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Government - July 2007

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I moved to Virginia, and they call it a commonwealth state. I haven't found out what it means and how its different from being a regular state.

2007-07-25 09:55:54 · 6 answers · asked by trespi 2

These days there are lots of concerns about the Bush Admin. violating Constitutional protections in its War on Terror. The argument that it's for our own protection can be very persuasive to many people. The question is: what sacrifice is it worth to keep to the tenets of this 200 year old document. Our elected officials take a oath to defend it, but someone saying: 'If I have to violate the Constitution to defend the American people, then by God I'll do it', would also find many supporters. If we give up the Constitution for the sake of 'safety', are we still America?

2007-07-25 09:41:04 · 24 answers · asked by AmigaJoe 3

2007-07-25 09:27:06 · 8 answers · asked by rod_grim2000 1

There are crores of cases pending for years and years....
So my ques is.......
are there many loopholes in the juducial system, or are the people running it incapable...?

2007-07-25 08:52:41 · 9 answers · asked by Kalpak I 2

I have a friend who thinks Condoleezza Rice is really attractive. I, on the other hand, think the exact opposite (with all due respect to the lady). This question is stupid and unimportant, but I'm curious to hear (see) what you think.

2007-07-25 08:24:55 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

U S veterans of the Iraqi war have to sue the officials of the Veteran's Affairs over disability pay and medical care. How many times have the cons said, "democrats don't support our troops"? Is this how this administration supports them? Is the picture becoming clearer to you right-wingers? This kind of neglect of our wounded veterans is unforgiveable!

2007-07-25 07:15:16 · 9 answers · asked by ArRo 6

In 1960 when John F.Kennedy became President of the USA. His Roman Catholic beliefs were a topic that seemed important. The fact that no Roman Catholic had become president before. His beliefs were used against him by fellow president hopefuls. Should the held against Mitt Romney who is a Mormon? Should Roman Catholic beliefs more welcomed then Mormons for the White House,president of the USA, and ruler of the free world? Should these beliefs even be relivate to the President of the USA?

2007-07-25 07:09:39 · 5 answers · asked by SECRET DESTROYER 7

2007-07-25 06:47:45 · 3 answers · asked by kslinker4278 1

I saw this movie and now I want to move to another country!! I currently live in NY and am looking into Canada since it borders the US and I hate flying so I can still take the train or even drive back to the US to see my family. I need help, WHY do other people come HERE to the USA??? What does the government do with almost $800 a month of taxes they take out of my paycheck?!?!? I claim single at the end of the year so I barely see any thing back during "Tax Refund Season" IF THAT!!! I feel that if Healthcare was FREE I would feel difrrent, but OMG, this movie has me asking questions!!!

2007-07-25 06:45:00 · 15 answers · asked by BB 1

what will he do about the millions of armed american citizens that will rise up against the police, military and any mercenaries he tries to move against us? there are many more of US then there are of his supporters. Thoughts ?

2007-07-25 06:35:37 · 12 answers · asked by TheAwokenOne 2

2007-07-25 06:18:58 · 10 answers · asked by Bingkensmeller 1

2007-07-25 05:40:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

A recent poll showed that 41% of people surveyed would support government censorship on the radio and 34% would support government censorship on the internet.

I guess it goes to show that some folks believe in liberty, just so long as it is only afforded to them and those who agree with them. It's a shame. Once we sell out over our First Amendment rights in order to 'get at' people on the radio we might disagree with, all bets are off. The government is then free to bury our free expression under whatever propaganda they see fit.


Wake up gang. If you aren't outraged by the 'fairness doctrine', you should be.

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." - Thomas Pain

2007-07-25 05:39:43 · 7 answers · asked by the_defiant_kulak 5

I really want to move to Ireland to help repair the relationship between Ireland and America. My family is hardcore Irish but we also LOVE America. Thanks.

2007-07-25 05:13:51 · 3 answers · asked by ArMyCDTCollins 1

The whole world looks down at India to be illtreating and never considering Women to be equal!! - Especially based on some fake reports by the UN which has nothing except a bunch of Fanatic Feminists and a bunch of Eunuchs!!

Today India has a Woman Prez - Does US have one? How about France, Italy and others where these Fanatic Feminists sit and encourage the Fanatics in India.

2007-07-25 04:54:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-07-25 04:53:11 · 10 answers · asked by raseema 3

If the president of the U.S is impeached, can he attend the trial?

2007-07-25 04:51:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I pay city, county, state and federal taxes, and then pay sales tax, gas tax, phone tax, electric tax, and tolls (and that's just the tip of the iceberg). Where in the world is all this money going???? The Federal budget is 3 trillion alone!!! Don't say George Bush because this has been in the works for decades! There are way too many people collecting from the government in one capacity or another. The Democrats want to RAISE taxes!!!! WHAT??? How about cutting half the crap!!!

2007-07-25 04:36:11 · 2 answers · asked by Stereotypemebecauseyouknow 7

".....According to their marketing material, the ID Sniper Rifle™ is used to implant a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being, using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector. This micro chip enters the body and remains there without causing any internal damage. The manufacturer says the process brings little physical pain as the micro chip enters the body of an unsuspecting huma n, similiar to a mosquito bite lasting just a fraction of a second. At the same time this occurs, a digital camcorder with a zoom-lense fitted within the scope will being to take a high-resolution picture of the target. The target in this case is a human being...."
".....The attention of the media changes the rules of the game. Sometimes it is difficult to engage the enemy in the streets without causing damage to the all important image of the state. ..."

2007-07-25 01:53:18 · 7 answers · asked by Cookies Anyone? 5

reflection about the state-of-the-Nation Address

2007-07-25 01:13:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-25 00:19:16 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

associated to Ms. Indira Gandhi

2007-07-25 00:11:31 · 1 answers · asked by SHAMINDRA B 1

to know how many indians are below the poverty line in india now?

2007-07-24 23:32:55 · 1 answers · asked by learner 1

Bush's new executive order makes criticzing the war a crime...what next? Making criticzing him a crime? Outlaw elections? President for life?

Democracy in the United States is now officially

Your comments please.

Oh, btw I am not saying anything about the war
(can't now) and this will be my last post here,
less I get arrested by the US secret police (NSA).

2007-07-24 20:21:51 · 12 answers · asked by Paul D 3

Your thoughts...

2007-07-24 20:13:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-24 18:08:25 · 8 answers · asked by Jane Doe 1

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