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Immigration - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

It's not the U.S. taxpayers fault that Mexico is rife with corruption and that their government can't seem to get its act together. People from all over the world "just want a better life and to feed their children" but the flood of mexicans is just ridiculous. Mexicans are like lemings -- someone tells them to protest on May 1 and almost a million do so. Then, candidate Obrador tells them to protest the election and millions do it. Why don't they get themselves organized and protest against their government in general? Imagine the impact of "A Week Without a Mexican" if they were to do it in Mexico. They obviously have the numbers and don't mind protesting, so why don't they protest en masse for a better economy and job opportunities. Mexico has a wealth of oil, steel and farming resources and there's really no reason for them to be a Third World country at all.

2006-08-11 08:55:39 · 22 answers · asked by baq2calli 2

deport them)

Since they has invaded my country and they have caused nothing but trouble because they refuse to follow our way of life.
They are a danger to our society and we must get rid of them to be safe.


Ian Huntly, Peter Sutcliff, Mrya Hindly, Harold Shipman,and Jack the Ripper were all ANGLO SAXONS

Anglo Saxons cause terrorism in the world.
They carpet bombed Vietam and droped an Atom bomb on Japan.


2006-08-11 08:49:48 · 41 answers · asked by CELT GIRL 1

I'm sure there are many American pro illegal immigration advocates who would be more than happy to give up their lives here for awhile and go to other countries to protest for these people and get to the real root of immigration troubles. Immigration troubles didn't start here in the United States, but other countries. So place blame where the blame belongs and stop blaming the United States and its citizens for what is wrong in other countries and with its people. If pro amnesty advocates are so passionate about open borders and immigration then let it be their American right to provide shelter, clothing, medical care and food, and not out of our tax dollars that should be used taking care of the need of our own citizens. Perhaps if these people put in half the amount of determination to gain civil rights in their country as they did here in the United States perhaps they wouldn't have to make that illegal trip through the dangerous hot vast lands of America. Mexico has plentiful resources to care for its citizens and instead of talking about taking back their land here in the United States, how about starting with what is already theres.

2006-08-11 08:47:10 · 10 answers · asked by Zoe 4

2006-08-11 08:19:20 · 15 answers · asked by Petals 2

Ya know, one of the tired over and over arguements is that illegals can pick anything better and we need them or America would collapse under it's own beans.

Far be it from any illegal to state that they would never take jobs away from Americans, of course they'd never say that, and since there's 450,000 farm picking jobs in the USA they must be really backed up with the 20 million that are here.

The problem I have with them fighing to pick strawberries so much is that not only do Americans pick strawberries, cotton, vegeatables, nuts....some of them even pick thier noses, and others have made innovative contributions enjoyed the world over in Industry, Medicine, Manufacturing and alot of other stuff.

Now I don't get it - is picking farmland the only contribution you can make in the USA? Cuz from where I'm standing there sure are way too many here for that already and they're screaming for millions more. I hope they come up with a better reason - they won't hire us to pick.

2006-08-11 08:13:34 · 16 answers · asked by yars232c 6

Feds crack down on immigrant child offenders
More than 6,000 netted in 'Operation Predator,' 40% illegal alienshttp://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/articl... are seeing an alarming number of illegal aliens with criminal records for everything from homicides to rapes of children as young as three years of age," states Jim Kouri, vice president and public information officer for the 14,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police.
Study: 1 Million Sex Crimes by Illegals
Report; Posted on: 2006-05-31 17:23:25

Researcher estimates more than 100 offenders crossing border daily


Based on a one-year in-depth study, a researcher estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each.
Do you know where your children are?

2006-08-11 07:58:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

their own government.

This wrong has been broadcasted to the American people over national radio shows - such as the John and Ken Show, George Putnam, Laura Ingraham and many more.

And we the people are fighting mad!

I called the White House - the woman who answered the phone knew of the U.S. Border Patrols' case because she is getting phone calls from furious American citizens. In fact, the woman who answered the phone AGREED - this case is just plain WRONG.

I am writing to express my revulsion that a hero like U.S. Border Patrol Agent Ignacio Ramos is being convicted of a crime on TRUMPED UP CHARGES!!!!

Ramos has protected our nation from drug smugglers! He should be celebrated and showered in awards and accolades!

Since when did the U.S. Government base cases against our own law enforcement hinging on the testimony of a foreign national drug smuggler? Since when did foreign drug smugglers get to put U.S. law enforcement behind bars? Utterly outrageous.

The case that I read in the newspaper states that the drug smuggler changed his story YET that evidence was not presented to the jury - WHY? Below is the quote from the article:

"The Ramoses also contend Aldrete-Davila's story changed several times.

According to the memo, Aldrete-Davila told investigators the agents shot him in the buttocks when he was trying to enter the country illegally from Mexico. But according to Aldrete-Davila's later testimony and that of the agents, he was shot after trying to evade the agents upon his re-entry into Mexico.

The memo never was disclosed to the jury."

In addition, Ramos clearly states that supervisors were onsite - with him on the ground - and for that reason he did not contact them officially - SUPERVISORS WERE THERE!

US Attorney Debra Knof of El Paso, said that the drug smuggler did not have a weapon. How can you trust a drug smuggler to tell the truth??? WHY WOULD A DRUG SMUGGLER NOT HAVE A WEAPON???

There are so many holes in this OUTRAGEOUS case that is reads like a Twighlight Zone episode.

If the two brave US Border Patrol Agents broke with protocol during this dangerous and courageous pursuit - that should merely be handled internally. Period.

We the people are stepping forward to say to the US GOVERNMENT FREE OUR HEROES - heroes saving our nation from criminals and drug smugglers - FREE RAMOS AND COMPEAN!


We the People.

Here is the telephone number for Assistant US Attorney Debra Kanof Phone: (915) 534-6884 - quoted in the article by Sara Carter, below.
WE THE PEOPLE CANNOT allow the two US Border Patrol Agents to be sent to prison!
PLEASE CALL DEBRA KANOF TODAY! I just called and was transferred to her voice mail - and left her message.
Offices of the Western District of Texas
El Paso Office
1 County
1,013 Square Miles
Populationfiltered= 1.2 Million

Margaret Leachman, Chief
Debra Kanof, Chief Major Crimes
Jose Luis Gonzalez,
Chief of Border Interdiction
United States Attorney's Office
700 E. San Antonio,
Suite 200
El Paso, Texas 79901

Phone: (915) 534-6884
Fax: (915) 534-6024

2006-08-11 07:42:47 · 13 answers · asked by Julia 3

2006-08-11 07:35:45 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happens to all this 'hard working illegals' rhetoric when we build 'berry bot' and 'lettuce bot' and 'burger bot'? If we can put a robot on mars, why not put one in McDonalds? Further, I'll bet if you put the pay at 10 bucks an hour, you'd see plenty of bona-fide americans out there pickin' berries, and they wouldn't make an all-day job of it, either.

2006-08-11 07:31:46 · 19 answers · asked by gokart121 6

i want to confront this little asian about parking his terrible chinese toyota in my parking spot, but im worried he'll fight me.

he's smaller than me, but i am not fond of backflips and dragon punches

2006-08-11 07:30:59 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-11 07:19:56 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are both of Irish and Cherokee decent! Granted I have English in there too, but that is scary...do you think we could be?

2006-08-11 07:11:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

CNN today has a guy talking about Hutchison-Pence. What's your take on it, free pass for illegal aliens or good legislation?

2006-08-11 07:08:51 · 22 answers · asked by gokart121 6

Deja Vu for Driver in Deadly Crash

The Associated Press

YUMA, Ariz.
A man accused of trying to flee from Border Patrol agents before crashing a vehicle packed with illegal immigrants, killing nine, was accused of leading authorities on a similarly dangerous chase last year, federal court records show.

After that chase, Adan Pineda Doval, 20, was sentenced on a misdemeanor charge, according to the records.

Pineda is in federal custody on a charge of felony transportation of illegal aliens for Monday's crash more than 30 miles north of Yuma, which also injured a dozen immigrants.

Federal officials said he was trying to avoid a Border Patrol checkpoint and led agents on a chase before trying to make a U-turn and overturning the Chevrolet Suburban he was driving.

Pineda led agents on a similar pursuit north of Yuma in June 2005, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court in Yuma.

"During the pursuit the defendant drove erratically, swerving toward (Arizona Department of Public Safety) officers and Border Patrol agents, putting the lives of the agents and his passengers in danger," federal officials alleged in a statement included with the 2005 complaint against Pineda.

Pineda had entered the U.S. illegally near Andrade, Calif., and was charged with illegal entry. The federal statement listed several more serious crimes, including aggravated assault against a law enforcement officer and endangerment, but he was sentenced to six months in a federal facility on the misdemeanor entry count less than a week after the crash.

Pineda apparently received a plea deal that federal prosecutors call a "flip-flop" - used because there are so many smuggling cases, said Ann Harwood, a spokeswoman for the Arizona U.S. Attorney's Office.

In a flip-flop, normally offered to smugglers who didn't endanger those they were smuggling, the defendant is charged with a felony and a misdemeanor but is allowed to plead guilty only to the lesser charge.

Harwood told The Sun of Yuma that without knowing the evidence against Pineda in the first case she could not say whether he should have been prosecuted on more serious charges.

Pineda is charged only with one felony in Monday's incident but may face further counts, federal officials said.

2006-08-11 07:08:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-11 07:06:16 · 17 answers · asked by That'sMe! 2

Sen. John Kyl
WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kyl, chairman of the Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security Subcommittee, is suggesting it's time for a "Manhattan Project" commitment by the U.S. to prevent nuclear terrorism, confirming "there have been plenty of efforts by terrorists and smugglers to acquire nuclear materials."

Pointing out that terrorists would need no more that nine pounds of plutonium or 35 pounds of highly-enriched uranium to create a nuclear explosion, Kyl headed a hearing with top government experts on the prospects of detection and prevention of the feared nuke attack on the U.S.

"A trained nuclear engineer – and there are plenty of them looking for work worldwide – could use this small chunk of material to create a nuclear device that would fit into a van or small watercraft," said Kyl.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency between 1993 and 2004, there were 662 confirmed cases of smuggling of nuclear and radiological materials.

"And those were just the instances that we know about," said Kyl. "Of those confirmed cases, 21 involved materials that could be used to produce a nuclear weapon, and over 400 involved materials that could be used to make a dirty bomb."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said the U.S. is not immune from an attack with so much loose nuclear material around. She pointed out a recent Government Accountability Office undercover operation proved that nuclear materials could be smuggled into the United States.

"GAO actually shipped here to Washington enough nuclear materials to build two dirty bombs through our northern border and, again, through our southern border," she said. "Clearly, there is more that must be done, and clearly, we still have problems on both our northern and southern borders. We've got to put in place an integrated system that provides our citizens with maximum protection against nuclear smuggling, and do it in a way that is both efficient and cost-effective."

For more on this report and regular

2006-08-11 06:54:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just put your state and zip to find them. http://www.familywatchdog.us/ShowMap.asp

2006-08-11 06:50:26 · 22 answers · asked by elperro 3

2006-08-11 06:50:06 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not saying its dog, or cat or even donkey, but something is funny about that meat

2006-08-11 06:36:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous



I think i know why these immigrants are here and this is probably what they think/say but instead of Santa Fe Its u.s.a, i see what they want and i welcome them any time. over a coon!

2006-08-11 06:32:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Authorities ID suspect in carjack spree

Maura J. Halpern
The Arizona Republic
Aug. 11, 2006 12:00 AM

WEST VALLEY - Police from several Valley police agencies continued to investigate the string of at least 11 carjackings, most of which occurred in Surprise and Sun City, during a one-man crime spree Tuesday in the northwest Valley.

On Thursday, authorities identified the man who went on the rampage as Raul Eduardo Gonzalez, 31, who was deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement earlier this year.

Gonzalez is still at large and is believed to be armed and dangerous. His last location was believed to be in the Williams area and according to sheriff's deputies he is making his way out of state. advertisement

"I can't think of any other time when there has been this many carjackings by one person," Sgt. Michael Stewart, Surprise police spokesman, said Thursday. "It's practically unheard of."

According to sheriff's deputies, Gonzalez has a history of several felonies, including burglary, stolen property and forgery.

"It's just amazing that this guy is still avoiding authorities," said Deputy Doug Matteson, Maricopa County sheriff's spokesman. "We want to get this guy off the streets because he seems to be very dangerous and reckless."

Matteson encouraged Valley residents to be extra observant of their surroundings because "you never know who you'll come in contact with."

Stewart agreed, saying, "If anything seems strange, or if you believe something isn't right, get to a safe location."

Gonzalez was described as standing about 5 feet 6 and weighing about 130 pounds.

Several Valley police agencies and Williams police are involved in the search.

2006-08-11 06:19:21 · 19 answers · asked by sqwirl_hater 3

In other words, aren't we all immigrants? Wasn't Ellis Island opened to deal with the influx of immigration caused by the huge flood of them coming here after WWI? Did you know that Americans were equally offended by your Polish, Irish and Italian ancestors as you are with Mexicans immigrating today?

2006-08-11 06:16:43 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous


I think i know why these immigrants are here and this is probably what they think/say but instead of Santa Fe Its u.s.a, i see what they want and i welcome them any time. over a coon!

2006-08-11 06:14:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I came to Canada on a Work Permit lets say 2006,
-how long would it take to get a permenant Residency in Canada?
-Does it take longer than the American Green Card?
-Does getting a PR in Canada depend on the provience you apply
from or does it take the same amount of time no matter where you apply from.

2006-08-11 06:12:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

That has been desensitized to being catalogged as a Racist? I mean, I'm not losing any sleep over it. Are You?

2006-08-11 06:04:55 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Remember the Alamo? Paybacks are hell!

2006-08-11 05:53:38 · 13 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

2006-08-11 05:53:00 · 5 answers · asked by danniel s 4

Amnesty is an evil word! What it stands for in any situation is wrong!

2006-08-11 05:52:33 · 13 answers · asked by tripledigit67 3

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