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Military - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

i really dont wanna talk to a recruiter...

2007-08-06 07:49:31 · 3 answers · asked by Caynmarko23 3

Since no one in the US cares about US soldiers dying or Somalians dying then why can't the US use Somalians also?

2007-08-06 07:40:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-06 07:04:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a former Argentine death squad I must herald my outrage about what is going on on Argentina.An honorable chaplain, Christian Von Wernich, is accused of torture and crimes.I think this is the first time on History that this happens ( I´m not talking about childs abuse ). He was very useful to US and Argentine Giverments as he used to pose as "the good - one" as gave us information to figure out the net of Terrorists...
He was a good man also, He told us not to apply not more than 150 volts during torture.US Govt must defend him !

2007-08-06 07:00:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would really happen if the US pulled all the troops out of the Middle East?

I am honestly asking because I don't know anything about the politics of war. I really want to understand why the US doesn't just leave. I'm sure there must be a reason for this, and I'd like to know what it is.

I am genuinely asking with no agenda and nopreconcieved notions.

If you are going to be mean to me, or call me names, please don't answer.

2007-08-06 06:32:02 · 13 answers · asked by Cinnibuns 5

What branch of the military is the best chance for an ROTC cadet to get a pilot slot?

2007-08-06 06:22:03 · 11 answers · asked by Jordan L 1

I leave for boot camp sept 4th and i was just wondering if you can bring a small notepad or notebook that has addresses in it so i can write them.

2007-08-06 06:21:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

general, captain, liuetenent, sergeant, corporal

if this is the right order just say so.

2007-08-06 05:45:19 · 23 answers · asked by shawn. 2

my daughter is in great lakes IL, I havent heard from her and its really hard not knowing what she is going though,and not being able to talk.i just want to know does anyone know when they will let her call,she has been in there since 7/19/07,and when will i get her personal belonging back ? thanks mom

2007-08-06 05:18:31 · 9 answers · asked by krtaz1965 1

Lately I've been doing some research on the Navy. I'm 30 years old with a Associates in Liberal Arts and a BA in Music.
However, I'm not interested in music as a full-time occupation(it's not what I want anymore). I'm looking for some new challenges, skills and experience in my life. It's really hard to get some straight answers since I feel like people in the Navy or recruiters will try to convince me so they can get a bonus or something of the sort. I'm very serious about a complete lifestyle change and I've never been more certain with anything. I'm a very creative person, on the other hand, I am quite disciplined and like structure and feel I need more in my life.

I'm apprehensive only because I'm afraid my Music degree and age won't allow me to become an officer.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

2007-08-06 05:16:23 · 6 answers · asked by Mike D 1

Fast forward to 1:40 - 2:35 on this video. What is that jet? This is the first time I've ever seen it.


2007-08-06 04:45:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fomr all that I can gather from the Administration,military and the various news channels is that there is a stronger presence of Al Queda and their new allies than ever in Iraq. T4

2007-08-06 04:09:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend thinks we told them to leave the cities we were going to bomb-gave them fair warning. But wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

2007-08-06 04:02:31 · 23 answers · asked by gmoney 3

2007-08-06 03:49:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

They usually work for the companys based in cananda that come into the us.The main places I see them are along Interstate 5 in california and in texas around the mexican bordor.Im not talking western looking ones.I mean ones with long beards.I see them washing there beards in the truck stops and hanging out in groups with each other.Im fresh out the army maby Im just being being parinoid?Would this bother you?

2007-08-06 03:46:51 · 4 answers · asked by g 2

have been interested in joining since my father retired from the military, but not sure what to do. I have extensive training in weaponry, espionage, and many other tactical skills. I'm also in great physical shape. I feel like i could help our country in numerous services. I want to either be an army ranger or something similar, a navy seal, or some sort of espionage agent. Any advice at all? i know this is broad but anything at all that you have to say will help. What to do, how to get started, how to make sure im in the right physical condition, other jobs that may interest me, or anything else that could help. Also, i was wondering if there was any way i could be an actual spy so if anyone knows a job involving something like that please tell me. Thanks a lot everyone :)

2007-08-06 03:44:30 · 15 answers · asked by Bryon 2

Aside from the disputed detonation of their test device in 1945,no one seems to know that their I 401 class sub could easily snorkel its way to SF or LA without refueling or surfacing. http://www.combinedfleet.com/I-401.htm will describe this aircraft-carrying sub whose empty, three-bomber hangar would have housed their massive, crude nuke. Orig mission was to bomb SF with its three planes and "dirty bombs" in retaliation for the Tokyo fire raids. After their successful a-bomb test in North Korea, the I 401 was considered for a suicide bomb delivery vehicle. Look up SENSUIKAN HIJMS I 401:Tabular record of movement. We were pretty shocked at what this largest sub in the world could do. Since the Russians over ran the Hungnam facility it's not possible the Japanese could have produced a second bomb for the I 401 mission to destroy SF.They needed 6 months to build another with North Korean Uranium It would have been "messy" if they'd have used their test device straight away in SF Harbor!

2007-08-06 03:40:37 · 5 answers · asked by Don S 2

a building of a The United States Army Corps of Engineering in order to see information on a memory stick, but they are both fugitives, can anyone give me any information on what these buildings look like and if they have any huge flagpoles outside or rows of computers or something cause I live in France and I have no idea!

2007-08-06 03:24:27 · 6 answers · asked by The Man 1

My dad's retiring, and I need a slogan for the banner I am having created. It is going to be him with a flag background, the words possibly flanked by cheif anchors. Please, I keep coming up with such cheesy things to say!

2007-08-06 02:44:42 · 12 answers · asked by confused brunette 1

u see our country is still underdeveloped..i cant do anything with my single hand.i need many hands..if u are patriotic ,you will def join..if u are willing u can share ur ideas...

2007-08-06 01:43:53 · 6 answers · asked by pappu 1

I was just reading that story about the HBO documentary on hiroshima and nagsaki. It seems that it is a very sore subjust with japan. Dont they realize that were were not involved in that war until they killed our men in a unprevoked attack at pearl harbor?

your thoughts please.

2007-08-06 01:25:20 · 23 answers · asked by Steven Colbert 4

2007-08-06 00:22:12 · 17 answers · asked by sharmeling 1

2007-08-05 23:41:14 · 28 answers · asked by darren p 2


The US are bringing this conflict on themselves, they have actually given their enemies guns!!!
To me, that seems ever such a little bit silly.

What do you people think of this?

2007-08-05 23:34:05 · 17 answers · asked by futuretopgun101 5

I have searched the net for info. I would love to be active duty, but unfortunately I am only associate prepared.
Thanks for the info!

2007-08-05 21:54:40 · 7 answers · asked by Kelly M 2

can i have the dis-advantages as well please..
it would be great to compare!

2007-08-05 21:17:11 · 2 answers · asked by tangy_mango1 2

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