New World Order. one court, one currency, one education system, one media source, one religion, one police force, the world under one government
U.N. global warming pact with the US creates this U.N. Convention of Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) creates another dangerous U.N. bureaucracy, with a seabed “authority” to run ocean affairs, as well as a court system and a global tax. It is created by the World Federalists as a major stepping stone on the road to world government. It is also designed to make it easier for the “international community” to thwart the exercise of U.S. military power in foreign affairs. Don’t expect our media to report these facts to the American people U.S. Navy officials, acting clueless and completely in the dark about the nature of U.N. bureaucracies, are actually lobbying on Capitol Hill for Senate ratification of the pact. It shows examples of how weak the U.S. has become that our military officials have been reduced to functioning as a lobbying arm of the Was
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