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Other - Politics & Government - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

free speech means just that. why is hate speech a crime.
why can a paper use the the f-bomb and say it's free speech.
there is no longer free speech. it's p.c. only for slected groups.

2007-09-25 10:04:07 · 14 answers · asked by MR TADS 4


2007-09-25 09:52:19 · 11 answers · asked by Biggg 3

I am taking American National Government this semester and I need an essay topic. The paper has to be 5 pages. No big deal on that just have no idea on what to write about. It has to be about an issue in government. Can someone please help me decide on a topic?!!!

2007-09-25 09:48:22 · 6 answers · asked by minivan mama 1

Or is the union itself the end all.

2007-09-25 09:48:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-25 09:40:15 · 10 answers · asked by ken s 5

Why are democrats against school voucher programmes? I can see no downside to them.
Is it because they think that hard working families should put their children and funds into public schools?

2007-09-25 09:34:44 · 15 answers · asked by Whishkey Bottom. 3

can you please help me out and give me some examples of treason


2007-09-25 09:28:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


I am reposting this, Yahoo deleted it on claims of violation of community rules. How????? I am in contact with yahoo so that they explain this censosrhip.

It is likely that a group of masonic demons, opposed to free speech in the same way their bolshevik ancestors were, complained.

2007-09-25 09:21:32 · 14 answers · asked by Novus Ordo Seclorum 1

I don't think the war could go any better. Do you?

2007-09-25 08:37:29 · 8 answers · asked by Dirk von Pelvis 1

What is your opinion?
After all he was an invited guest. And most american only get their information from jewish/zionist controlled media that tell you what they want you to believe.

2007-09-25 08:32:40 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Then in late 2005 the news started to change but still only filtered to what they wanted you to see.

In the Congressional-Senate elections they played their hand to the Democrats helping to fool America that changes were coming.

Now they use Bush in the negative light and show him veto everything and acting like a madman on his way out.

So what do they do - they play into Hillary and try and prop her up on the golden Presidential throne.

Why - to fool America into giving them another 4-8 years to continue this New World Order quest

They are both one and the same!

They have their little party agendas to look like they are different but they are just the right hand and the left hand on the same evil body!

Our Nation cannot survive another 4-8 years of this insanity!

Don't be fooled by Hillary - even when they have Obama join her!

Both the Republicans and the Democrats are controlled by the same force that drives the Bush administration!

Vote for an American

2007-09-25 08:30:27 · 8 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

I mean is such a thing possible? Wouldn't this be beneficial for all 3 countries? I'm talking financially to have the same monetary system throughout the 3 countries. Would this work, why or why not?

2007-09-25 08:02:56 · 12 answers · asked by Ceizari 2

I urge you to watch!

2007-09-25 08:00:26 · 5 answers · asked by perrrfection 3

you know....because Canadian money is now worth more than US money... for the first time in fifty years....

I used to just throw those Canadian quarters in the trash.... I think now i'll be saving them.

2007-09-25 07:52:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

religious if you aren't even committed to keeping the commandments?

2007-09-25 06:49:38 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

"alternative lifestyle" in Iran means "an alternate to life" apparently. Is this still the anti-Christian paradise that the Liberals thought it was???

2007-09-25 06:32:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Clearly there is a double standard.......

2007-09-25 06:28:07 · 13 answers · asked by ningis n 1

It appears that of the opinions that I read of people who bash the US, think the US is evil, or at least as evil as any other country out there. But yet these people only see fit to demonize and criticize the US.

If all countries are equally evil, and you live in the US, wouldn't it behoove you to at least support the country you live in?
Knowing that other governments want the US wiped off the face of the earth, knowing that you live in the US, why wouldn't you stand up for it? (all of its good, bad and ugly)

Perhaps the question is not as clear as I would like it to be, so please try to understand the gist of it and respond accordingly. Thanks! (PS, I'm batoning down the hatches in anticipation of the impending onslaught of brutal opinions of this question.) :(

2007-09-25 06:23:52 · 22 answers · asked by Wayne G 5

isn't the notion of a private militia unconstituional in the United States?

furthemore since our tax dollars are paying for black water- how come congress has no idea how much money is being funneled to them by by Bush?

Apparenlty bush did his homework on hitler. because blackwater is the modern day S.S. on steroids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqM4tKPDlR8

note- bush considers blackwater not a militia but rather, "SECURITY" see below link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS

2007-09-25 06:22:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's high time they fess up and take responsibility for the death of our soldiers.

2007-09-25 05:54:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am hearing that he was asking if Kerry was in the same Skull and Bones group as G W Bush and thats when the police came out of the woodwork and tasered him down.

2007-09-25 05:40:48 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Often in the north whether in Canada or USA there aren't that many services provided as in the lower 48 or southern Canada

2007-09-25 05:39:41 · 5 answers · asked by Judi J 2

history shows that every society, Rome, Spanish, etc did the same thing no one could beat them in war so they were destroyed from within, they were brain washed into believing patroitism , hard work, and prejudice is the worst thing the world has ever seen, so the romans started welcoming out siders into their army's , homes gov, etc so did te spainards, so what happened to them? simple they sunk.. now lets consider ,China,South Korea. India, and Japan, all strong nations on the rise to world powers,but, visit them and you will see how patroitic their people are, and how prejudice they are also,all of these country's have did better in math, engineering , technology, science etc than the Americans,
if America's desire is to stay on top wehave got to make some changes, we can't keep letting people come into our country who is a drain on our natural resources, and get our educational system bacm under control, &advance only people as they qualify, no more freebees or specials, ?????

2007-09-25 05:12:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose remarks were translated from Farsi.

I think the text read by the dear gentleman here, more than addressing me, was an insult to information and the knowledge of the audience here, present here. In a university environment we must allow people to speak their mind, to allow everyone to talk so that the truth is eventually revealed by all.

Why is it that the Palestinian people are paying the price for an event they had nothing to do with?

My question was simple: There are researchers who want to approach the topic from a different perspective. Why are they put into prison? Right now, there are a number of European academics who have been sent to prison because they attempted to write about the Holocaust or research it from a different perspective, questioning certain aspects of it. My question is: Why isn't it open to all forms of research?

"We are friends of all the nations. We are also friends with the Jewish people."

2007-09-25 04:53:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

country free and in it's standing? Sooner or later someone would challange the US so how would you deal with it?

2007-09-25 04:52:39 · 21 answers · asked by Mercadies2000 7

I never hear about them going back home to Arkansas? Why?

2007-09-25 04:38:47 · 6 answers · asked by Sopwith 4

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