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Other - Politics & Government - September 2006

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and went to live in hippy commune in Siberia where they belong, what would we replace them with? Earthworms are more intelligent, warthogs are better looking, hyenas are less devious, plague rats have more political appeal and dung beetles smell better. So, what about chimpanzees? They are less hairy than the average Green Party member, they are a lot funnier and quite frankly their policies make a lot more sense.

2006-09-21 02:25:42 · 12 answers · asked by CAROL DOMINO 2

We will lose just like we lost Vietnam. Stay tuned. The USA is not doing so well in the country of Iraq. ( Note: Over 4,000 civilians killed in Iraq the past 3 months )

2006-09-21 01:58:26 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-09-21 01:44:42 · 28 answers · asked by David G 1

would you rather listen to my Jesus who tells me
to love you? I can'timagine the Pope telling all the Catholics to start killing the non-believers aka infidels.

2006-09-21 01:41:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Imagine a Muslim tripping in a cell with some Pink Floyd, Ummagumma playing and some agents dressed up in Mohammed outfits telling him there are no virgins left. By the end of the trip they'd be spilling the beans to the first person they see.

2006-09-21 01:15:52 · 10 answers · asked by El Pistolero Negra 5

2006-09-21 00:58:06 · 5 answers · asked by Steph H 1

2006-09-21 00:45:58 · 11 answers · asked by sakr_36 1

Or how ever you spell his name. Why does Chavez get repeated air and press time for bashing the President, while the President of Iran gets squat for threatening us on our own soil? Both of these people came into our home, made a mickery of our nation, and we stood there and took it. Why? Because that's what our nation is all about - the ability to do that.

Maybe you like President Bush, maybe you don't. I don't really care, but he IS our President, our Commander in Chief, the most powerful man in the world, and the leader of our free nation. That's got to count for something.

2006-09-21 00:45:44 · 14 answers · asked by Jim C 5


2006-09-21 00:34:28 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't support President Bush and his wars, but I deeply resent open ridicule and disrepect BY FOREIGNERS for our Head of State and our nation on our own shores. When U.N. delegates giggle and applaud when a barbarian, on our own soil, calls our president (whether you like him or not) "The Devil", has a line been crossed? Do you want your tax dollars to continue to support this criminal, anti-American institution?

2006-09-21 00:31:49 · 13 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4

I live in the UK, and I have strong view towards certain things. I am not racist or sexist or anything else in that sence, but I believe what I want to believe.

I feel that I can no longer say what I feel in public, without getting accussed of something or without being locked up in prison. Does anyone else feel ike this?

People (particularly the minority) have become so sensative about beliefs, that if I was to say something different, it won't go down to well. Where is my freedom of speech?

2006-09-21 00:19:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think that it's going to happen?And if it does , how would it end & how would if effect the world!?

2006-09-21 00:04:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

An option to ease tension in the Middle East.
Should Jerusalem be made a city state like the Vatican City State, so all the 3 religions (Christianity, Islam & Judaism) worship together peacefully?

2006-09-21 00:04:19 · 15 answers · asked by pmsteph 2

currently oil is 61 dollar a barrel, last time it was at that price
gasoline was between 1.61 to 1.71, haven't we been gough

2006-09-20 23:54:14 · 6 answers · asked by maggie5454807876 1

2006-09-20 23:49:34 · 6 answers · asked by jammy.greeny@talk21.com 1

the world has gone on long enough talking about greenhouse gasses and the effects on the ozone layer. Motorists are paying heavy taxes as a result. Who thinks that launching rockets into space is the biggest polouter, and is it really justified. I say give the earth a chance to recover, stop the space exploration using rockets that give out tons of green hous gasses at launch. what is your thoughts on this.

2006-09-20 23:33:47 · 15 answers · asked by patricia 2

2006-09-20 23:31:05 · 16 answers · asked by jammy.greeny@talk21.com 1

So many things are going on around the globe at present time. There is the Middle East Crisis, the Katrina political problems, the Thai issues that were only sparked recently, immigration problems, increased crime in large cities, the multiple accusations of political leaders around the world, the Iran nuclear program, and many MANY! more. Will it all end? Will more begin? But most importantly, will it spark something even more terrifying then what we have seen in the past? If people don't learn from their lessons, THE PAST CAN AND WILL REPEAT ITSELF!

2006-09-20 23:16:59 · 16 answers · asked by Kathryn M 1

I am thinking of a disagreement where one side is probably more powerful and is unreasonable in its stance. War has not yet started, but famine or persecution will result before civil war breaks out!

2006-09-20 23:09:52 · 17 answers · asked by James 6

rror. i just have one question for you, the American people, if you think I'm doing such a bad job, what makes yuo think you can do it better? tell me, what would you do? that is all, good night, and God bless America.

2006-09-20 23:07:24 · 2 answers · asked by therealgeorgedubyabush 1

2006-09-20 22:58:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

As well as the economy? Mrs. Gloria Arroyo?

2006-09-20 22:49:04 · 1 answers · asked by ♥Sapphire 7

I am shocked at the islamophobia on Y! Answers, and I slightly get the impression Americans may be worse than Brits - I may be wrong about this however. What does anyone think?

2006-09-20 22:28:35 · 28 answers · asked by DS 4

i read it in a persian website!!thts funny..he was member of iran navey seals and he himself killed 31 iraqi soldiers and attacked the shelter of saddam hussain with hes men!also he served and educated in russia military for 2 years..how can a little man like him do all these shits!!?

2006-09-20 22:22:07 · 12 answers · asked by last spiritual man 1

strange gods before me .after all they have elevated mohammad to god like status.

2006-09-20 22:18:51 · 23 answers · asked by joseph m 4

John Reid has said that any parent who knows their child has anti establishment or radical ideas or thoughts must report it to the police my 10 year old is passionatly into animal rights should i dob her in ?

2006-09-20 22:08:22 · 16 answers · asked by keny 6

2006-09-20 21:57:41 · 10 answers · asked by Roxy87 1

The Brown Recluse Spider has become an epidemic. They are very dangerous. Folks in the South are afraid to go to bed at night or put on their close they're so thick. No bug spray will kill them. Do you know of any research the government is doing to rid these intruders?

2006-09-20 21:40:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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