who else has the feeling that those in power are always advocating things that every bone in your body tells you is not really good for the citizens of this country? For example, when you say that you are concerned about record budget deficits, they tell you don't worry, and that borrowing all that money from foreign countries to make ends meet is actually a good thing. When you question why our trade deficits are so high, they tell you that record trade deficits are actually a sign that our economy is doing great. When you question allowing millions of the world's poorest to flood into our country and a lot of them illegally and your common sense tells you that it cant be good for middle and lower class americans, they tell you that they are only doing jobs that americans dont want to do, and that the extra supply of labor miraculously does not drive down wages. Whe you question why housing prices were so high, they told you that it was a great market and that great wealth was
4 answers
asked by
ron j