This signal is designed to mollify people, and make them more compliiant to the wishes of the government, and the large corporations advertising? This technology has been bought from Japan, after a demonstration as to its effectiveness a while back, wherein the Japanese government proved its' claims by putting many of its citizens in the hospital with seizures, some for as long as 8-10 hours, and some of the people almost died because of it. Please check out the link below, and see a report of this technology for yourselves. I never ask anyone to believe me, but only to think for themselves. Been having trouble with your childrens behavior late,y? Have they been messing up in school, fighting, and getting into trouble at home, all of this a little suddenly? The link below might explain some of the problem to you. Besides, what do you have to loose by looking at it? I hope this helps at least one person to understand just how much technology is being brought to bear against you.
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