Fred Thompson has a "staffer", Phil Martin, who is one of four campaign co-chairmen. Is this another example of the "blip" style of journalism on FOX, when something unflattering to their side is duly reported, once, and then discarded. Unlike the "drip, drip, drip" method employed when the "scandal" is attached to a Democratic candidate or progresive person, there will be no faux outrage, no in-depth investigations into the person's past, and no revelations that, for example, the large amounts of "illegal substances" glazed over was $30,000 worth of cocaine or the fact that Martin was on probabtion for the sale of eleven pounds of pot when he was busted for the coke as well as book making. I think details like that are important to so-called "values voters" and FOX is minimizing those unsavory facts to keep the tarnish off the Party.
Compare this to the continuing coverage afforded to the Clinton campaign when Sandy Berger was found to be consulting with Clinton What say you Y/A?
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