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Politics & Government - 26 October 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Funny how everyone in the UK criticizes the US. If it wasnt for us you all would be happy Nazi's right now. I think we should just leave Europe altogether and let those "enlightented" Europeans just kill themselves off (which you would have if it wasnt for the big bad evil US).

Lets get out of Nato, stop building a missile defense shield, and let Europeans become enlightened peace loving islamicists. In 50 years everyone in England will be facing Mecca anyway............. what an "enlightened" "intellectual" society. I am sure the world will be a lot better with you guys running it.

2007-10-26 19:08:59 · 44 answers · asked by jongcr 1 in Politics

2007-10-26 19:08:47 · 12 answers · asked by Pamela F 1 in Law & Ethics

Is anyone familiar with the sexual consent laws in NYC?
How old do you have to be to have sex? Is it different for boys and girls? Is there a restriction for hold old of a person you can sleep with before it's illegal.
I'm not a sicko! I'm just curious. Ha ha.

2007-10-26 18:58:46 · 2 answers · asked by Moo 2 in Law & Ethics

Service songs like anchors awiegh, and From the halls of montezuma, don't count?

2007-10-26 18:57:29 · 26 answers · asked by aswkingfish 5 in Military

Usually when you hear the term "student activist" images of long-haired, unshaven dopeheads or shrill feminazis come to mind. However, I was pleasently surprised to find that not ALL student protestors are USA-hating traitors:

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
College students across the country have been strapping empty holsters around their waists this week to protest laws that prohibit concealed weapons on campus, citing concerns over campus shootings.

"People who would otherwise be able to defend themselves are left defenseless when on campus," said Ethan Bratt, a graduate student wearing an empty holster this week on the campus of Seattle Pacific University.


College campuses are notorious bastions of anti-American leftwing rhetoric. These youth have chosen to think for themselves, rather than accept their professors non-sensisical anti-gun bloviations. It fills my heart with pride that there so many patriotic youth today

2007-10-26 18:55:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm a democrat on social issues, but when it comes to the economy, i tend to lean more with the balanced budget. However, i do not support big business.

2007-10-26 18:54:59 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics



and don't give me this ''they're not Prisoners of War they're Terrorists'' Bull Sh*t, if they're not Prisoners of War then this shouldn't be called ''War on Terrorism''. And even if we ignore everything, MASKS SO THEY CAN'T BREATHE ??? I mean who does that, that's just disgusting.

2007-10-26 18:53:09 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics



and don't give me this ''they're not Prisoners of War they're Terrorists'' Bull Sh*t, if they're not Prisoners of War then this shouldn't be called ''War on Terrorism''. And even if we ignore everything, MASKS SO THEY CAN'T BREATHE ??? I mean who does that, that's just disgusting.

2007-10-26 18:52:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My friend is a little crazy and he's about to get his driver's license. When he gets his driver's license and lets say he hits into a cone, and a cop sees him what will happen. He is over 18 years old. We live in Ohio.

2007-10-26 18:50:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

she has a felony and it was in chicago illinios

2007-10-26 18:43:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Americans objectify women. Women are led to believe their worth is based on looks, playboy covers not on character or intelligence. Anna Nicole Smith, Monroe & Brittney r revered. If your not size 6 or under, your looked down upon.
Americans wont even let a woman be President. Many women have tried to run, but y have no females won?
R u telling me that over 200 years of freedom and not 1 female was good enough to be president in this free country??

Muslim &3rd world countries have had female Presidents/Prime Ministers You'd think USA where everyone should be equal would have caught up.

Those who say Muslim men stone/abuse their women: American men don't have to abuse their women. The women are already abusing their own bodies. A false sense of freedom when they say women can choose. YET.American females starve themselves(by CHOICE?) to death and engage in self destructive, promiscuity(getting diseases) and imposing silicone and unnatural substances in their bodies to be accepted.

2007-10-26 18:41:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I mean we spend a lot of money on burning fireworks would'nt that same money if saved would benefit us in the long run.

2007-10-26 18:41:29 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

im 16 years old and i was wondering if my parents will be notified about the ticket if i go to the court house and pay it myself.

2007-10-26 18:37:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police


2007-10-26 18:36:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I thought basic was only 9 weeks. Why is my husband going for 13?

On the internet it states that the AIT training for a Petroleum Supply Specialist is only 8 weeks. Why does his paperwork say 16 weeks?

When do the checks come in for him being on active duty? Is it the end of the month? Do they take a long time to start paying or is it a immediate thing?

How much more would we get if he is married and I am considered a dependent?

Please Help! Thanks!

2007-10-26 18:34:29 · 8 answers · asked by Amy Dean 2 in Military

felony counterfeit of five dollar bills with no evidence

2007-10-26 18:25:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

roommates, Los Angeles, Rental laws, roommate dispute

2007-10-26 18:23:00 · 9 answers · asked by Milo. 1 in Law & Ethics

hi everyone,
i am a citizen of India applying for graduate study in a college in the united states. they asked me whether i was an "International citizen" or a "Non-citizen".
Well, what exactly is the difference between the two??


2007-10-26 18:22:33 · 4 answers · asked by pumba 2 in Immigration

and dont say dont join either

2007-10-26 18:22:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Here it is in black and white


I DON'T UNDERSTAND! This is the man that REALLY DID attack us on 9-11 -- Why has Bush diverted ALL OUR RESOURCES away from stopping THE REAL AL QUIEDA???

2007-10-26 18:14:22 · 12 answers · asked by captain_koyk 5 in Politics

2007-10-26 18:14:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

How can you possibly justify voting for a candidate that, without a doubt, will reduce your take home wages by 10% within the first year? With the current budget proposal it would be slightly more than that. I can understand hating Bush, he does not present himself or his values well. But I cannot understand why anyone in my age group would even consider going back to the aggressive taxation of the Clinton and Carter administrations. I would like to find out a reasonable explanation for why the majority of the breadwinners (our group) should bear the brunt of taxation. The Democrats want to repeal the Capital Gains tax and make it ordinary income tax. Do you not have a 401k? The Dems are going after the "trying to get wealthy" not the poor or the wealthy. I just don't understand what ya'll are seeing.

2007-10-26 18:12:54 · 11 answers · asked by Wine and Window Guy 4 in Elections

I want to print in a jacket, t-shirt, sweat pants and sweaters?

2007-10-26 18:07:45 · 18 answers · asked by Grace 2 in Law & Ethics

After receiving several deferments as a student during the Vietnam War, Giuliani applied for an occupational deferment as a law clerk, but his application was rejected. Giuliani appealed the decision, and asked the federal judge he was clerking for to petition the draft board for him.
Source: New York Magazine

During his 1993 mayoral campaign, Giuliani's own paid consultants reported the following as part of a "vulnerability study":

"Giuliani received special treatment from a friendly federal judge to avoid military service during the Vietnam war, when thousands of less fortunate people were dying. Then, as a member of the Justice Department, he hypocritically prosecuted draft dodgers."
Source: D.C. Examiner

2007-10-26 18:05:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

As a negotiator or something.

2007-10-26 18:04:57 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Hillary will lose/win [according to all pollsters whose phony dreams are meaningless] since in reality as Republicans are seasoned administrators. Pollsters are a pipe dream and in real elections Hillary would be routed for all times to come. Is it not correct? On the net folks say something but in real Voting men even if evil win. Women won't for Hillary because of jealousy. Moreover people prefer liars ,cheats and phonies, especially women. So Hillary has no chance that she'll win. Correct?Will you vote in reality? You don't know since you'll change your mind in real voting.Correct?

2007-10-26 18:01:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I am licensed lawyer in the Philippines who desires to work abroad and practice law. I would like to ask whiich countries allow foreign lawyers like Filipinos like me?

2007-10-26 17:59:17 · 5 answers · asked by bud 1 in Law & Ethics

Knowing that Mr. Dobbs is an Independent and he promotes that, I was wondering what you think of him? He is the managing editor of CNN and is very informed. He is careful in what he says and is not a Democrat or Republican. My only issue with registering as an Independent is that I would not be able to vote in the primaries. Aside from that, it appears that 43% of voters have registered as Independents. Mr. Dobbs has an expansive career, drives three hours each way from New Jersey to work in New York each day and is very well spoken. Does anything he says register with you, or do you disagree with his style of presenting the news?

2007-10-26 17:57:13 · 2 answers · asked by Boomer 5 in Elections

or say?

2007-10-26 17:50:48 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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