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Politics & Government - 28 December 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Okay, my brothrer wants to travel to Australia for 2 or 3 weeks. He has his original birth certificate, original passport from the Philippines (which has been renewed & expedited), Alien card and may I mention he's been living here over 15 years. I know he is lazy. When he went to the travel agent place and had renewed his passport, they accepted it, whatever, but she said he still need a visa. Isn't his renewed passport his visa? What is the new law now for illegal aliens traveling out of states?

2007-12-28 07:56:51 · 2 answers · asked by MOA 3 in Immigration

How long do you think the news surrounding Bhutto's death will last? Do you think any sort of justice will be done? Even if Musharraf didn't order the murder, don't you at least think he is 90% to blame since he prevented her from having adequate security?

Drop some stars if you think this will be brushed to the side, and no one will be brought to justice for this.

2007-12-28 07:56:34 · 14 answers · asked by Kiker 5 in Politics

Looks as though some people on here think that eugenics is a good policy, based upon my last question. Would you support forcible sterilization of the "less desirables" in this country? Does one's political party fit into that category, as one poster suggested?


2007-12-28 07:56:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Since the Writer's are on strike we have no political funnies.Leno And all are dark. Any comments on what you would write that can pass the YA network censors this time ?
Joke of the week ?

2007-12-28 07:54:05 · 6 answers · asked by Mele Kai 6 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-12-28 07:52:35 · 35 answers · asked by tom the plumber 3 in Elections

2007-12-28 07:51:18 · 10 answers · asked by robert_nathan2001 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

do u think they should lower the age for voting?

i think they should because we are the people of the future and we should have our say in what we want. i think it should be lowered to 16 or 17. if u get the responsiblity to
drive why not vote.everyones voice should be heard.

2007-12-28 07:47:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Iowa has a fast growing illegal alien population and the fiscal burden on Iowans resulting from the services provided to that population are similarly growing rapidly. The illegal resident alien population has grown by an increase of 130 percent over the past seven years. The nearly one-quarter billion dollar costs incurred by Iowa taxpayers annually result from outlays in the following areas: Education - Iowans spend about $175.3 million annually on education for the children of illegal immigrants. An additional $13 million is spent annually on programs for limited English students. More than four percent of K-12 public school students in Iowa are children of illegal aliens and this has been increasing as the illegal alien population increases. Healthcare - State-funded uncompensated medical outlays amount to an estimated $48.3 million a year. This doesn't include higher medical bills and insurance costs that Iowans who have medical insurance pay to cover the costs of those without insurance. Incarceration - the uncompensated cost of incarcerating deportable illegal aliens in Iowa's state and local prisons amounts to nearly $4.9 million a year. This excludes compensation from the federal government, short-term detention costs, related law enforcement and judicial expenditures, as well as the monetary costs of the crimes that led to incarceration.http://www.fairus.org/site/PageServer?pagename=research_iacosts

And not just there. It’s ravaging the whole country and not just border states and urban areas. As the article suggests, if it’s in a place like Iowa which is a landlocked, agrarian state with a small population - it’s EVERYWHERE!

2007-12-28 07:43:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

if no explain what you would do as an alternative. If yes just explain your reasoning.

2007-12-28 07:38:27 · 33 answers · asked by Adam 2 in Politics

It is they members of they OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) fault. they decide how much they are going to export. If Suadia Arabia and UAE, Kuwait and all those countries decide wheather to export much oil or Little oil and know they are exporting little oil meaning that USA has to buy it for more money, and sell it at a profit which increases gas prices.

Please do not answer, well they should stop selling it at a profit because that is wrong, emagine you buying something and sell it at a loss you would stop buying it right??

2007-12-28 07:34:09 · 22 answers · asked by liverpool fan MAN U SUCKS 6 in Politics

i was in a car accident where the person swerved into my driveway and hit my truck, my truck then hit a grabage can and now there is damage on both sides of the back end of my truck, i donot carry insurance on my truck because i don't drive it, cause it is too expensive to drive so I drive my smaller car. there is no insurance on my truck and the other person had no insurance either. I have a police report with an eye witness and the person who hit me admitted to being at fault also, plus she got the ticket. There is more than $3,000 worth or damage done to my truck, how do I go about getting them to pay for the damages. I can't go to small claims cause the amount exceeds the limit.

2007-12-28 07:30:50 · 8 answers · asked by labeinia 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

better wake up folks, the Bush regime is giving the farm away...we're gonna wake up some day and some foreign country is gonna be completely in control...Americans going from paycheck to paycheck while some pakistani despot is rolling in our dough...just ain't right..

2007-12-28 07:30:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government


Can the employer ask me to work in the weekend even though my current schedule is Mon-Fri 7-4PM.
Please note that the employer asked me last year but I refused to work on hte weekend.


2007-12-28 07:29:58 · 29 answers · asked by Moe 1 in Law & Ethics

It's so much easier once the transition to metric is made, why not do it?

2007-12-28 07:27:36 · 39 answers · asked by brickity hussein brack 5 in Politics

My friend resently passed away and she did not have any immediate family and her son is now staying at a neighbours house. His dad is a bum and involved in street crimes and is a criminal so he is not able to look after him. I am a uk resident and have a full time job and share a house with my mother. I would like to take care of my friend's 8 yr old son and dont know the procedures of getting him here. I believe that he is not being taken care of and goes to school rarely. I am this little boys last hope and need details of how to get him into the uk as soon as possible. Please, any info would be helpful.

2007-12-28 07:25:13 · 4 answers · asked by kelzz2000 1 in Immigration

It is perfectly ok with disagreeing or disapproving of a President, but why can't we still respect him as the President of this country and not treat him with such malice and disregard.

2007-12-28 07:24:44 · 40 answers · asked by McClintock 4 in Politics

Yesterday New York Times had Clinton boasting of her exchanges with then Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and with State dinners. She has been quoted saying she is her Interantional equal. As a woman , as a Mother, as a leader in a man's world. Yet Hillary '08 is hiting Obama hard for his take on the assignation. What gives?
The links are on your Yahoo politics pages if u upgraded.

IS capitalizing on a few visits and phone calls, then using the woman mother card any beter than Obama ? I am curious first if you have read any of these details. Then what you thought about it.
If not just how do you feel about these candidates ability to handle foreign concerns ? Is Hillary right saying she can be able to handle the diversity that comes across the Presidents desk? And is FIrst Lady a qualification you trust?

Thank you.
btw I purposely left out links. In my opinion we need more research and keeping up on current events is vital. Appreciate those who understand what I mean by that !!

2007-12-28 07:24:15 · 7 answers · asked by Mele Kai 6 in Other - Politics & Government

Man crashed into us, ran the stop sign.
Ford motor company looked at it and said he could fix it for $1,600. Only needed two new doors.
The man who crashed into us.. his insurrance people came and looked at the car at the Ford motor company and they valued it at only $1,700 and it would be $2,170 to fix it. They will not give her that much money to fix the car. So they're going to take the car and destroy it, because they will not pay that much. They would only give up to $1,700. We do not get the $1,700, because the car was collateral in a loan. No money goes to us.

2007-12-28 07:23:00 · 4 answers · asked by Doctor Orenthol 2 in Law & Ethics

Isn't nuclear power the obvious solution to get rid of coal pollution?

2007-12-28 07:21:41 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

get fired from your acting agent?
I have one but she hasnt been calling me in a LONG time. Weird rite?
i thought that you cant because they dont pay you any money. but maybe i was wrong!

2007-12-28 07:20:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I've never ever heard of her, and I consider myself pretty much in the loop on politics (maybe just in Canada). I wish I knew who she was...everybody's pretty angry about her assassination.

2007-12-28 07:18:01 · 8 answers · asked by Terence W 2 in Politics

Browsing through some of the answers in this category I often see liberals quote or reference agenda driven organizations such as moveon.org or other non-valid and unsubstantiated liberal newsletters or websites as their sources. What ever happened to factual evidence?

2007-12-28 07:17:29 · 18 answers · asked by ziggurat4u 5 in Politics

that when George bush takes a crap, they bag it up, ship it out and blow it up.

2007-12-28 07:14:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2007-12-28 07:14:05 · 8 answers · asked by ben t 3 in Law & Ethics

I have seen a couple questions about what to do if you're not sure it is actually a cop trying to pull you over. The advice that has been given has all made sense ie. letting the person know you are aware of their presence, putting on flashers, driving to a populated area, etc. How would this play out in a rural area where it could easily be 10, 20, or 30+ miles to a populated area? Surely even the most reasonable cop is going to get frustrated playing follow the leader for an extended period of time. Would you, as an officer, remain calm knowing that the driver was just heading for safety, or would there be a time/distance limit to your courtesy? Thanks.

2007-12-28 07:12:19 · 9 answers · asked by kevin r 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

This is evident by the record money he has received from donations...He is also the person who our very own military has donated the most money to.

So, WHY? Are they scared? Did Merdock tell them to do this?

To me this is even MORE of a reason to support Ron Paul...there has to be something honest there for the elite not to like him!

2007-12-28 07:11:23 · 14 answers · asked by Fedup Veteran 6 in Politics

2007-12-28 07:10:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

When you answer...I just request two simple things.

1. Answer: Yes, No, or I don't know
2. What affiliation are you i.e. Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal etc

And if you are wondering why #2....well...You know why...
It is all about your affiliations' mindset.

2007-12-28 07:09:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

fedest.com, questions and answers