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Military - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Military

The destruction of World Trade Center # 7 reveals the preplan of Sept 11 "attacks" . Find out what company was in charge of security of the building MARVIN ___________ close relative of GWB. Are we doing our homework or getting STUCKED in IRAQ?

2006-11-01 15:22:23 · 13 answers · asked by HerKomisar 1

what about men who have been soldiers or SAS- is their a real distinction in that women are treated cruelly?

2006-11-01 15:13:37 · 6 answers · asked by catinthehat 1

Is it true that 1/3 of our soldiers are green card soldiers ? And most of them are hispanic or mexican ?

BTW, what is the difference between hispanic and mexican ?

2006-11-01 15:13:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

You'll do well to have a source so I can verify the answer. Good luck... first correct answer with a source will earn ten points.

2006-11-01 14:53:07 · 4 answers · asked by Mike S 7

so we have had 100 heros who volenteered do go to war die this month. sad but true. now for all those people who are raising hell about this, LISTEN UP! chew on these stats for a minute. in 2004 (most recent availible) 42678 people died in car wrecks in america. thats over 3500 a month. or how about in 1996 110000 people died from alcohol/ related deaths in america, thats 9166 a month. c'mon people these stats go on and on. lets not be petty here.

2006-11-01 14:52:01 · 16 answers · asked by vituperative facetious wiseass 3

Why is the American government so damn nosy?? We think that it's a good idea to help out others, by solving their political problems and what not. What ever happened to helping your own American people? HELLO?? There's plenty of problems here, that the President still haven't touched on. This war on terror is just full of BS. We need to bring our troops back home. First it was finding Weapons of Mass Destruction (and there were none), then the search for Osama Bin Laden, and now.. fighting with terror groups. When will this madness end? -_-''

2006-11-01 14:47:53 · 24 answers · asked by Luv_Li83 2

2006-11-01 14:33:09 · 4 answers · asked by rosanne.emmonds@btinternet.com 1

Everyone in the media seems to think that John Kerry should do damage control. I think he should be hammering home his message. I thought the media was supposed to prefer the truth over the conservative view of the status quo, but hey, that's just me. Now I know there are some people who join our military out of patriotism, but most smart high school graduates don't join the military because they want a lower probability of dying young, or because they have a deep stance against war. Both of which are very intellectual stances with regard to math and international relations. So I'm with intellect, and not with stupid.

2006-11-01 14:26:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that many believe we are not being lied to during the Iraqi conflict?( yes I support our troops and no ,I am not a moron)Things like the number of casualties and such.

2006-11-01 14:05:21 · 7 answers · asked by Paul I 4

What a horrible insult to the military, saying uneducated people got stuck in Iraq. That would piss me off so much if I was in the service. It takes, brains, bravery, strength, agility, and cunningness to be a military warrior. They operate high tech weapons, navigate complex terrain, drive huge machinery, and fly the most sophisticated aircraft ever conceived. Military training is the most efficient form of education known to mankind!! Soldiers learn more in one morning than a beer drinking time-wasting class-skipping college freshman learns in four years. Every one of our US warriors has 1000x more brains than that moron Kerry. Thank God the people never elected that buffoon. Imagine the chaos we would be with that dufus as a president. Criminy!

2006-11-01 13:43:48 · 22 answers · asked by x 5

2006-11-01 13:43:18 · 20 answers · asked by Mary C 4

How brutal is the training?

2006-11-01 13:40:14 · 4 answers · asked by Andrew 2

How is there any arguement? Where are the WMD, where is the link to 9/11?

2006-11-01 13:37:16 · 18 answers · asked by jrnh5150 3

Does it take a brave soul to join in a time of war?
Does it take guts to fight for everything you believe in?
Does it takes ignorance to believe a word of Kerry's statements or excuses?

My answer to all of the above is YES!
May God Bless America and May God Bless our TROOPS.
May John Kerry drown in a vat of ketchup.

2006-11-01 13:22:19 · 8 answers · asked by TRUE PATRIOT 6

Shouldn't George W. Bush be gracious enough to apologize to the nation for his terrible debacle that has cost 2300 lives of US soldiers, not to mention dead journalists and civilians?

Does George Bush admit to anything?

2006-11-01 13:15:14 · 18 answers · asked by Reba K 6

I'm pretty sure this wasn't from a botched joke.

From Henry Kissinger, as quoted in "Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW's In Vietnam":

“Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

This from the former National Security Advisor under Nixon & Secretary of State under Nixon & Ford.....AND....regular advisor to Cheney & Bush on matters regarding the War in Iraq.

There are things people say that are accidental foot-in-mouth moments.

And then there are calculated statements such as these....

2006-11-01 13:07:53 · 8 answers · asked by captain2man 3

As a paralyzed Vietnam Vet I will never forget John Kerry's traitorous remarks made years ago calling myself and my Brothers-in Arms all manner of names from "Baby-Killers" to "cowards" upon our return and now, our brave brothers and sisters are "stupid"?

I want to state that, 'Mr. John Kerry is not only a man of questionable honor but he should apologize for making statements that not only insult every brave young man and woman Serving but but give yet again, "Aid and Comfort to the enemy.

We will now do everything humanly possible to mobilize the Conservative Base not necessarily to Vote to support current policy and Incumbents but to vote "against the Democrats" and the Nancy Pelosi San Francisco Values that party holds to!

This was the best thing he could have done to energize our base!

Now, how will the Far Left Wong ACLU Adoring Liberal Dems explain away this one...

"He was mis-quoted" or maybe, "His statement was taken out of context" or maybe he meant it?

2006-11-01 13:06:28 · 21 answers · asked by baltic072 3

N.Korea have over a million force military with no mission. Being so economically poor and no means to end it, why can't Bush offer several billions of dollars being spent in the war in Iraq, to the N. Koreans and have them send 500,000 of their military to Iraq to replace our 150,000 troops so they can come home?

2006-11-01 13:02:09 · 5 answers · asked by me_worry? 4

Because last I knew, Bush wasn't in Iraq. Would more people have believed him if he said that? Or is he just grasping at straws?

2006-11-01 12:55:21 · 10 answers · asked by TRUE PATRIOT 6

I read in an article that the U.S. Navy used to recruit people overseas, is it still active today or have they terminated their international recruitment of enlisted personnel?

2006-11-01 12:46:28 · 4 answers · asked by Andrew 2

What exactly has Kerry lied about?

Senator Kerry misrepresented his own actions and those of his fellow officers and men. We believe that some of that misrepresentation resulted in him receiving medals to which he was not entitled. While many people might think that is immaterial, it is a matter of great importance to military personnel and veterans. As our chairman, Rear Admiral Roy Hoffman, U.S. Navy (Ret.), has said, “This is not a political issue. It is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty and trust -- all absolute tenets of command.”

It is a matter of public record that John Kerry lied before Congress when he falsely portrayed his fellow service personnel in Vietnam as rapists and baby killers. John Kerry claimed that American troops were guilty of “crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command,” and that we “personally raped” and otherwise brutalized innocent civilians. Kerry specifically accused Swift boat personnel of “showing the flag and firing at sampans and villages along the banks” and “butchering a lot of innocent people.” None of that is true.

We believe Senator Kerry’s irresponsible accusations damaged the U.S. war effort. Whether his testimony was designed to advance a political or personal agenda, we do believe that testimony endangered our prisoners of war, dishonored those injured and killed in action and did irreparable harm to the reputation of servicemen who served honorably in Vietnam only to return home to unwarranted ridicule and abuse.

Drawing on the credibility of a tour of duty in Vietnam, however abbreviated, John Kerry shaped a false, slanderous image of U.S. military personnel as violent, vicious and brutal. U.S. military personnel, Senator Kerry told the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, are collectively “a monster in the form of millions of men who have been taught to deal and to trade in violence.” That is untrue. As with military men and women today, U.S. military personnel in Vietnam went out of their way to safeguard innocent life, often taking casualties themselves rather than putting civilians at risk.

Having lied to the world about his former comrades, it is our view that Senator Kerry is unfit to command our sons and daughters as Commander-in-Chief.

2006-11-01 12:44:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do we justify a war that isn't related to anything we're supposed to be fighting for?

o Saddham was nauseated by Osama.
o There were no WMD's.
o North Korea has more nukes than Iran and Iraq combined.
o Now, more innocents have died in the name of arrogance and war-mongering than in the twin-tower assault.

What do you plan to do in November?

I don't really care about you how you feel. The question is... What are you going to do in November!

You right-winger's are all busy smoking dope, and watching sports, and fox news. Good luck, boys, getting laid tonight.
Light another dooby, and drink some more brew. You'll think differently when you're drafted. :

"The facts obviously have some bias."

2006-11-01 12:42:12 · 25 answers · asked by Blim 5

Kerry screwed up and accidently insulted the troops one time.

Bush, on the other hand, is essentially a mass murderer of american troops.

2006-11-01 12:38:12 · 10 answers · asked by Brett Favre 1

Swift Boat Vets and POWs for Truth
Service to Country

Online Petition

To: Senator John Kerry (D-MA)

Upon your return from Vietnam, you betrayed your fellow veterans by accusing them of engaging in horrendous war crimes. Through your post-war activities, and during Senate testimony viewed by the entire nation, you created and nurtured the myth that American soldiers in Vietnam were involved in such crimes on a daily basis, and that such activity was sanctioned by our commanding officers. Specifically, you stated that we: "had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, [and] razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan."

You continue today to make claims of atrocities for which you have no documentation, no support, and no evidence.

You met with North Vietnamese officials in Paris and worked with them in the furtherance of their political and military objectives against the United States.

As you now seek to become Commander in Chief of our armed forces, we believe it is incumbent upon you to better explain to the American public your conduct in this matter. Specifically, we ask you to:

* Acknowledge to the American public that you did not personally witness any such atrocities or, in the alternative, cite such examples and then provide an explanation of what actions you took relative to these alleged war crimes.

* Explain to the American public the nature and extent of war crimes in which you participated.

* Explain to the American public your justification for contacting and working in conjunction with a foreign government then at war with the United States.

* Provide an acknowledgment and apology to the American veterans for your all encompassing accusations, and more specifically to our POWs for any extensions of their internment caused by your actions.

* Personally respond factually to the challenges made against your service in Vietnam by some 275 men who served with you.

Senator Kerry, the vast majority of the men who served with you, and the entire chain of command, have refuted your representations of your conduct in Vietnam. To date, you have repeatedly refused to respond to these statements, electing instead to have professional political operatives flood the media with efforts to discredit these former comrades. We want to hear from you.

We the undersigned consider your response on these five points to be critical to this nation's decision to entrust our military forces to you. If you betrayed us once, we need to be assured that you will not do it again.

It is time for you to set the record straight.

288 signatures to date.
First NameLast Name
Address (optional)
I am a veteran.
Subscribe me to the Swift Vets and POWs newsletter.

Copyright © 2004 Swift Vets and POWs for Truth

2006-11-01 12:36:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi! Here it is:
Those Who Gave
Their Lives For Our Freedom
Those Who Died In
Civil War

2006-11-01 12:34:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do they see combat? What are some of the job duties they do? Do you get to pick your specific job to do in the combat engineers? Or do they place you at whatever they want you at? Is deployment highly likely? Please only people with experience or knowledge on this answer.

2006-11-01 12:30:31 · 2 answers · asked by Metal 4

Holidays are coming and there are soldiers that would like to have mail that otherwise don't get it. Even a letter makes them smile which is important. Check out www.anysoldier.com and start your today. Or does anybody already know of somebody in need? My kids are doing their Christmas boxes & want to send them homemade cookies but I only let them send them to ones we personally know or through a friend relationship.

2006-11-01 11:52:27 · 4 answers · asked by tygernside 3

I saw Major General John Batiste, Major General Paul Eaton, and Colonel Thomas Hammes, all retired military men, on Lou Dobbs this evening. All were calling for Mr. Rumsfeld to step down. What say you America?

2006-11-01 11:06:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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