their calendars stop at around 1954), th extent of racism and bigotry in Continental Europe rivals that of a long gone American South and threatens to exceed it.
Meanwhile, "Old Europe" is rapidly becoming, truly, old Europe. With aging populations, bankrupt retirement systems, arthritic economies, educational stagnation and punitive taxation, it appears at first glance that the continent is headed for senility, for conditions under which its dwindling youth will neither be able to man the continents already enfeebled militaries nor support the overhang of the elderly.
Don’t bet on a weak, pacifist Europe doing nothing as the immigrant time bombs with explode, while demographic pressures stress its outer borders. Behind all the American scolding and empty swagger Europe is uncertain of its future. And afraid. And when Europe is uncertain and afraid, its impoverished immigrants and neighbors had better start worrying.
The most laughable predictions of the past two centuries have been those forecasting the decline of the West (especially the US). The formal empires may be gone, but the Anglo lateral world enjoys power, wealth and freedom without precedent, while continental Europe has never lived so safely or so well as under the Pax Americana. The last half century has been the most prosperous and peaceful in European history and Europeans don’t want the party to end. But its long past midnight. Europe can no longer afford the lavish social welfare systems it constructed over the decades while America paid the strategic bills without demur.
The trouble with Europe is of course, its dark side. If its racist populations feel sufficiently threatened by its Muslim millions within their divided societies and by terror exported from the Islamic heartlands, Europe my respond with a cruelty unimaginable to us today. After all, Europe is the continent that mastered ethnic cleansing and genocide after a thousand years of practice. We Americans my find ourselves in the unexpected position of confronting the Europe of tomorrow as we try to restrain its barbarities toward Muslims.

This should be the true American century where we move at last beyond the poisonous European divisions of the world and help create a genuine"new world order" - although not one based upon the murderous nonsense of the left.
America is the most revolutionary state and culture in history. Now its our turn to export revolution.

Since the end of the Cold War every conflict in which the United States has been involved has been to some degree a legacy of Europes colonial era - including the liberation of that frankenstein's monster of a country Iraq. We are cleaning up the messes left by Paris, Berlin and even London, while Europeans chide us self-righteously. We need to lead the world away from continental Europes cynical approach to human rights, which consists of theatrically mourning the dead but doing nothing to protect those still alive and threatened. Weakness never saved a human life!
In an age of global pessimism and fear, Americans still believe that change is not only possible, but likely to be good. Weather we wish it or not, we lead humanity. At times we will have to lead with bayonets,but, more often, we will lead through our ideas. If remain wise and just, as well as resolute, ever more of our fellow human beings will follow willingly.

And never forget, America is the worlds essential force for good. No amount of fashionable anti-Americanism will ever change that.

2007-09-29 04:37:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are not too much ressources, nor a strategic position so why would anyone bother to help the people of Myanmar? in Iraq they went even if there were no mass destruction weapons...in Myanmar monks are being killed but of course why bother helping them if there`s nothing in there to GET?! Why doesn`t anyone do something?

2007-09-29 04:15:55 · 4 answers · asked by Sir Alex 6

- Read some of sydneyvicious's questions and the responses to them before you answer this question.

2007-09-29 03:56:43 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-29 01:50:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you know about Islam that hasn't come threw the TV or radio...?

2007-09-29 00:54:40 · 9 answers · asked by T-monster 3

Don't Homo's Already Have More Rights Than Normal Humans?

2007-09-28 20:28:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I seek the abolition of hypocrisy and use the same standard to judge the actions of Israel that I use to judge the actions of Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden or our own government how is that racist?

Aren't the people who call me a racist for not joining them in offering unconditional support to the nation of Israel because of some belief that they are god's chosen people the real racists?

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
- rac·ist /-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective


2007-09-28 18:58:19 · 17 answers · asked by Guardian 3

While US agricultural exports are up 15% over last year, here at home the price of bread is up 24% since last year, milk is up 26%.

The price of soybeans is up about 70%, and wheat is much the same.

Why are we still paying big agribusiness billions of dollars in subsidies? Why aren't we growing as many oil crops as we possibly can and letting the free market work its magic?

2007-09-28 17:58:52 · 7 answers · asked by oimwoomwio 7

Please offer your insight in regards to what might have come to be if the internet was never made available to the public.
What might the world be like?
What problems or lack there of would we face?
Major differences from today?
Please offer as much insight into this scenario as you can!
Thanks so much in advance

2007-09-28 17:30:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the main ideas of liberal, democratic, and republican? For example, what are each of their views on gay marriage, abortion, and topics like these?

2007-09-28 17:26:50 · 7 answers · asked by Becca 2

It is time Americans wake up.I live and work overseas, for many years Most,outside of America,want to see the downfall of the U S You should hear what they say about you and your country "you didn't win WW We did" "you yanks made money off the war" Some of you well blame Mr Bush and the war in Iraq,not true Most over here felt Samalia,under Mr. Clinton,was great,and still talk about it today They felt the Cole and the embassy in Africa was what you deserved Ever the hostages at the U S embassy in Iran were justified " they have your people and you can do nothing America and carter are weak" They love your M Moore movies "you let people die in the street if they don't have money" I hear some of you,mainly young 'backpackers' agree with them and put your country down But when you walk away they call you a"stupid yank" They have ,for many years,watched your every move ,envy you and hate you ,and it didn't start with Mr. Bush it just got louder They echo you so why do it over here?

2007-09-28 16:47:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do we let the next generation pay for this war.

2007-09-28 16:27:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even to the extent of bombing the Serbs and now sitting as judge on the question of Kosovo.

2007-09-28 16:18:27 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-28 15:33:39 · 22 answers · asked by zclifton2 6

We are spending a huge amount around the world and the obligations at home are even bigger, many say we can't continue at this pace. Is it time to finish up major combat missions and begin to bring all troops home, that includes Europe, Korea, Japan, everywhere, and let them do their own defense. Plus stop the big spending on foreign projects and spend that money at home. Basically pull back scale back and just use overwhelming force when necessary if someone messes with us.

2007-09-28 15:19:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yet we pay another country to stop plutonium enrichment and give them 25 million as part of the deal.

2007-09-28 13:12:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are, by law, not allowed to speak contemptuously about the President or participate in partisan political activities while in uniform. I have wondered about this when GI's complain to their friends and families, but never say anything publicly. My nephew is there and hates it, and I'm sure many others do also. I understand the enlistees know this, when they join up, but it does seem to fly in the face of the U S Constitution. Seems hypocritical to me!

2007-09-28 13:04:44 · 8 answers · asked by ArRo 6

sense in the answers given by Christians here, but the answers by Muslims are more reasoned and peaceful. Makes me think that I need to look more closely at Islam, although I am sure in the end that I will reject both religions as nonsense.

2007-09-28 13:03:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-28 12:40:47 · 18 answers · asked by SSDD 1

why do churches not have to pay taxes? is this not a law that respects religion?

2007-09-28 12:02:45 · 5 answers · asked by tony cola 2

Isn't the creation of a social tax, and therefore a social and moral "obligation", really an establishment of a religious POV? Isn't it requiring and forcing all people to follow the Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and other religious teachings that direct their followers to "tithe" to the less fortunate?

So does that mean it's OK to establish a "little" bit of these religions if it's "well intentioned"?

What about people who don't believe in tithing, who believe that "God helps those who help themselves", or think such charitable practices are better left to individuals through their own religious beliefs, as much or as little as they wish? Is it just, "TOO BAD, this is the religion we've established and you MUST OBEY?"

I'm all for helping the poor and less fortunate. I just don't understand how these taxes aren't a violation of the Establishment clause of the Constitution.

F.D.R. was the president who read from the bible on the radio every week in fireside chats, right?

2007-09-28 11:53:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

can someone explain to me how cheaper products are a benefit when there are no jobs to buy the cheap products ?

2007-09-28 11:13:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in california and the minority are white people. the majority are hispanics. Since hispanics are the majority how can the white people get jobs or even compete against the hispanic people. I am white and i think i should get an advantage over the hispanic people since i am the minority.

Do you think white people should get an advantage over hispanics, and hispanics have a disadvantage over white people.
I am not being racist in anyway to hispanic people.

2007-09-28 11:06:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you had the opportunity would you go live in Iran for a month to experience life there for yourself?

2007-09-28 10:48:51 · 22 answers · asked by ? 5

2007-09-28 10:31:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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