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Immigration - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

She said "mexicans teach their kids values, but what are they"?? GOOD QUESTION!!!!

So, what ARE the "values" they are teaching these kids????
To LIE?? ( about their LEGALITY)

To HIDE from, and disrespect authorities???

To STEAL what does NOT belong to them??? (whether it be jobs, or someone ELSE's social security number)

To DISRESPECT the LAWS of this country???

To use mob rule and DEMAND things be given to them???

To call other names if they don't get their way???

What exactly ARE they "teaching" their children???

2006-08-24 12:22:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Be a citizen no ifs ands or buts. Is this true?Because I know there are people that would try to marry a citizen just to stay but he says that he wouldn't need to cuz he is guaranteed citizenship someday because of his green card.

2006-08-24 12:20:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If someone marrys an American citizen does that make them an automatic citizen or does that just extand their visa or green card upon approval?

2006-08-24 12:16:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

first of all he is married to an American citizen and has been for like 6 or 7 years. They have two kids together and Suddenly he says that they found out about how one time he used someone elses birth certifacate and ID to cross over to Mexico but he didn't make it. He was caught. Now I don't know when (but he says he's been fighting them a long time) He has a lawyer and is fighting them cause he says they are trying to deport him ever though (I think he is a citizen) Because of ahat he did like 8 years ago. Is this possible? He is married to an American citizen. I think he is pulling my leg and he really did something else that he is getting deported for.

2006-08-24 12:14:08 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

please dont say ur only racist with illegals because when ur in the street and start being racist with a mexican how do u know if they're illegal or not? my question is just to see if u are racist with every one who isnt white or just illegals? and please i dont want any rude, childish 8yr old answers

2006-08-24 11:38:06 · 27 answers · asked by GABRIELLA 3

I lost my wedding ring trying to pull the cap off my septic tank! If they do those jobs that Americans won't do then were are they? I got a 100 dollar bill for recovery cost! How long would it take you in Mexico to make a hundred Dollars? Oh, I forgot, you make 20 an hour tax free laying brick, never mind!

2006-08-24 11:28:16 · 27 answers · asked by tripledigit 2

Level 1
Should you respect a minority in the USA that has no respect for the laws of the USA?
True summary of illegal activity from long term illegals

Here is a true summary of illegal activity from long term illegals, and as you can see it's not just about sneaking across the border, and it's not just careless breaking of the law, it's carefully planned to cheat Americans.

1. Illegal entry into the United States - Misdemeanor - deportable offense.
2. Failure to register as a foreign national - misdemeanor - deportable offense.
3. Fraudulently applying for a state driver's license with counterfeit ID - misdemeanor
4. Applying for work or working in the United States without a work visa - Misdemeanor - Deportable Offense.
5. Fraudulently operating an unregistered business under a false name - misdemeanor - Deportable Offense
6. Fraudulently applying for and accepting welfare using counterfeit ID - Felony - Jail Time- Deportation

2006-08-24 11:25:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cut the crap and change the States diaper that is! Stop stop stop! OMG what is it going to take? Shut the pro's up and burn out the ACLU!

2006-08-24 11:21:46 · 14 answers · asked by tripledigit 2

2006-08-24 11:13:33 · 12 answers · asked by prince2000_jo 1

where in california can i find an emigration office?

2006-08-24 11:09:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is providing for ones family a Justifiable reason to break the Law? What crimes are acceptable if this is OK? Seriuously. If we say its OK to Break the law to Provide for your family. Would a Drug dealer be able to get the ACLU to take there case and pleed they were only selling drugs to get money for food. What's the Cut Off. Who makes that decision?

2006-08-24 11:05:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If it out weighs the hundreds of reasons to inforce our laws and deport and stop the invasion from South America, I would love to hear it!

2006-08-24 11:04:15 · 19 answers · asked by tripledigit 2

because it works with the libby's and the ACLU? What are you gonna do when we eliminate those low life traitors? Beg? I don't think those Uno de Mayo rallies were begging so get ready to get the boot!

2006-08-24 10:58:43 · 18 answers · asked by tripledigit 2

I got reported for answering a question. I gave them Truth they gave me a Violation.

2006-08-24 10:47:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can the UK citizen stay beyond the 3 months while they apply for residency?

I have not found anything written about if we marry here if that changes anything...

2006-08-24 10:32:37 · 5 answers · asked by Dolphin lover 4

i was wondering if there is a form for getting illegals the right to work here on visas or something legally

2006-08-24 10:31:57 · 7 answers · asked by ~~chicky~~ 1

I am a green card holder, but I have left the U.S to Hong Kong for 11 months now. I don't have a so-called re-entry permitt. But I have decided to return to the U.S some time next week. Am I in trouble? Will they take my green card away? Thanks for some tips..

2006-08-24 10:25:31 · 5 answers · asked by JIMMY1022 2

place you're vote fellow Americans watching the American dream being handed to the illegals in a basket.

2006-08-24 10:18:00 · 25 answers · asked by tripledigit 2

The same questions from the SAME PEOPLE on racism on the immigration board. How boring is it to you? Scale 1-10. Why are they doing it?

2006-08-24 10:16:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

American Citizens, you grumble about illegal immigrants. I understand. Would you feel better about the situation if they were legal? Which country would you prefer to have immigrant come from to the U.S.?

2006-08-24 10:12:03 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or is that just a back window thing here in the states to show their @$$'s?

2006-08-24 10:00:04 · 17 answers · asked by tripledigit 2

run horizontally almost giving the illegals grips to climb on? wouldn't it have been smarter to run them vertically so they couldn't get a hold? and chain link.....nothing but leg and foot holds...seems to me there may be a government conspiracy going on here....

2006-08-24 09:56:57 · 14 answers · asked by hell_in_a_handbasket 3

Gots to have them to state my status!

2006-08-24 09:54:40 · 16 answers · asked by tripledigit 2

Without an argument to tender, they go to what they know best: the silly, fatuous charge of racism (Oh, please don't call us that, please, please, please!) We really owe these people a great big thank-you for letting us know they already have thrown in the towel. Perhaps in these illegal supporters happy little fantasy place, the U.S. can leave its doors open to the billions of people who would love to come here. But the rest of us who live in the real world understand that such an arrangement would only turn the U.S. into another third-world cesspool of the same sort the world's masses are trying to flee.

2006-08-24 09:54:18 · 14 answers · asked by Zoe 4

I've seen many people use something similar to 'you'll pay $10 for a head of lettuce when the illegals are gone', and such. Where do these numbers come from??

According to this study put out by the USDA, the average farm's cut from their agricultural output is about 23.25%. This was in 2004, and the trend has been pointing down for years.

Study is at:

My grocery store sells iceberg lettuce heads at $1.29. If the farm gets a 23.25% of that amount, their cut is $.30 per head.

Under the assumption that farm's cut goes entirely to labor (which it does not), and assuming that all other costs remain constant...

If we pay American worker 3 times the rate lettuce will cost $1.89 per head.

5 times the rate will cost $2.49 per head.

10 times the rate will cost $3.99 per head.

For lettuce to cost $10 per head, we would have to pay American workers 30 times the rate illegals are paid. Anyone think this will happen?

2006-08-24 09:53:34 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Asylum seekers claim to be in genuine fear for their lives. Why then do many of them bypass civilised countries like Spain and France and continue on to Britain? If they truly sought refuge from persecution or life threatening danger why not settle at the first country able to provide same? God Bless the Europeans.

2006-08-24 09:51:52 · 24 answers · asked by jessie_h_christ 1

Does the minor need a parent and/or legal guardian when crossing the mexican boarder? or will a non blood related adult work?

2006-08-24 09:49:05 · 11 answers · asked by kimiewimie 1

Do you think Elvira Arellano has anything in common with Rosa Parks what so ever.
I find it very insulting!

2006-08-24 09:42:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I bet most of these "pro illegals" would be p issin and moaning just as hard as everyone else if the problem was mostly Europeans.
You see I really don't care about immigration, I actually think it keepa America diversified and beautiful. But the problem is that crossing into U.S. soil and not reporting yourself is illegal. I don't care what nationality you are.
Can anybody see the illegality in what's going on, or is everyone willing to just give up and hand over something that people of all nationalities in this country have died for, for a bunch of people that will never embrace it's concepts anyway?

2006-08-24 09:30:23 · 11 answers · asked by wolcott_boy37 2

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